Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 328: frenzied

Probably during this period of time wandering in the mountains, coupled with the successive encounters of vampires and Gu masters, the three views were broken, and the five Nine Birds stood at the entrance of the Jiuxianju for a long time.

This place is so familiar. Did we have any stories that happened here before?

The Nine-Headed Bird Captain was still thinking about it, and Li behind him whispered: "Boss, this is the tavern..."

He knows other people who don’t know Chinese characters. He won’t forget the three characters of Jiuxianju in his next life. After all, they are genuinely green with green on their heads, and they can’t be washed away!

"That tavern, which one is that?" The captain is still a little confused, or it can be said that he is still immersed in the feeling of discovering the new world.

Think about it, there are so many people in this world, but whoever has seen vampires like them, especially the legendary vampire prince, makes the captain feel like he has walked into history himself.

Li Wei said helplessly: "It's the tavern that turned green on our collective head..."

"Ah? Did you read Li correctly? That's the pub?" The captain said with a dazed expression. In fact, it was just a rhetorical question, because he finally remembered it after Li reminded him.

It’s not just at the entrance of this tavern that Dog Day’s, the nine-headed bird team, which they claim to have never missed, failed to complete the task for the first time. Instead of completing the task, it almost made the headlines at the time...

It’s okay for a person to dye his hair green. Maybe people like this color. It’s okay to dye his neck and hands green. Maybe people are playing art.

But four people, and all men, are all green in his meows. If this is really seen, it will definitely be the rhythm that directly dominates the headlines.

I believe that if this is the case, a certain rock singer has already cried out in the toilet...

Li shrugged there. This kind of question didn't need to be answered at all, because he could see that the captain had remembered it.

And there, the captain's face sank: "In a word of your Huaguo, it's nowhere to be found by breaking through the iron shoes. It takes no effort at all. I originally thought about revenge later!"

The Nine-Headed Bird Team is a mercenary, not a killer, but it never talks about how to escape from a missed hit. It is the right reason to have revenge and resentment.

Long before they were scammed, they vowed to make this crazy boss look good!

It was just that I was busy playing later, and then I took a new task and rushed to do it after I was finished, so I didn't have time. I originally planned to come back after the task was completed, but I didn't expect to encounter it just right!

But at this moment, Li said by his side: "Captain, we are afraid we can't get revenge..."

After finishing talking, he didn't bother to look after the captain's staring eyes, and said again: "Captain, this is the tavern of the boss Qin in his mouth, and that person is also queuing now..."

That's right, the current situation is that Prince McAvey took the five vampires and the uncle Gu master lined up outside the Jiuxianju, this will not be hot, the small breeze is very cool.

Of course, this is not the point. What makes Nine Heads and Five People feel terrified is that the vampire who looks mysterious and powerful is actually very accustomed to queuing!

As a powerful vampire, would you line up quietly outside an ordinary mortal tavern? He wouldn't believe it if he said it to kill the captain!

So there is only one answer, this boss Qin, they can't provoke him at all!

But I feel uncomfortable even after that, after all, I was miserable last time.

The captain's eyes flickered, and then he whispered: "In this way, we will go in for a while and take a look at the situation. If the boss Qin isn't that amazing, we must definitely get revenge!"

This is a routine commonly used by mercenaries, and it can be summed up in four words, bullying the soft and fearing the hard.

The uncle standing in front of the few people also heard this, and looked at Prince McAvey and said, "Don't you stop them? If you offend Boss Qin..."

However, before he finished speaking, McAvey interrupted him: "What did you say? Offend boss Qin? Who offends boss Qin? These guys will be erased by boss Qin in a while. What they are going to do after that is our business..."

The uncle stopped talking immediately, listening to the various things around him, such as "Boss Qin is not a thing", or "Boss Qin is floating again and needs a bit of blade", it is very daunting. The alcoholic and the boss here are in the end. What is the relationship?

Could it be falling in love and killing each other? too terrifying!

There were not many people in front. After waiting for a while, it was finally their turn. McAvey took a few people into the tavern.

Boss Qin was sitting at the counter and flipping through the history of swordsmanship. During this time, he was busy at work and didn't pay attention to it. This was not okay.

"Boss Qin! Boss Qin! I'm bringing you good news!" As soon as McAvey entered the tavern, he walked towards the counter.

Behind him, the uncle and Nine Headed Birds stared at the vampire prince dumbfounded, watching him change from a cold face to a full of flattery in just 0.5 seconds. Looking at those eyes that look like eunuchs, doesn't it mean that vampires are unpredictable?

Are we afraid that we have actually met a fake vampire?

McAvey, of course, no matter what others think of him, he was more afraid of Boss Qin when he was beaten into a pig head by Boss Qin. Anyway, in front of Boss Qin, their vampires always hold the same principle. If they can speak well, they can speak well. Well……

good news? Qin Feng looked up from the history of swordsmanship, and immediately saw McAvey's handsome face,...Ahhhhh, can he have a handsome boss?

Asking this guy to go out is looking for missing materials for monkey wine. Good news... Did he find another one?

With a quick wave of his hand, the sound around the counter was cut off again, and Qin Feng looked at McAvey: "Looking at how happy you are, have you found another material?"

McAvey smiled and said, "That's natural, boss Qin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Look, I found Heliconia..."

While speaking, McAvey took a black ball wrapped in a layer of yellow gauze from his arms and handed it over.

When Qin Feng received it, he didn't need to look at it, and the system had already reminded him that the Heliconia was already in his hand!

Qin Feng's face showed a strange look, it seemed that Roddy was also looking for Heliconia, but he must have hired someone to find it, and then look at the sturdy faces at the back, which looked like hired. Bing guy, could it be cut by McAvey?

But of course his boss Qin wouldn't care about these, no matter who brought it, he promised to give him no less rewards at all!

But when he was about to talk about the reward, he saw McAvey smile and said: "Boss Qin, in addition to the reward, I have something else here. You need to take action... …"

Um? Is this vampire floating, dare to negotiate terms with himself!

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