Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 287: 1 wine cross 30,000 miles

In the morning, Mr. Wang got up very early. After all, he is now in the entrepreneurial stage. As the general manager of the company, he must afford to get up earlier. Although he has achieved a little bit now, he still cannot be proud.

President Wang, who has just passed this year, has a face with Chinese characters, is unsmiling, and always looks very serious. For this reason, many young people in the company are a little scared when they see him...

After eating the wife’s breakfast, I drove all the way to the company. The leather shoes were polished. It was like the plague. Mr. Wang had just entered the company. The employees who were still playing there suddenly stopped and hurriedly said hello. .

"Hello, Mr. Wang!"

"Mr. Wang is early!"

For everyone's greetings, Mr. Wang naturally took all the orders, nodded solemnly, and walked towards the office.

Although it has not yet come to work, the big guys have already started to work. After all... the management of others does not care whether you are at work or not. As long as they come, they will start to work.

Mr. Wang glanced at the employees as he walked toward the office. Not bad, everyone is working hard. This is how the new company should be. You can't be proud of a little achievement. It is the kingly way to sink your heart and work hard!

But as he walked, Mr. Wang suddenly stopped, his eyes turned to a young man next to him, and his already dark face suddenly became darker.

When the general manager came, there were naturally many people in the company watching his movements. At this moment, seeing the other side stopped while looking at him, a group of people immediately looked to the side and was taken aback.

That was Xiao Liu, a new employee who had just been recruited and had no idea about the unspoken rules of the company!

When we talk about unspoken rules now, we subconsciously think of male bosses and female secretaries, or male directors and actresses... Don’t laugh, don’t you think about it? Tell me honestly!

However, the unspoken rules actually exist and exist everywhere. Every company in every industry has its own unspoken rules. A person has just entered the society. On the one hand, one needs to understand the unspoken rules. , Because it matters whether you can get a foothold here.

In many cases, the company's unspoken rules are determined by the personality of the company's boss. The boss likes employees to go to work, so employees must pretend to be at work no matter what, at least they are going to work.

Mr. Wang is such a boss. What he wants to see is that as long as he is in the company, everyone must work well. Because of this, the company has formed a hidden rule. As long as Mr. Wang is there, no matter whether he is working or not, Go to work!

This is how Xiao Liu is. He just graduated from university and no one taught him these things. This will still be there to scan Weibo.

Seeing Mr. Wang staring at Xiao Liu, his close colleague next to him hurriedly touched him, and whispered: "Don't look, Mr. Wang is here, right behind you!"

Xiao Liu was shocked when he heard this, and he quickly stood up and took a look. He immediately saw Mr. Wang's serious eyes. He didn't know what was going on, and he stood there a bit dumbfounded.

"What are you doing?" Mr. Wang asked aloud, his tone even more serious.

"Ah, Mr. Wang, I'm... I'm on Weibo..." Xiao Liu was still confused, not knowing where he had done something wrong.

"Browsing Weibo?" Mr. Wang's voice increased eight degrees: "You just used Weibo when you came in the morning? Didn't you see everyone starting to work?"

"This..." Xiao Liu came to his senses, but still said: "Mr. Wang, but...but we go to work at nine o'clock, and it's not working time yet..."

As soon as the words were spoken, the surrounding crowd stopped watching. Even the colleague who had reminded Xiao Liu before stepped aside. The answer was simple. They all believed that the newcomer was definitely fired.

The so-called unspoken rules are potential rules, rules that cannot be seen, maybe everyone will follow them, but if you get it on the table, no one can say, including the makers of the unspoken rules!

The same is true for Mr. Wang.

His face changed a few times, and finally he said, "You come to my office."

It is impossible for him to say to the public that our company's unspoken rules are like this. In that case, what to do with the company's articles of association, after all, it is stipulated to go to work at nine o'clock!

Although Xiao Liu is a newcomer, but now he also realizes something, in the company, you actually talked about the rules with the boss... No matter what the situation, what the leader said is the rules!

Looking left and right, none of the surrounding colleagues looked at him, all of them avoided his gaze, and Xiao Liu's face suddenly turned pale...

When Xiao Liu’s colleagues watched him walk in, they all showed interesting expressions on their faces. Seeing others being criticized, scolded, and fired, everyone was very happy...

Within five minutes, Xiao Liu walked out of the general manager's office and went straight back to his seat. Something that surprised everyone happened. Xiao Liu sat there and started working. Shouldn't he pack his things and leave immediately?

"Xiao Liu, what did the boss say to you?" someone came up and asked, pretending to be concerned.

Hearing that Xiao Liu stopped his work, he touched his head and said: "I don't know, just go in. The boss asked me what Weibo I posted. I showed the Weibo to the boss, and then he said let I came out to work hard..."

What can he say, he is also very dazed, originally thought that the job was going to be yellow, but the thunder and the rain were a little bit smaller...

At this time in the general manager's office, Mr. Wang looked at an article on Weibo and said with a dull look: "Little raccoon actually posted on Weibo, what's the situation? Didn't she quit!"

Yes, no one knows that the most unsmiling and serious president Wang ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ actually still has a pink girlish heart. When Su Xiaoli's movie was released at that time, he immediately became a fan, and it was that kind. Extremely crazy fans...

It's just that, because of his identity, he can't express his identity, so he can only look at the photos in private, which is extremely uncomfortable.

Just now, Xiao Liu showed him Weibo, but he saw that Su Xiaoli had been updated at a glance, and he immediately let the kid go back to work. The father wants to read Su Xiaoli's Weibo. Who cares about talking nonsense with you!

The Weibo that Su Xiaoli updated this time is very long, really very long. After careful calculation, there is actually a college entrance examination composition that is so long!

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the entire Weibo post is actually complimenting the Jiuxianju!

Although everyone knows that you were kidnapped by the owner of Jiuxianju to work as a waiter, there is no need to boast, ah, take a look, take a look at these words, what kind of wine is 30,000 miles in the air, and a wine is fragrant in nineteen states... …This is a bit too much. Hey!

After finally suppressing Tucao's heart, Mr. Wang clicked on the comment below, and suddenly felt a little dizzy again.

"Little raccoon's hand": Ma Ma, here is a corpse fraud!

"Little raccoon's first fan": Cheating corpse +1, Xiao raccoon dare to come back!

The following series of comments are basically about this aspect. At that time, Su Xiaoli suddenly posted a Weibo retreat because he found Lingjiu, and then disappeared, leaving a group of fans confounded.

Who knew that at this inexplicable time, Su Xiaoli actually posted another Weibo!

Mr. Wang smiled and logged in to his account "Little raccoon queen I love you". Okay, I'm a little bit ashamed. This is absolutely impossible to be seen!

"Little raccoon queen, I love you": Feed the demon and demon spirit, there are corpses here...I really don't lie to you!

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