Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 61: Lao Qin's character

It was too sudden. Many people turned their heads to look, only to find that an elderly sanitation worker was sitting there holding his stomach, looking painful, and sweating on his forehead.

A group of people looked at each other, what is the situation, how are they eating and drinking?

A younger one just said, "Is it this wine...", he was immediately slapped on the head by the old sanitation worker next to him, and then he said, "The boss Qin spends so much money to invite us to eat and drink. As for what to use your brains?

Besides, take a look at us, what qualifications do you have to make boss Qin use this crooked brain.

The younger sanitation worker didn't dare to speak anymore. He also saw the wine list just now. This wine and this dish are not cheap. The sanitation workers who came to the tavern today said that there are dozens of numbers. He dare not think about how much money...

With such a problem, Qin Feng naturally couldn't sit still anymore. He hurried out of the counter and came to this elderly sanitation worker.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you?" Qin Feng asked the other sanitation workers as they sat down.

It was Lao Xu who was lying there. Yes, he had a stomachache again, and he didn't know what was going on today. After a while, he couldn't stand the pain all of a sudden.

Looking at the young boss in front of him, Old Xu reluctantly said: "I have an old stomach problem. Maybe I was a little anxious when I drank it just now. Just take a rest and it will cause you trouble, Boss Qin."

Old Xu felt a little ashamed. It was true that he hadn't let go of eating meat and drinking for a while, so he just ate a little in a hurry, such an old man...

The surrounding sanitation workers all sat down, and the old problems are just fine. They also have these old problems more or less on their bodies, such as arm pain, leg pain and stomach pain. That's normal.

Once it starts to hurt, there is no good way, just endure it. In their words, after a short break, it will be fine. Why do you go to the hospital without any serious illness? If you have the spare money, you have to help your son and daughter pay off the mortgage.

The kindergarten is so expensive these days, and their old bones have to work hard to make money...

It turned out to be a stomachache, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, this is also the reason why some restaurants do not do such things. If you eat well and everyone is happy, then it will be fine.

But the eldest among these sanitation workers is in his 70s. After so many years of various diseases, he may faint at every minute, which is troublesome for the bosses.

Although Qin Feng doesn't like trouble, he is still not afraid of trouble. This kind of stomachache can be solved easily by him.

"Uncle, sit down for a while, I'll get you another kind of wine. After drinking it, it doesn't hurt." After speaking, Qin Feng went directly into the brewery and suffered a stomachache. The effect of cornel wine is the best!

This wine is now in Jiuxianju, it has been called the friend of women, and it is called the best partner of women together with the honey wine hawthorn wine. Yes, it is the kind of partner that can replace men...

If your old mother has menstrual pain, let your old mother drink hot water to have an egg. Look at the cornel wine, nothing will happen after a pot of cornel wine. What use is it for your boyfriend, it's not as good as a cucumber!

Lao Xu and the surrounding sanitation workers are a little bit confused, they actually have alcohol to treat their stomachaches? Boss Qin's wine here is so good!

In fact, treatment is of course impossible. No matter how magical the cornel wine is, it is also a kind of common wine, and the stomach problems of these elderly people have been for many years.

If you want a thorough treatment, not to mention a pot of cornel wine every day, you have to use the power of cornel wine to treat it slowly, and then with a reasonable and regular diet, this can be completely cured.

It's a pity that the sanitation workers don't have so much money, and they don't have so much time...

Sometimes, everyone knows the great truth, and who doesn't know that this disease needs to be cured? What can I do if I don’t have money or time? No one will make money if I rush to treat the disease.

Therefore, Boss Qin can only help him to ease this way.

The brewing machine started, and a jug of wine was immediately brewed. This time, instead of using a jug, it was placed in a wine gourd.

The instant effect of cornel wine is still very strong. It only takes two or three sips to relieve the stomachache. At least it won't hurt to the point of cold sweat as it is now.

Moreover, wine can be stored for a long time, so Qin Feng's plan is to let Lao Xu take this wine with him, and take a sip when it is particularly painful to relieve the pain.

Don't help the poor, this is the only thing Qin Feng can do now.

Walking out with the wine gourd, the old Xu here was still lying there. It was obvious that the pain hadn't passed, and every time they called "resting", it was actually not that good.

Boom! Qin Feng put the wine gourd in front of Old Xu and said, "Master, this wine can relieve your stomachache. Now you can take a sip, just one sip."

"Then, you just hold the wine, wait when it hurts again, and when will you have another sip, your disease is old and there is no way to cure it, you can only relieve it like this."

What? Can this wine really relieve stomach pain? The sanitation workers beside them all stared at the wine gourd on the wine table.

It's not that they don't believe in Qin Feng, it's just that this is a bit weird. At this time, they thought of the legends they had heard before... Does boss Qin's wine really have those magical effects?

Old Xu wanted to drink it, but he was very embarrassed. In his opinion, this boss Qin was already very good to entertain all of them. As a result, because of himself, they gave another pot of wine out.

They said it was a gift and didn't raise the price. Old Xu understood that it was because he couldn't pay the price of the wine at all. He was very embarrassed, but in the end it was too painful and he couldn't help it.

He took the wine and pulled out the cork. Old Xu took a sip slowly. The taste of the syrup was still so charming, but he didn’t have time to experience it now. He only felt the lump of wine slowly slipping through his throat and falling into it. In the stomach...

And just as the picture of wine fell into the stomach, boom!

It was like a fire burning in the stomach, but this kind of burning was not the kind of burning that he had after drinking strong wine or burning a knife before, but a feeling that he couldn't describe himself!

The fire radiated warmth to the surroundings, and soon this kind of warmth spread throughout his body, and for Lao Xu, in such a moment, his stomach no longer hurts.

Sitting up, Old Xu put down the wine gourd in his hand, his face was full of surprise and said: "Boss Qin, are you medicated wine? I don't have any pain anymore with just a short time, and it doesn't hurt at all."

What? The surrounding sanitation workers were also full of surprises. The wine is really effective, and the action time is so fast, it is almost less than three seconds!

Qin Feng smiled slightly and said, "This is somewhere between medicinal wine and wine, you can keep it, uncle, it's only a temporary relief, it will still hurt later, just drink one sip at a time."

Old Xu looked at the wine in his hand. Boss Qin didn't care, and he gave it away, but he couldn't be so ignorant.

"No, boss Qin, you can't come like this. You invite us to drink and eat meat. That's one thing, but this bar is another thing. I can't just ask your bar for nothing. You also open the door to do business... …"

Listening to Lao Xu's words, Qin Feng suddenly didn't know what to say. He knew people like Lao Xu very well, just like his parents who had passed away.

These older generations of them have this temper. If you give it to me, it is equivalent to giving alms. That is absolutely not necessary. They value this very much.

I work as a sanitation worker~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Picking up bottles and selling money, this is what I deserve. You can't be less for how much you should give, but if you shouldn't get it, then I will definitely not ask for it.

When Qin Feng's father was alive, the Qin's tavern was still open at the time, and a guest drank too much and left without paying. After he left, Qin Feng's father found out that the other party had pulled down a bag.

In Qin Feng's father's words, I didn't know how much money was in that bag. I only knew that it was a thick wad of money. I was dazzled when I looked at it. But just like this, Old Qin didn't move at all.

Just put the bag and waited, he said that this man had forgotten to drink too much, but he would definitely come tomorrow.

Sure enough, this person came early the next morning, and by this time, Lao Qin had already opened the door and waited.

The visitor looked at the contents of the bag and thanked Lao Qin for a great deal of gratitude. He had to draw ten large tickets and hand them over on the spot, but Lao Qin directly refused.

Lao Qin just asks the other party to pay for the wine last night, he won’t ask for a lot of money. In his words, I sell you wine and you give me money. ...

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