Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 318: What a coincidence

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Seeing such a gray-haired old man holding pieces of wooden door fragments there, all sorts of surprises and even kept leaning on it to smell it, the crowd eating melons next to the tavern was a little confused.

Did this uncle suddenly lose heart? Otherwise, how could he suddenly go up and make such a move.

I don’t know how long the wooden door of this Jiuxianju has been. It’s been exposed to the rain every day, so when it’s worn out, you still go up and smell it. What's so good about it...

The tall and thin man looked at Boss Qin, who was still there in the tavern, and then said to the old man: "This... old man, if you want these broken pieces of wood, you can hold it and play with it, so that it won’t block the door. It's like a thing..."

Rao has a deep routine, and he has to speak nicely to the old man. After all, these years, if you say something a little harder, what should you do if the old man suddenly faints?

Even if you have money now, you can buy more than 60,000 yuan a jug of wine for your daughter. Believe it or not, if someone gets dizzy once, you can't even buy 60 yuan of wine...

So the tall and thin man spoke very carefully, but he was interrupted by the old man before he finished speaking.

I saw the old man holding the pieces of wood in his hand and looking at the tall thin man with grief and screaming: "Unlearned and inexperienced guys, you don't even know any broken wood, and you dare to yell here!"

"The young people nowadays, one by one, don't understand anything. This is wine wood, and it's such a good wine wood, it's so broken, alas..."

The tall and thin man was shocked, his wife was shocked, and even the surrounding people eating melons were shocked. Looking at the uncle who kept talking there, they said that they only had one idea. Uncle, what are you talking about? Why can't we understand it?

It just seems to be audible. It seems that the two doors of boss Qin are made of wine wood... But who can tell us what wine wood is?

Pingbai was scolded by the old man. The tall and thin man was very angry there, but he still didn't dare to say loudly. The old man said that he is in his eighties, so don't be familiar with him.

It's just that he is also a little puzzled. What exactly is this wine wood? He is also a rich man. He knows a lot about red sandalwood and yellow pear. How can I never heard of wine wood in the precious wood...

However, the old man continued to hold the fragment of the wooden door and was sad, and he had no idea of ​​explanation.

Fortunately, there were so many people at the scene. The so-called asking Du Niang about something, everyone with so many mobile phones quickly found out what Jiu Mu was.

Soon, there was a burst of inhalation outside the Jiuxianju, and the people who were eating melon looked at the information on the wine on their mobile phones. They were surprised there. This wine is so expensive!

"Look, this was an auction three years ago. It seems that a wine-wood statue with a height as high as a human calf was sold for several million..." someone exclaimed there.

"Yes, and this, this palm-sized wine wood ornament can actually sell for more than a million... Are those people crazy?" Someone was surprised, feeling like he suddenly became a poor person.

Everyone communicated with each other there, and then think about the front door of Boss Qin. It seems that maybe... Boss Qin's door is quite big, and the door made of such a big wine wood... I dare not think about it.

And this wine wood will exude a fine wine fragrance. No wonder, drinking at Jiuxianju feels so good. That's how it turned out. Boss Qin is really proud of using wine wood as the door!

And look at other people, which one is not supplying wine and wood utensils. Usually, I can’t wait to maintain it every day. Boss Qin pours it out. If this door is placed here, he will not have repaired it once. few times……

Boss Qin, why are you so fucking...

Both the tall and thin man and the short fat man have also found the information of Jiu Mu, but the difference is that the face of the short fat man has almost changed to pig liver color. This man, it turns out that the Jiu Mu is fragile in nature, no wonder I It only took 30% of the effort to kick the ground...

It's just... two doors so big, this... how much does it cost?

In just a moment, the short fat man was already sweating profusely. Whoever knew that he suddenly owed a debt of possibly tens of millions of words would be like this, even though he had money, he took out such a large amount of cash. It's also very damaging!

But soon he thought of a way and looked at the old man and said directly: "Hey, who are you? Why do you say that this is Jiu Mu is Jiu Mu, you have to speak with evidence, old man!"

Although he believed that this was true in his heart, he didn't want to owe debts.

However... the old man hadn't spoken yet, and soon someone held up his mobile phone and shouted: "I know who he is. This is Professor Feng, the most famous precious wood expert in China!"

"You said that an expert is an expert, is there any evidence?" The short fat man has already spared his life. Let's be here today. This shameless feeling reminds him of his early spring years, when he was himself Just don't care about the face at all.

It’s only as people get rich that they start to pay attention...

However, they just shook their phone and said, "There are still photos from Du Niang."

Okay, the pudgy man wants to cover his face. This is no longer a shameless solution...

At this time, the old man on the ground, Professor Feng, stood up and glanced at the pudgy man, and then said: "Boss Qin here is the biggest wine tree I have ever seen in my life, so big. Yemu, I was scrapped by you, you...you are a sinner!"

"It looks like you want to lose money. Can this kind of priceless treasure be bought by money? In this world, the broken piece is only one piece less. It's a sin, it's a sin..."

In the tavern, boss Qin widened his eyes and even forgot to eat. He looked at the old man who was crying and scolding others, and said with a dazed expression: "System, this old man was not arranged by you, how could it be such a coincidence? Woolen cloth……"


Hundreds of thousands of mountains, dark clouds, pouring rain!

Even though the nine-headed bird team already considers themselves to be the top team in the world, they still have to carry a lot of equipment when entering the mountain. Needless to say, food and water, all kinds of field equipment are necessary~www.wuxiaspot.com ~After all, they are just people!

But today, they actually met a man in a night gown here. It was incredible. How did he get in here?

Just as Captain Nine Heads was about to say something, he heard Eddie next to him suddenly say: "Captain, look at his clothes and hair..."

Clothes and hair? The evening dress, didn’t you just watch it... Wait!

The captain realized that something was wrong again, but it was raining heavily outside now!

This man didn't have any rain gear in his hand, but there was no rain on his head or body. The evening dress looked just like the new one!

Suddenly encountered such a situation in the mountains, even the Captain Nine Birds was a little flustered, but he calmed down, looked at the man in front of him and said, "Dare to ask you who..."

As long as the other party doesn't do it as soon as they meet, it is easy to handle and can communicate, then everything is fine.

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