Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 299: how is this possible!

Seeing the reaction of Qin's boss, Zhao Wen smiled slightly. This kind of reaction was safe in her expectation.

She had understood well before she came here, and if she wanted this boss Qin to help, there was only one way, and that was fine wine, and it was a fine wine he had never seen before.

Although during the investigation, many people have said that boss Qin is also very nicknamed "death for money", and what he is the master who can't move when he sees money.

Zhao Wen sneered at such words, she was really stupid, if boss Qin really wanted money, then he couldn't really stick to the rules in the tavern!

To be honest, it is very common to announce what rules are in your store when it opens. Many stores will do this for a simple purpose, just for hype.

Under such circumstances, the so-called rules will not last long, because since they are rules, it will affect the business, and if you open the door to do business, your business will be good.

In today's society, it is possible to continue to implement the rules of the ancestors like Boss Qin. According to Zhao Wen, there is only Jiuxianju, which is a rule that really adheres to before knowing how much money!

With a slight smile on her face, Zhao Wen said, "Boss Qin, what do you think about my son..."

"How do these guys know to take advantage of the fire..." Boss Qin murmured there, but he couldn't help it if he knew the other party was deliberate. Who made him like drinking?

As for whether the other party will lie to himself... if Boss Qin really is him, he can't investigate. If he dares to lie to him, then it is absolutely impossible to buy a pot of wine in Jiuxianju!

"Go ahead, what's wrong with your son? Hasn't he already sold you a sober drink!" Boss Qin asked as if he was appointed.

Seeing Boss Qin's eyes, Zhao Wen was a little embarrassed and couldn't say it. After all, she had said before that as long as her son's health is getting better, his academic performance is not a problem.

As a result, my son can't learn how to study now, so he can only come here to ask Boss Qin for help. This inconsistent remark makes her how to say...

However, because of the loss of his son's face, Zhao Wen said directly: "Boss Qin, it's like this..."

Zhao Wen then talked about Zhang Ze’s situation again, focusing on one thing. Her son is no longer sleeping and is already studying hard, but his grades are worse than before...

"So I don't know what's going on. According to reason, my son is very smart..." Zhao Wen wondered there.

Pouch... Boss Qin's mouth spit out and looked up at the aunt. This is still not clear. How should I know now? There is only one reason, that is, your son is really not smart...

But Qin Feng would not say this. Although the aunt in front of him always looks a bit... annoying, but how to say it, pity the parents of the world, in the eyes of his mother, no matter what his son Are the smartest!

For example, Lao Jiujian, every time I go home and live for a few days, my mother at home complains every day that she is too fat, but she cooks a table of meat...what can I say, I am very desperate, and if I don’t eat it, wouldn’t it be a waste? NS……

Cough cough and get back to the subject, after hearing what Zhao Wen said, boss Qin also sighed secretly there, goddamn, if it hadn't been for making calamus wine by himself this time, wouldn't it be impossible to help.

The problem of poor study has been an unsolvable problem. After all, if you have good students, you will have bad students. Otherwise, what's the point of arranging grades?

In Zhao Wen's hopeful eyes, Boss Qin said after hesitating for a while: "Well, this matter... Actually, it's not too difficult."

Zhao Wen, who was only here for a try, was overjoyed when he heard Qin Feng's words: "Ah? Really, boss Qin, do you really have a way?"

"Of course, in my Qin Feng's eyes, these are all trivial things and clouds..." Boss Qin waved his hand: "You bring your son to my tavern to drink this wine, it is effective for safekeeping!"

Seeing Boss Qin pointed to the calamus on the back of the wine list, Zhao Wen was taken aback, isn't it Boss Qin, do you really want to drink?

Zhao Wen hasn’t said anything yet. The melon-eating people who had been eavesdropping by Jiu Xian Ju Li couldn’t help it at that time. Although everyone was an old drinker, although everyone knew that Boss Qin’s wine was always amazing, but It doesn't make sense that students can get better after drinking their grades!

So how can you study hard like this? What do you let those schoolmasters do? People study hard for three years to pretend to be after the college entrance examination!

What do you do if you make people like this, and still learn... learn a fart!

Therefore, someone stood up immediately, looked at Qin Feng at the counter and asked: "Boss Qin, I heard nothing wrong just now... You said that the child who did not learn well can learn to change after drinking your wine. it is good?"

Qin Feng looked at each other, Chang, a regular customer in the tavern. It is said that his granddaughter is taking the college entrance examination this year. It is said that the grades are very good.

As for how it is said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it is naturally blown out. The old man can only blow a wave of his grandchildren’s academic records. The granddaughter is a schoolmaster and this kind of thing can make him in the tavern. Blow for three years.

Therefore, I couldn't sit still when I heard what Boss Qin said. If he can study well if he drinks a drink, how can he play it in the future... If others say that, he must think it is a liar, but this is Boss Qin!

After all, Boss Qin’s name isn’t an illusion. A lot of people suspected the wine before, but now those people are also sitting obediently in the tavern.

Faced with the usual problem, Boss Qin immediately denied: "Don't talk nonsense, I didn't say this, be careful I sue you for slander!"

That’s right, I just promised that this wine can solve Zhao Wen’s son’s problem. Who said that after drinking this wine, learning can become better? Hard work is always the most important factor. Less.

Being stunned by Boss Qin, Chang can only sit down in anguish, but he is still muttering, Boss Qin, what you said is exactly what you meant, and why don't people tell the truth...

Although she didn't understand the method given by boss Qin, Zhao Wen decided to follow suit. Anyhow, she was a dead horse doctor. Her son had no choice now.

As for the excitement of the melon-eating people in Jiu Xian Ju Li, Zhao Wen didn’t care at all. Whether you believe it or not is your business,

After thinking about it, Zhao Wen asked, "Boss Qin, that... must I get it from your store? Can't that kind of wine be brought out? My son is currently undergoing the most intense review. It is a waste of time to come here... …"

Qin Feng didn't say anything when he heard this. He just looked at Zhao Wen with his eyes, meaning and clear. According to your words, is your son's study still at this point in time?

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