Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 250: He definitely did it on purpose!

Hearing Qin Feng's words, several people who had been arguing there for a long time to no avail all looked over.

"Mr. Qin, are you going to sell it to me?" Roddy said first.

"Shit! Mr. Qin is obviously going to give it to me, you shameless..." Old man Kenway shouted from the side.

Qin Feng hurriedly said: "Oh, a few of you, listen to me first, although I don’t have much wine here, but if you separate, it will actually be enough for the four of you to drink..."

It really has to be stopped quickly, otherwise the four people will quarrel again if they continue to say this.

"What?" It was Kenway who reacted first and looked at Qin Feng and said, "Mr. Qin, you mean, there is enough wine for the four of us to drink?"

Just kidding, if you have enough, you would have said earlier. As for letting us quarrel here, you are very happy watching us quarrel, isn’t it?

Qin Feng looked at the other people and said with a smile: "Of course it's not. After all, there is not much alcohol. It will definitely not work for a few people to drink enough, but it's okay to have a bite. I won't collect the money. How about a bite each of you?"

After speaking, Boss Qin looked at a few rich men indifferently, see, what is the real value of money as dung, I am good, I did not agree to people who want to spend money to buy wine!

Everyone yelled again now. Several people looked at each other and nodded to each other. Although they all wanted to drink more, this is the only way to do this now. After all, this Mr. Qin said.

"Mr. Qin, you are really too polite. Really, you are the most generous oriental man I have ever seen!" Roddy exclaimed.

"That's right, Mr. Qin, you are really a good person!" Old man Kenway praised there.

"A few of you are too acclaimed, the cup, bring it over, I'll pour you wine!" Boss Qin waved his hand and smiled. I like you to tell the truth. Those guys in Jiuxianjuli don't know the goods at first sight. I'm so The handsome boss, how could he be a bad guy, or these few have foresight!

Seeing Qin Feng pouring wine for a few rich men there, the smiling asked God, who had been observing secretly next to him, looked at each other and said with a helpless smile: "Look, there are people who have been tricked by Boss Qin and said that Boss Qin is the most generous Easterner...Wait, when he gets to the tavern, you will find out how generous Boss Qin is..."

Then he pursed his mouth and smiled deeply, thinking that the name you asked for money was for nothing? As the saying goes, only the wrong name is used, there is no wrong nickname!

Qin Feng poured a little into the four people's wine glasses, which was just enough for one sip. With the help of the system, it was absolutely the most even. After all, there was only this in the wine gourd.

And as the four glasses of wine were poured, the extreme aroma of the wine began to radiate again, making some wealthy people who were still onlookers too hot. Some looked inside and wanted to grab it.

It's a pity that they all waited and watched and didn't go up, so it's not embarrassing now, plus that Mr. Qin also said that he only had enough for four people, and they couldn't drink it up.

The four old man Kenway took the wine, they were really excited, they were not short of money, it can be said that they only have this hobby in their life, and they can't move their feet directly with good wine.

After a bite, the mouth is full of fragrance... The four people closed their eyes and felt the ultimate taste of the wine, opened their eyes, and there was a hint of inexplicability on their faces.

This wine is so beautiful, it seems that it is not the wine of the world, and it feels like a dream after a sip.

It's just that... the few people looked at each other and licked their lips at the same time. This wine is really good, but only one mouthful, let alone enjoyable, then the wine bug in the stomach was hooked up!

"Mr. Qin, is there really nowhere for you? I especially want to have another sip now, this wine is the best wine I have ever seen in my life!" Old man Kenway sighed there, with a hint of his tone in his tone. Inexplicable.

"Yes, Boss Qin, is there really no more? Just a little bit, just a little bit, oh my god, I really want to have another bite..." Roddy said the same, the drunkenness on his face everyone Can tell.

The color in Qin Feng's eyes flashed by, what I wanted was such an effect, or else what would I do so hard? You, the boss, are willing to talk to you for so long.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Kenway, I really don't have any here..." Qin Feng turned the wine gourd upside down and gestured, letting the other party see clearly that there was indeed no drop in it.

The faces of several people showed disappointed expressions, which surprised the rich people who were still waiting around.

Looking at the little wine gourd like a work of art, each other is guessing, that kind of wine...is it really that good to drink?

If these people are ordinary people, then everyone will think that they are acting together for hype, but looking at the identities of the people, it is absolutely impossible to do this!

Especially the old man Kody, who is a famous financial tycoon in the United States. It is said that he will not spend his money for a few lifetimes, and it is unreasonable that he will hype for a kind of wine.

Old man Kenway was very disappointed, but at this moment he thought of Qin Feng's previous sentence and immediately asked: "Mr. Qin, you seem to have said before that this wine is also at the auction tomorrow?"

Old man Kenway regretted it after asking this sentence. Why should I ask this question? Others don’t know that I will buy it by myself tomorrow. It’s meow...

Hearing the words of the old man Kenway, Roddy and the others also looked over, and there was excitement in their eyes. If this is true at the auction, they will definitely not let it go!

"Of course it is Mr. Kenway. This wine did participate in the auction. There are three pots!" Qin Feng said with a smile on his face.

After Qin Feng stopped, all of the people's breath began to thicken. I couldn't imagine that there would be three pots. They felt so satisfied just after taking a sip. If the three pots were drunk...

Oh my god, this must be a gift from you, no, I must get this kind of wine tomorrow!

The surrounding people who ate melons also heard this, and their eyes became inexplicable. They can't drink it here, so they will definitely be available at auctions. We have to see what is so good about this wine!

After knowing the news, everyone naturally didn't have any interest in continuing to chat, especially the Kenway four. Now they look at each other's eyes are not right.

Under this circumstance, everyone has already understood that they are definitely competitors, and they are all drunkards. Such a good wine must never be given to others!

Therefore, they all said goodbye to each other after a few words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As for Qin Feng...They all agreed and did not say.

These rich men are all grown-ups. Just now they were obsessed with fine wine and couldn't help themselves, but after calming down later, I think carefully, this Mr. Qin definitely has something to do with the auctioned wine!

They don't know what the relationship is, of course, it doesn't matter anymore, as long as you can drink the wine again, it's nothing to be routine.

Next to him, the laughing boss listened to these rich men starting to talk about the wine in the ten kinds of wine, and said with a dazed expression: "Boss Qin did it on purpose, right? He really did it on purpose!"

At the scene, in addition to these rich people, there are nine other wine owners who participated in the auction. This will also look at each other. The guy planned a perfect advertisement under their noses. It is ridiculous that they thought that the guy was not right before. I mixed in and ate...

It's really hateful, no, the company's advertising planners are all doing it!

Boss Qin: "I said it was an accident before, do you believe it?"

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