Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 59: Leaders can't enter

Old Xu just sat for about three minutes and felt better again, but because he was still sitting still, he felt a little cold on his body.

He knew very well that he had just sweated, and he might catch a cold when sitting so suddenly, but now he still feels uncomfortable, and he is already sixty years old, and he can't stand up when he sits down.

Therefore, he could only sit for a while with peace of mind, and Old Xu thought in his heart, waiting for the old brother to come over and help him.

But at this moment, the old brother suddenly came over, and while pulling Lao Xu up, he whispered: "Hurry up, I heard that there seems to be a leader here, it is the leader of the government..."

Hearing this, Old Xu got up quickly. If the company knew about this, the fine would not be negotiated!

Forcibly enduring the discomfort and picking up the big broom, Old Xu just wanted to work when he heard the leader say something, and all the sanitation workers around him actually laughed.

Under what circumstances, is this leader telling jokes? It was a bit noisy just now, so he didn't hear what the kind-looking leader said.

And at this moment, the old brother next to him came over with a look of excitement: "Old Xu, don't do it, don't do it, what else are you doing? The leader just said that because the snow is too big, we won't sweep it now. Sweep when the snow stops!"

"And there is a tavern on this street that says it can let us in and have a rest!"

Old Xu was startled when he heard this, but he also smiled immediately. This may be the best news I have heard in this period of time.

As for the tavern where they could rest, Old Xu was not surprised.

In today's society, although there are people who say dark things all day long, I have to say that there are good people no matter what, and at least Lao Xu has met a lot.

He has been a sanitation worker for 20 years, and he has met many well-wishers. Some bought them water, and some asked them to rest in the store. On a hot day, the shopkeeper even put two more fans on purpose.

There are always people scolding these people, saying things for show, posing for pictures, for advertising... Lao Xu had heard such things before, that time he quarreled with the talking guy for a long time.

Maybe they are really doing a show, but I have to say that they really helped them. Those who scold others for doing a show, they don’t even do this show...

Of course, if Lao Xu often surfs the Internet, he will know that there are actually a kind of people in this world who are stunned by the air and all things that can be stunned. Compared with them, Boss Qin is simply a good person among the good people. NS.

The leader personally goes down to the grassroots? Make a show!

Is the leader even at the grassroots level? What kind of rubbish, don't care about the people at all, don't you see that everyone is living in dire straits?

Civil servants drive... That car is absolutely greedy, otherwise he can afford a car?

Civil servants walk or ride a bicycle...showing, and knowing about acting every day, thinking we don’t know what you look like behind you?

In short, the keyboard guys are not questioning, or on the road of questioning. Anyway, as long as there is something, whether it is right or wrong, they must be open to it. As for the results of such online violence, they will not care about these things. .

In short, Lao Xu was very happy now, took all his belongings, followed the old brother all the way forward, and within a few steps, he saw the tavern named Jiuxianju.

Their team is a little behind, so they have to wait until the people in front of them get in before they can get in.

And Lao Xu had been working in the east of the city, so Lao Xu didn't know Jiuxianju, after all, it was too far away from his world...

But at this moment, the old brother beside him suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "It is actually Jiuxianju?"

The old brother’s words contained five points of incredible and five points of excitement, and suddenly made the sanitation workers around the east of the city a little inexplicable. Someone hurriedly asked: "Brother Wang, do you know this place? Is this place famous?"

This kind of time is the best time to dress up. The old brother of Old Xu, that is, Brother Wang, looked around for a week, and immediately someone handed over smoke and fire.

Cigarettes are not good cigarettes. You can buy a box for a few dollars. It is very rushing to smoke, but they like it.

Brother Wang stretched out his chapped hand and lit the cigarette, took a beautiful sip, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to disappear. Then he said: "Look at it. I ask you to pay more attention to the news. I will tell you, this A pub, it’s not only famous in Zhongzhou, it’s famous all over the country in the whole country!"

The group of people around was a little dazed by hearing directly, and Brother Wang was very satisfied with the reaction.

"Brother, isn't it? This tavern doesn't look big..." someone couldn't help asking.

Brother Wang smiled and said, "It's not big, it's really not big, but the wine that can't hold others is expensive. Let me tell you, do you know how much the cheapest wine is? It's tens of thousands!"

"What? Tens of thousands? Who would drink it? This is a black shop. It's not that the brain was kicked by the donkey!" Someone was surprised there.

If boss Qin was here, he would definitely sigh. It would be the worst to misrepresent something. He clearly has cheap wines. How come it’s a black shop. In addition to making his own wine, the cheapest pear white, that’s even one. It's less than a thousand yuan...

"Oh, I just don’t know what you guys have seen. The rich people don’t care about this at all. The business is very good at Jiu Xianju. It’s said that all kinds of celebrity bosses drink here, and they sell the most expensive wine here. , I heard that you can buy a suite in the East China Sea!" Brother Wang said with envy there.

No one spoke anymore. Everyone was shocked by what Brother Wang said. How expensive an apartment in the East China Sea is, no one would dare to think about it. Now I heard that someone sold a suite for a pot of wine. Perhaps it was only at this time that they realized that in this rich world, they really don’t understand...

Brother Wang continued to brag here. Anyway, he didn't break the law. Boss Qin smashed all kinds of alcoholics, including stars and bosses. When he arrived, Boss Qin became Boss Qin. He was a man who regarded money as dung. , So just let those bosses go...

"Then boss Qin is really a good person!" Old Xu said there.

"That must be a good person, if Boss Qin is not a good person, who else is it!" Old Brother Wang said righteously.

Everyone has no opinion on this. Now I will enter the store to rest soon. If anyone dares to say that they are not good people~www.wuxiaspot.com~, they will probably be beaten by everyone...

Especially after Brother Wang’s bragging, this place is now very mysterious in everyone’s minds. They want to come here. Usually all kinds of bosses can enter this place. Today we went in, but after that, there will be Blow!

Brother Wang was still blowing there, but he was quickly interrupted.

"Eh, you guys, hurry in, it's so cold outside, it's fun to freeze, isn't it?" In the company, the little leader who always deducts money on weekdays roared with an ugly face.

Lao Xu and his party dared not speak at all, and hurried to the entrance of Jiuxianju. When they arrived at the entrance, Brother Wang asked the sanitation workers who had just been lined up here.

"Eh, why is he so angry?"

Several sanitation workers secretly looked at the little leader, and then lowered their voices and said, "I heard that boss Qin here only allows sanitation workers to come in, and all leaders are not allowed..."

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