Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 269: 1 mouthful of old blood


A joke is a joke, a group of drunks in the tavern were surprised that Boss Qin released a new wine so quickly. Just kidding, this is Boss Qin. Isn't the rate of new wine being released at the same rate as a certain author? How can it be so fast!

"Boss Qin, did you really have a new wine?" Smiling asked Cangtian suspiciously: "You didn't mean to say that because you wanted to cheat me."

"How is it possible, am I such a person? When did I lie to people!" Boss Qin walked out of the counter and sat aside casually, with a serious expression on his face.

Drunkards: Haha... Boss Qin didn't lie to others, the sows have all gone up the tree.

Regarding the suspicion on everyone’s faces, Boss Qin didn’t see it, and said directly: “I really have a new wine. If you don’t believe it, you can try it. It tastes very good!”

Hearing what Boss Qin said, a group of drunkards looked at each other and felt something was wrong again. What was the situation, Boss Qin took the initiative to let us taste his wine? Is this the boss Qin who is desperate for money?

Think about him at the beginning, ah, to participate in a cocktail party, you have to ask people if they will pay...Heaven and earth conscience, it's not bad if they didn't ask you to participate in the competition, you still think they don't pay...

But before everyone's doubts were said, the boss Qin in front of him said again: "Oh, yes, the wine has not been out of the altar yet, so if you want to drink it, you have to wait two days."

The level of sober wine is not as good as that of Baihua wine, and is probably about the same as Xuanbing wine Bihuo wine, so it takes three days to brew, except today, it only needs to wait another two days.

Cut... I thought Boss Qin was kind-hearted today. Unexpectedly, he drew a big cake. Everyone expressed no interest.

A group of people who are drunk and die for a long time haven’t seen each other for a long time, so they need to get together, so they started talking and laughing there soon, chatting and chatting well, drinking is good, not to say anything else, of course, and Xueerguang Mijiu are both Drank three pots...

That is to say, there is no restriction on the wine now, otherwise it would never be possible to drink it happily in Jiu Xian Ju.

Drinkers are constantly coming. What surprised everyone most is that the wine that was sold at a high price at the auction was quite expensive in Jiuxianju, but it still seemed acceptable!

Someone couldn't help it, looking at the number of 188888 behind the wine on the wine list at the back. Although a little dizzy, they looked at the counter and asked: "Boss Qin, if you say your wine, is it cheaper... After all, at the auction..."

"And if the boss who photographed the wine comes over and sees this price, how would you explain it?"

They thought that Jiuxianju’s wine was expensive, because there was no comparison. After all, you can only buy this wine with Boss Qin, so you can only accept it.

But this time, with the sky-high price comparison at the auction, everyone realized that Boss Qin's wine... is really cheap. After all, it is a sky-high price of 20 million yuan on one side and more than 100,000 yuan on the other. , This is not comparable at all.

The most important thing is that they know that the pot of wine Boss Qin took to the auction is the same as the wine sold now...

So I am worried now. If the rich American man who photographed the wine knows the situation, will he kill Jiuxianju and have a solo pk with Boss Qin... It is exciting to think about it!

"Huh?" Qin Feng was taken aback when he heard the words, turned his head and looked at the wine list at the back, his face changed suddenly, and he quickly returned to calmness. Then he said, "Oh, you said that price. This is my original price. How can it be low?"

After a pause, Boss Qin seemed to have realized something. He immediately stood up and said with excitement: "Which auctions are not auctions? You regard me Boss Qin as someone. I am the kind of person who just changed it for profit. Is the price of the person? Am I the kind of person who likes money? Am I the kind of person who likes to cheat people? How is that possible!"

This...a group of drunks looked at Boss Qin in front of him, and it looked like what you said...it seemed to make no sense. Boss Qin had been asking for money for a long time.

But here, Boss Qin really has a conscience. Listening to his tone, the price was set at the beginning, and then it was about the auction. As a result, Boss Qin really didn't change the price...

It's really a contradiction. On the one hand, the boss of Qin must compare the baht. He has never looked for a pear-white dollar, and if anyone really gives nine hundred and ninety-nine, he will definitely win a wink.

But now, boss Qin looks so generous

Just one thing, boss Qin seems to be too excited...

"Then what, boss Qin, of course you are not that kind of person anymore, don't get excited, don't get excited, let's sit down and say slowly..." A sister immediately went up and rounded the field.

Keke... Boss Qin sat down and coughed to cover up his embarrassment. After all, he was really a little excited just now.

"Then what, this wine is not too much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you want to drink, hurry up, you have to wait if you are late!" Boss Qin said with an indifferent expression, but in his consciousness, he was already right. The system began to growl.

"I'm going! What are you doing with the system! Why did you order such a low price, 20 million meters... Why did you order a hundred thousand? I'll circle you around..."

Boss Qin felt that his heart was dripping blood. Before the wine was brewed, he sold a pot to Die'er. It was a gift rather than a sale, so there was no price on the wine list at that time.

Then I participated in the auction. To be honest, although the price was negotiated by everyone, it was still beyond Qin Feng’s expectation. After all, it’s really too much. , Also a little bit, drink after having important guests.

I thought that the price of this wine would be set high for a year after the auction event, but Qin Feng just turned around and saw the price, he was immediately stunned, and he didn't bring such a trick!

The system did not pretend to be dead this time, and quickly replied: "This is the price set by the system at the beginning, how could it be lower..."

"Moreover, the system does not have the function that the host thinks, please don't think about it!"

Puff... Boss Qin is about to spit out old blood, but everyone is there now, and swallowed again, feeling that he is really internally injured...

This sentence sounds familiar to him. It seems that he said that before, but now it is used by the system intact.

The most important thing is that if the gang of rich people find out after they come, it really is...

"System, you know that I have a bold idea, husband, why don't you have any trouble, don't you understand?"


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