Urban Brewmaster System

Chapter 192: Miss Li Zifeng is here again

On the third day after Boss Qin came back, he finally took Xiao Hei back from Xue'er. Although the little guy was stuck on the "soft bed" and could not leave, he was still dragged down by Boss Qin, of course. The scene... it's also something...

   After this incident, Qin Feng has been obedient and will never sleep with this kid. He has his own bed and has to sleep in his arms. What's wrong!

Moreover, boss Qin ordered Xiao Hei to have grown up because he wanted to drink, so he had to rely on his own abilities to drink. Therefore, now the drinkers who come to Jiuxianju to drink every day can see that boss Qin’s There is a lucky cat played by a puppy on the counter... it's still alive!

   Qin Feng stipulated that every day from Zhou Ling's arrival, to the end of the evening business, you must lie there as a lucky cat, otherwise you will not drink alcohol!

  Under this kind of oppression, under this kind of oppression, Uncle Xiaohei said...I'll confuse this wave first.

   Correspondingly, every time Xueer comes to drink, he will inevitably accuse Qin Feng, and even a dog will not let go...

   Qin Feng didn't have a girlfriend in the past, but now I am very calm, I have a girlfriend, so you can say, anyway, I don't lose a piece of meat, every time Xue Erqi's face turns red.

   On this day, Qin Feng sat at the counter and looked at the books as usual. His current life is very regular. He sells alcohol during the day, reads books in his free time, and experimented with the contents of the books at night.

   Anyway, there are materials provided by the system, experiment after experiment, and according to some hints of the system, after becoming an apprentice of wine making, he can improve the wine made by the brewing machine, such as pear white!

   It is said that the wine made by the top brew masters is many times better than the wine made by the brewing machine, and it uses the same materials.

   Qin Feng said he didn't believe it at the beginning, but as his brewing skills improved, he gradually realized that even if the wine brewed by the machine is followed by steps, it is at best the so-called peak of the human world in the system.

   In the hands of top masters, using these same materials to brew wine, the taste can match that of spirit wine!

   The reason why the spirit wine could not be brewed directly from these materials was not stated by the system. According to Qin Feng's guess, it might be because of the lack of key ingredients that the spirit wine could not be brewed.

   But now these are too far away from him, so I can only work hard to improve my skills first. I have been running a pub for almost half a year, and I am still a brewer, how can this be tolerated!

   Even the apprentice brewer is not very good, but he is better than Xiao Bai, what the **** is Xiao Bai!

   It is the morning, the morning of the working day, so few people come to drink, and Qin Feng is happy.

  If he had been before, he would definitely go to the door to read, but it was already cold, and only in the tavern could he feel the temperature adjusted by the system, so Qin Feng still sat at the counter.

   At this moment, the door was pushed open, and a man who looked very masculine in his clothes walked in.

   A black suit collapsed tightly on his body, especially those two arms, Qin Feng wondered if it was thicker than his own legs.

   After thinking about it for a long time, the physique of Lao Ma was compared with this brother, but Lao Ma was much taller than him.

   "Are you the boss here?" The man asked directly as soon as he walked in, his voice was like a great bell.

   Qin Feng nodded and said nothing, he had always been rude to such an impolite guy.

   Xu realized that what he said just now was a bit impolite, and the big man lowered his voice and laughed: "Boss Qin, right? I, I want to talk to you today and hope you can agree."

   Qin Feng was noncommittal, but just said: "But it doesn't matter if you say it, as for whether you can answer or not, don't mention it first."

The big man smiled and didn’t care. He seemed to think that Qin Feng would agree to the same saying: “Then I’ll just say it, boss Qin, I’m in an entertainment company now, and our company intends to hype a female star under it. It just so happens that this pub here has a high exposure some time ago, so we want to ask you to help us."

   Actually, this big guy didn't say that they had been here some time ago. The female star was Xiaoman, but it was a pity that boss Qin went to Kyoto to be happy at that time and didn't even know about it.

   Qin Feng still asked faintly: "How can I help you?"

   The big man said with joy when he heard the words: "Just let our reporter come in and take a picture of the scene of you chatting with our star. It won't be long. We will definitely satisfy you after the event is over."

   Qin Feng laughed when he heard this. Are these people bullying him and don’t understand anything? Let you shoot, let you write, the ghost knows what you will write in the end!

   After everything is done, I will be satisfied. Whoever negotiates terms is not to put all the benefits on the table. This so-called entertainment company does not take itself seriously!

   Not to mention that they are serious about it. Boss Qin doesn’t plan to agree, so do you give me money? We are not short of money now.

   Thinking like this, Qin Feng suddenly asked, "Is this brother from the company's security department?"

   The disdain flashed across the big man's face, and he immediately smiled: "The boss is laughing. I am in charge of the negotiation."

   Qin Feng stood up and said, "But I think you belong to the security department, because you have no idea what to talk about. Is this bullying me and knowing nothing?"

   The big man was shocked when he heard this, this boss actually knows this? Didn’t the group of guys in the company say that this is just a little boss~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as long as you give a little benefit, you can settle it?

   The big man wanted to say something, but Qin Feng waved his hand: "If you come for a drink, I welcome it, but if you want to talk about other things, then leave as soon as possible."

   There was no way, but the big man still didn't want to leave just like that. When he came, he said he would take care of the boss in five minutes, but now he has failed.

   But Qin Feng lowered his head to read, but he didn't pay attention to this big man at all. He had developed limbs and his mind was too good. He also said that he was in charge of negotiations. Your boss is so brainy...

   But just at this moment, the door was pushed open again, and a... uh, looking very coquettish man came in from outside.

"Boss Qin, you are finally here. It was so hard to wait for you..." The prolonged tone came from the man's mouth, and with his bright red lips, Qin Feng felt cold and sweaty all at once. NS.

   Li Zifeng...Miss, why is he here again...

   "This lady...We don't seem to be so familiar..." Qin Feng shuddered, feeling that his goose bumps were about to fall off, and the lethality of that "people" was simply too great.

   Li Zifeng twisted his waist and walked over, blinking his eyes as he walked and said: "Don't see outsiders like this, Boss Qin, people have admired you for a long time... la!"

   Qin Feng grabbed Xiao Hei to protect his chest, and looked at Li Zifeng, who was getting closer and closer. How did he feel that something was going to happen today? Which big guy can come and save me...

   Qin Feng looked around to think of a solution, but it seemed that there was no way, but he didn't notice, while the burly man looked at Li Zifeng, there was a...light flashing in his eyes?

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