Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 323: 3 views crush

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The Nine-Headed Birds certainly didn't know that to them, a man who looked extremely mysterious and incomparable was actually distressed by his spiritual power. After all, they had lost their basic judgment at this time.

The captain took a deep breath. As the top team captain in the world, he is indeed knowledgeable. To put it bluntly, he doesn't know how many people died in his hands.

However, he had never seen this scene before him in his entire life!

This place was originally just an abandoned house in a small mountain village. As a result, the man facing him waved his hand, and it instantly became more gorgeous than any five-star hotel, it was incredible!

To sum it up in a classic sentence, he is not Newton, not Einstein!

But fortunately, he did go north and south, and he had seen a lot of big scenes. Therefore, after taking a few deep breaths, he finally calmed down and greeted the players behind him without looking back: "Everyone, don’t stand. Since this gentleman asked us to sit down, let's sit down..."

At the same time, the nine-headed bird captain himself also came to the table and sat down, also in the middle of one side of the table, facing McAvey on the opposite side...

During this process, his eyes were always staring at the opposite man, and he absolutely couldn't persuade him.

Humph, I'm a proud nine-headed bird, I can't lose face anytime!

However... after sitting down for a long time, Captain Nine Birds was absolutely wrong, because he didn't hear the sound of his players sitting down, and he didn't even see the figures.

What are these guys doing? Captain Nine-headed bird wanted to look back, but after all he made such a compulsion, he can't lose it anyway, so he can only smile awkwardly...

"Sorry, gentleman, they probably didn't hear..." Nine-headed bird explained with a smirk and turned his head, but he was shocked at the sight.

Except for the uncle who was still in a daze, the other four people in his team were all there performing various operations like mountain cannons entering the city. What did you lie on the carpet and watch carefully? What did you raise your necks? Look at the chandelier above...

Captain Nine-headed Bird's face suddenly became darker, and it was embarrassing to think that he was still there just now to save face, because he was sitting opposite him, which means that all of these can be seen...

"Damn Eddie, what are you doing, quickly take your tongue out of the carpet!" Captain Nine-headed bird roared: "There are also you guys, don't be ashamed, just sit down for me."

Hearing the captain's words, Eddie quickly got up from the carpet and walked towards the table. As he walked, he muttered in his mouth, what kind of broken carpet, it tastes a bit salty...

Puff...Prince McAvey, who was sitting across from the captain, couldn't help covering his face. Although the thing felt true, it was actually an illusion...

What is illusion? What is unreal is illusion, don’t you see that it’s written in those novels. Someone enters illusion and thinks they are having **** with a certain beauty, but in fact they are stripping naked and holding an old willow tree there. Crazy Day...

Let us observe three minutes of silence for his brother...

In other words, there is no carpet at all in this underground, what it was like now is still...

Hmm, it seems that the ground was muddy before, and there seems to be a pile of stuff that he doesn't even know what it is. If this guy knows what he is licking in the future, he doesn't know what he will think...it would be very interesting!

Finally everyone was seated, and the captain began to explain his reasoning under McAvey's gesture.

In summary, there are just a few Lai. They are pale and like to wear black evening dresses. They don’t get wet at all on rainy days. What’s more important is that they always have a goblet in their hands with bright red liquid in them, claiming to be That is blood.

After the above reasoning, there is only one guess, this guy is not a human...

"Is there only these?" McAvey asked casually.

With Boss Qin's wine, his life can be extended again, so although he is doing a task now, he is not in a hurry at all.

"That's enough..." The captain said blankly: "Your Excellency, can you give me an answer, are you a legendary vampire?"

This tells him nothing. Vampires have already become a legend. When they found that this world was no longer suitable for their survival, the vampires went into deep sleep and eliminated all traces of existence.

After all, under such circumstances, humans can use their scientific weapons to directly crush these fantasy creatures that can no longer sustain their lives.

But now it's different. With boss Qin's spirit wine support, they can resist one or two even if it is true, but now that the times have changed, the vampires just want to continue to live, nothing more.

So McAvey drank the blood in the cup and said, "Yes, I am a vampire!"

While talking, McAvey showed his fangs!

Hearing this answer, the captain and others' faces all turned white. Although they should be sure after the other party changed this place, they heard the other party's confirmation and saw the iconic fangs, nine-headed bird and others. Still feel incredible.

The legend is actually true!

Now that the vampires are there, what about the other creatures? What werewolves, what witches, don't they all exist!

The nine-headed bird team and others looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes, and it felt like they had witnessed history!

However, before the excitement started, everyone immediately thought of another question. This guy is a vampire. In the legend, a vampire **** human blood!

Moreover, it is said that if you are bitten by a vampire, you will become a vampire!

Thinking of this, everyone slowly prepared to leave, looking at the goblet in the other's hand, suddenly full of fear...

After noticing the gaze of the other people, McAvey looked at the goblet in his hand and suddenly laughed and said, "What do you think? Times have changed. Do you think that vampires now **** blood directly? This is all from us. I bought it from the hospital..."

Hospital, buy...Bought it?

Everyone feels that the three views that they have finally built up are a bit broken...

"Oh~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you want to know these things about vampires, we will have time to talk about in the future. Now let's talk about your tasks..." McAvey put down the goblet in his hand and looked at the nine heads. Captain Bird said.

Our mission? The captain was a little confused, what happened to our mission, could it be...

"You guessed it right, it's your mission goal, otherwise you think I'm doing nothing to do in this mountain, I don't even have a coffin, and I can't sleep well..." Prince McAvey spit out there. .

The coffin... a group of people wiped out their cold sweat secretly, feeling a little bit unable to talk this day.

It's not the same species, the gap is really big, and I don't know how these seniors such as Ning Caichen Xu Xian Niu Lang did it...

"But before that, I still have something to say. I didn't expect to see a Gu Master here. It's not easy, what do you think?" McAvey said, looking towards sitting down. The uncle who was silent in the corner.

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