Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 337: in those days

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Lao Zhou said that his heart was bitter, and I thought about what's wrong with pretending to be a force in front of the girl, as for playing with me like this!

Now, let alone the girl who doesn't believe it, even he doesn't believe it, oh, today is really special, so special that there is nothing you said...

Forget about it, boss Qin quickly walked out with the wine: "Hey, the calamus wine you want!"

This time Lao Zhou didn't say anything, the daughter beside him said with eyes full of little stars: "Boss Qin, can I take a photo with you?"

This is boss Qin! The group of guys in the class talk about Boss Qin every day. If I can take a photo with Boss Qin, I will definitely be envied by those guys...

Lao Zhou's face has become darker, and Tian is pitiful. Since the girl grew up, Jiu has never taken the initiative to take a photo with herself!

At this moment in Lao Zhou's heart, boss Qin's face had already been beaten by him so that Miss Xue could not recognize it...

Qin Feng was stunned when he heard the request, but he glanced at Lao Zhou next to the girl and the black face of Lao Zhou. Boss Qin still said decisively: "No, take a photo, no problem!"

However, before Zhou Xiaorong was happy, I heard boss Qin continue to say: "Ten yuan per person, no credit..."

The little girl rolled her eyes to look at Boss Qin. Why is this idol different from what I thought?

Lao Zhou was very happy on the side. Look, this is the true face of your idol. Originally, I wanted to use some methods to expose the nature of boss Qin asking for money, but he couldn't help it.


A little star appeared in Zhou Xiaorong's eyes again: "It really is boss Qin. No matter what he does, he is so direct. Who can even ask for money? I really admire..."

Lao Zhou: "..." I find that I don't understand what these young people are thinking.

Collecting money to take pictures, Lao Zhou's problem was finally resolved, and more and more alcoholic drinkers finally arrived on the pedestrian street.

Fortunately, Su Xiaoli came back in time, otherwise Qin Feng would be alone, and he would be tired and lying here today.

Among the people who came to buy wine and drink, most of them were parents with children. Boss Qin said he was very pleased.

They are all people who are willing to invest for their children... It seems that the system has lowered the price of calamus wine. If Qin Feng orders him, he will decisively add a zero, hehehe...

It's just that this time the system task only asked him to sell 20 pots of calamus wine, so his boss Qin prepared 20 pots.

No way, people are so honest, selling 20 pots, then only prepare 20 pots, there is no one more pot. After all, these days, people like boss Qin who do business with honesty are really rare. That's it!

Therefore, there are more wolves and less meat, which is not enough. It didn't take long for the twenty pots to be sold out.

"What the hell? Boss Qin, the wine is gone again? You seem to be making me laugh!" A big bald guy with a big five big and three big head shouted at the counter, standing beside him was a boy with the same big big three big head and the same bald head.

No way, the old man was born bald, but he was so happy that he had shaved his head directly when he was in his twenties, and he has continued to this day.

It turns out that he has saved a lot of shampoo for so many years.

When Xiao Duan has grown up, and there are signs of baldness, there is nothing to say, just shave his head!

The whole old section is bare, and there are not even a few eyebrows. Do you dare to have hair in the small section?

Anyway, I also know that the reason for the shaved head is something else. The short section is very tall and magnificent, but I just don’t know how to study.

The teacher teaches others the same question only once. In his case, after ten times, it is still the same. You can’t say it. If you say it, the 1.8-meter post-born would be aggrieved there, and they would seem to wipe their tears. NS……

This makes the old guy upset, thinking that labor and management back then, ah, let’s not talk about that, I have won a lot of first prizes in Mathematical Olympiad. Why don’t you lose your hair when you get to your place?

Short paragraph: Daddy, did you have an Olympiad?

Snapped! Don't interrupt if the adults talk and the kids!

Seeing the look of the old man, some of the new drinkers around suddenly avoided, this guy didn't look like a good person at first glance.

However... the boss Qin at the counter still said with a calm expression: "Yes, no, why am I teasing you? If this wine is available, it will be available, if not, it will be gone. If there is, I will sell you, otherwise I can keep it and give birth..."

The old man was very annoyed and said: "Really gone? How come I am gone when it happens..."

Boss Qin suddenly became a little impatient: "It's really gone. There is no hair. Tell me, do you have any hairs!"

The new drinkers were hiding further away. Boss Qin is dying. Even such a guy would dare to provoke him. I'm not afraid that he will smash your Jiuxianju...

However... the old man shrank his head when he heard Qin Feng's words, "If you don't have it, you won't have it, boss Qin, as for you to say that, it's not my fault that this bald head is."

"Then I want to have hair, too. I think at the beginning, it was also a well-known young queen born in Shili Baxiang..."

Before finishing the old line, he was pulled aside by the old horse: "Every day I want to pretend to be old, and who doesn't know what you did back then..."

"And you, boss Qin said it's gone, then it must be gone, boss Qin is such a sincere person, when did he lie?"

New drinkers: Well, this guy seems to be stronger...

With the old horse, the parents who couldn't buy the wine in the back didn't dare to say anything, they just asked Boss Qin when they could have the wine.

In this regard, boss Qin still replied like that, usually there will be three days later, but if there is an accident, it will be gone. As for the accident... it is naturally that he took time off to accompany his girlfriend.

Lao Ma: Boss Qin, if everyone beats you up for a while, do you think I should look good or look good...

After a period of noisy, the parents who hadn't bought the wine dispersed, and the harmony of the past was restored in the Jiuxianju.

And those parents who drank alcohol~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can’t wait to take their children home. After drinking, they have to go back and study hard. If you fail the exam, your legs will be discounted...

Boss Qin naturally did not pay attention to these. At this moment, his consciousness had already been concentrated on the task panel, and the task of "doubling sales" was completed in just one day!

Task: double sales

Mission goal: sell 20 pots of calamus wine in one week!

Task description: The sales volume of calamus wine is too low now. As a qualified wine fairy, how can there be shortcomings? Work hard!

Task progress: 20/20 (completed)

Look, this task is still quite simple, it feels like sending sub-questions, and it's finished before anything else.

A system prompt sounded in my ears: "It is detected that the task ‘Sales Double’ has been completed. Does the host receive the task reward?"

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