Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 285: I just want to sleep

The surrounding people who eat melons are okay. After all, they are all people from this country. They are not surprised by this kind of transmission. After all, compared to other experiences of zombies or encounters with ghosts, this is regarded as a pediatrics. NS.

Not to mention the love of people, ghosts, monsters, ghosts, gods and horses, there are simply too many to count.

But Roddy is different. Although he believes in God and goes to church every week, this does not mean that he believes in these existences. After all, he is a science.

As a result, he didn't expect to hear such news today. It was a disaster for his three views.

"Is it really just a bug that healed your friend's injury? The old woman could really control the bug? Nothing happened again?" Roddy asked with a tremor in his voice.

Old Forman smiled: "Of course it is. I don’t have a lie. How could I lie to you after we’ve known each other for so long? We left there directly, and since then I have never even set foot in China. !"

"This time it's also boss Qin's wine that is useful to me, so I came here..."

As he spoke, Old Man Foreman saw Roddy's eyes and immediately said solemnly: "I know what you think, don't make my mind, I tell you I can't go again!"

Roddy suddenly looked up at the sky. He was just trying to ask Old Man Forman to help find a place, but he was immediately found out by others. What should I do now? It is simply difficult to find a small village in the vast mountains. Such as reaching the sky.

Seeing Roddy's eyes, Old Forman smiled again: "And I advise you not to hold too much hope. When I was young, she was already an old woman, and I am old now. I guess that old woman..."

Shaking his head, Foreman again picked up Roddy’s jug and poured himself a bowl of wine. Um... I drank so fast when I said that, but I drank it unknowingly...

Roddy's face is not good, it doesn't need to be, I guess he can only wipe his neck to see the old woman.

Sitting on the seat, Roddy began to think. Although he really likes wine and has no resistance to Boss Qin's wine, after all, he has never encountered such a thing before, so he still needs to think about it.

But after thinking about it, Roddy was going to look for it. Anyway, he has money. He has money. Just hire some "professional" people to go. Well... it's so decided.

After thinking about things, I naturally want to drink. Pick up the jug. Why is it a little light? Turn it over and pour it over. What about my wine?

It's not a good three bowls. Why did I take a sip and there is no wine in this bowl!

Seeing Roddy looking at himself, Old Forman coughed softly, looked up at the sky, his face was an expression that Boss Qin often has, today's wind is so noisy...

"Old man, you return my wine!"

Ignoring the chaos in the tavern, at the counter, Qin Feng was also considering this matter. It was absolutely impossible for him to find this on his own. It hadn't been long since he had just asked for leave. If he asked for leave again, these drunks would have to use a knife.

Besides, who is he, Boss Qin, no one who is a boss goes to work in person these years, I haven't seen that Boss Qin hasn't even got out of the counter easily since he had Su Xiaoli!

This Roddy will definitely find it, so let him find it first. By the way, he can also inform vampires and werewolves. After all...this kind of thing involving supernatural power still needs to be handled by professional people.

Roddy and his party drank the wine and left the tavern. After all, it would be useless to stay there. Boss Qin couldn't sell them anymore, not to mention that there were still people outside.

Qin Feng continued to taste his wine at the counter, but soon, the cold voice of the system interrupted his thoughts.

"The quest'Children Need to Be Famous and Drinking Must Be Drunk' has been released. Please check it out on the task panel in time for the host!"

Ah? Here comes a new task? However, it seems that it is the same as what I thought, if I can't brew monkey wine, I guess there will still be tasks, but I still can't upgrade.

Now I have collected six materials, and the seventh has a clue. The progress is pretty good, but let’s take a look at the new task first.

With a movement of consciousness, the task panel appeared in front of him, and the tasks below were still inherent, and the newly appeared tasks were refreshed on the top.

Task: Children need to be famous, wine needs to be drunk

Objective: Let twenty influential people praise your wine within one month, no less than 800 words!

The task is clear: Hello everyone is really good, whether she is good or me, let everyone praise your bar!

Task progress: 0/20

Seeing this task, Qin Feng was stunned for a while and asked twenty influential people to praise my wine? Not less than 800 words? What the **** is this, just praise, the most important thing is not less than 800 words, you should write a composition for the college entrance examination!

In addition, what is the requirement for great influence? What is great influence?

This doesn't work, you have to ask the system clearly, before this guy pretends to be a dead dog.

The system's response was quick: "The person who the host thinks has great influence, that is, the person with great influence."

Qin Feng's face has turned black. Doesn't it mean nothing? I will agree with it when you don't agree. What if you don't agree...

Although there is no perverted requirement of "beauty" this time, it is still very awkward, let everyone praise you, not less than 800 words, that influential person will be so idle...

Looking at the crowd in the tavern, boss Qin couldn't help but fall into contemplation...


Zhang Ze feels very bad now, very bad!

The school definitely does not allow drinking, so he stayed at home last night. This morning his mother poured him a pot of wine before letting him come. The conscience of heaven and earth has never seen such a pitted son...

Who has ever seen his son give back alcohol, and so did my mother, who actually listened to a liar.

But when I set off, I still had a good time. After all... I have a reason to sleep today. You let me drink a pot of wine. Then I can’t do anything about sleeping in class. It’s not to blame me at all.

When the teacher informs the parents, I will not be scolded.

Just think about it now, I was really naive...

This is already the third class in the morning. I am not at all sleepy. If I don’t use the third class as usual, as long as the bell rings in the first class, I’ll fight with my eyelids. It’s a conditioned reflex. !

As a result, it’s the third class today. I am still full of energy and want to go to bed, but I can’t do it at all. I even feel that the lecture from the teacher on the podium is so moving...

Shaking his fat head vigorously, Zhang Ze looked at the sky, he must be crazy...

The morning class is over. After dinner, everyone goes back to the dormitory for lunch. I didn't go to bed until two o'clock last night. UU reading www.uukanshu.com, then the lunch break must be fine today.

As a result... Lying on the bed, with both eyes wide open, I can't sleep...

I drank alcohol in the morning, but it was not a refreshing medicine. How could I not fall asleep?

In the afternoon class, it is reasonable to come to the first class in the afternoon. Many people will be sleepy. However, Zhang Ze stared and felt that he was very energetic. The most important thing was that the lectures taught by the teachers on the podium became more and more vivid...

"Did the sun come out from the west today? Lao Zhang, what's the matter with you!" He woke up at the same table, and when he saw Zhang Ze actually taking notes there, his face was suddenly bewildered.

Zhang Ze looked at the podium, but his face was unlovable: "I, I just want to sleep, do you believe it..."


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