Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 313: College entrance examination is coming

The college entrance examination, the first obstacle in life, is hailed as a test to change destiny!

Although in recent years there have always been talks about the uselessness of studying, I have to say that the college entrance examination is still useful for the underachievers, and a good university is still very helpful to you.

As for those who say that college students are all rubbish, there is no way. Since the expansion of college enrollment, there have been too many college students. When the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds, let alone people!

The seniors always say something, you don’t have to study hard when you go to university. Sixty ten thousand years old is more than a waste...

However, the fact is that you should study hard after you go to university, because universities are more self-study, and there are too few things in the classroom, which leads many people to think that university is easy.

In the tavern, boss Qin put down his cell phone and sighed deeply: "I think I was in college, if Lingyun asked me to play with her every day, I should at least be able to go to graduate school..."

Little Limeizhi directly ignored the boss Qin's nerves from time to time.

If you have this ability, you should go talk to your girlfriend, what is it to say in front of me, huh, man.

For the first time, Qin Feng went online this time to look at the recent incident, and after careful study, he came to only one conclusion: these Diao people are slandering me again.

But forget it, I won't hold you accountable because of the face of your people.

In fact, Boss Qin himself was a bit dazed about Zhang Ze's success in the exam. He knew better than anyone else that sobering wine was just energizing, and he wouldn't feel sleepy even if he didn't sleep for a few days.

And calamus wine is not to mention, it will make people smart, but how to say, there are many smart people in this world, there are many children, who are said to be smart since childhood, that is indeed smart, do some questions The speed is very fast.

But you don't have to be smart to get good grades. Compared with being smart, hard work is the most important thing!

Looks like that little fat guy doesn't look like he can be diligent. Boss Qin said he was very puzzled. It seemed that this would cause everyone to misunderstand... But it doesn't matter, just misunderstand.

It’s just that a pot of calamus wine is only sold now. There is a problem. This is not like Baihua wine. Even though Baihua wine is more expensive than calamus wine, people continue to buy it.

After all, the audience is different. Look at the cosmetics bags, even if they are more expensive, some people still buy them.

As for the calamus wine, the current effect is unknown. It is useless to just say that it can make people smart.

This silly fork system always says that there are so many wines and cattle, and it doesn’t look at what age it is now, and it doesn’t know how to catch the psychology of the drinkers...

Boss Qin was thinking wildly at the counter, and suddenly, the voice of the system sounded again.

"Because of the host’s thoughts, the mission ‘Sales Doubled’ has been released, please check it in the quest panel by the host..."

Uh-huh? Boss Qin immediately looked dumbfounded. What kind of situation is this? What is it that because of the host's thoughts, I can come up with new tasks when I think about it together? As for the system, is it too random for you to publish tasks now, bastard!

But it's useless to complain. Let's go and check the task. Open the task panel to see. The tasks below remain unchanged, and the new tasks on the top have been refreshed.

Task: double sales

Mission goal: sell 20 pots of calamus wine in one week!

Task description: The sales volume of calamus wine is too low now. As a qualified wine fairy, how can there be shortcomings? Work hard!

Task progress: 0/20

Note: Because the host’s current production cannot be updated, the licensed host can start the mission after having enough 20 pots of calamus wine.

Seeing this task, Qin Feng was stunned for five minutes before he could react. This is really because he was thinking about it!

Didn't you just think about it and only sold a pot of calamus wine recently, did you give such a task?

"System, isn't it a bit of a playful thing... At any rate, there is a reason for the beauty mission before, what is the reason?" Boss Qin asked there before giving up the struggle.

However... the system that had always asked to answer before this time did not say a word, and began to pretend to be dead again.

"Hey system, we're all one. If we don't want to retaliate, we just scolded the silly system..."

It's a pity that boss Qin said nothing, the system still said nothing, leaving him directly helpless.

Forget it, let's study how to complete the task, and start the task after I have accumulated 20 pots. Fortunately, I didn't start directly, or else I would play a hammer and just admit the failure.

Boss Qin was there thinking about how to complete the task, and across the country, the college entrance examination has already begun.

In Kyoto No. 2 Middle School, Zhang Ze’s examination school had already been closed on both sides of the school, and motor vehicles were not allowed to pass. At the gate of the school, there were a lot of parents guarding them, waiting there eagerly.

Of course, Zhao Wen was also waiting outside. She was very pleased with the improvement of her son's academic performance. Since it was revealed on the Internet that she had spent so much money just to get her son to drink, a lot of people immediately began to scold her.

It's a shame to say that a idiot is a fool, so why don't you donate money to mountain children, such as spending money for your son to drink alcohol, let alone donate to the children in the mountains, all kinds of malicious words are directly smashed.

To sum it up, it's just one sentence. I actually believe that drinking a drink can make your grades better. That's definitely a second fool...

Although the mock test results do not explain anything in the eyes of others, Zhao Wen knows that his son can be said to be a waste of sleep and food during this period. It is common to stay up all night and stay up all night.

Moreover, it is absolutely impossible for her son to cheat, and she knows that she has not had any shady with the school, so... Boss Qin’s wine is really effective!

Raising her head, Zhao Wen looked at the rooftop. It seems that this place will become very lively after the results come out...


It was raining heavily outside and covered with dark clouds. It was not an ordinary heavy rain. It was like someone splashing water down with a big basin on it. People were soaked in a few seconds after going out.

Under such circumstances, the nine-headed bird heard the sound coming from outside, he believed his ears, it was definitely the sound of human footsteps!

There was no sound at all in this village~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now suddenly there are more people's footsteps, who is the other party? Would it be possible to enter the mountain in this weather... is it also the same mission as their Nine-Headed Bird Team?

It’s just that the gold master didn’t say that he entrusted other mercenaries, right?

Unfortunately, there was no response from the outside, but the sound of footsteps became louder and louder, and other people in the team also heard the strange footsteps.

The captain's face became gloomy, and he made a certain gesture with his right hand. Only the team members knew the meaning. That was to prepare weapons and beware.

Finally, the sound of footsteps came to the door, and all the people in the team looked over with solemn expressions. If the captain hadn't given an order, they would have done it directly.

The door opened slightly, a...people walked in, and the Nine-Headed Bird Team looked over, and was shocked!

I saw a man with blond hair and a night gown like a gentleman who was about to go to a banquet came in. More importantly, there was a goblet in his right hand, which was filled with it. Bright red liquid! Reading Net

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