Urban Cultivation: I Was Dug Out Again

Chapter 102 The Hero Is Unknown

[Name: Arhan Ola. Original name: Zheng Han. Identity: The god of Shiva, 46 years old. Ten years ago, he lurked in the hot summer to work on aerospace machinery repairs. Nationality: Yanxia. Ability: Beast transformation. 】

Looking at the information on their phones, No. 2 and No. 3 felt a little angry.

Those who can cultivate to the late stage of Xiantian are definitely geniuses among geniuses, but such a genius has become a sword in the hands of other countries.

This is why members of the Yinlongwei family are not opposed to the reform of the martial arts world in this hot summer.

The chronic illness that we cherish must be changed. Too many talented people among the people have become tools used by other countries because they lack power.

Giving them the temptation of a little power can easily make them use it for themselves. This is not the first time this has happened.

Therefore, it is imperative to implement nationwide deployment of force.

Although there are many voices of opposition within the family, people in their position are not short-sighted. If things go on like this, the country will not be a country, and the hot summer will be infiltrated into a sieve.

"There have been a lot of activities in the Brahma Kingdom recently. Do you think Yan Xia is easy to bully?" No. 3 felt a little angry.

"Ha~ It's time to give it a good beating. They've been a little drifting lately. Let's take the Shiva cult this time." The two of them moved forward quickly in the snow.

In the mountains near the border, the snow never melts all year round and the terrain is dangerous.

Number 2 and Number 3 are both good at light work, but when it comes to speed, Number 4 is the best among the Hidden Dragon Guards.

So No. 4 went around from the other direction to intercept.

But No. 4 is still one step away from the late stage of Xiantian, and I'm afraid it won't last long.

The two immediately sped up, otherwise they would be very passive in cross-border combat.

The environment here is harsh, with heavy wind and snow, making it impossible to use helicopters to carry out large-scale searches, and Huben Guard's search team cannot keep up with their speed.

In this kind of duel between top experts, Huben Guards can basically not intervene, so they can provide intelligence support.

There are a large number of Tiger Guard intelligence personnel abroad, living in foreign countries with various identities. There are not a few Tiger Guards who are found and cleared every year. They are all unknown heroes. Therefore, the Tiger Guards are also the special forces with the highest battle loss ratio in peacetime.

Maybe their strength is not high, but their contribution to Yan Xia is absolutely unmatched.

Although the Hidden Dragon Guards often quarrel with the Tiger Guards, in fact, they also have great admiration for these hot-blooded true heroes.

For example, this Tiger Guard hero who risked his life to obtain information was discovered just now.

News came from the intelligence group.

[Everyone, I have been exposed. I am very happy to be a member of Huben Guard. I have destroyed all the information. Please rest assured, my motherland. I really want to eat another bowl of fried noodles from my hometown...]

So far, there has been no news. It is obvious that the intelligence officer of the Tiger Guard has destroyed the contact device.



All the intelligence officers kept repeating this message, even though they knew that the Tiger Guard would never see this message again.

This intelligence officer was dead, and Yan Xia couldn't even give him the status of a hero.

The fire of anger burned in the hearts of everyone who received the information.

The acquisition of every piece of important information may be accompanied by a precious life.

"Damn it, Zheng Han~ No, he doesn't deserve the name of Yanxia Kingdom, Alhan Aura, I'm going to tear you alive." Tiger No. 3's eyes were filled with tears. The man did not shed tears easily, but he did not feel sad.

Even though he has long been used to life and death, he has no shame in shedding tears for these unknown heroes.

After running wildly in the snow for more than half an hour, there were bursts of bursting sounds from the hillside ahead.

"No. 4 stopped him, support her quickly." No. 4 looked down upon the Hidden Dragon Guard with his light kung fu skills. Although he was only in the middle stage of Xiantian, even No. 2, who was at the peak of Xiantian, did not dare to compete with her in speed.

However, her offensive and killing power is slightly weaker, so she can only use her body skills to fight, and she can't survive even ten moves.

"Ha~" Aura transformed into a beast. Thick black hair grew on her body, her nails became as long as fine steel, and a beard grew on her face. Her face changed. After a moment, a huge black leopard with a height of more than two meters appeared. A person appeared in front of No. 4.

Lord Shiva is the "master of beasts" and controls the reproduction of wild beasts. Beast transformation is the signature ability of the Shiva religion.

"Haha, you are just a mid-term congenital. Do you think you can stop me? If you don't want to lose your life in vain, get away." The huge black leopard said human words from its mouth. The muscles on its body bulged and its legs turned into reverse-curved leopards. Legs, it can be seen that the explosive power must be amazing.

"You are also from the Yanxia Kingdom, why do you want to help the Brahma Kingdom?"

"Why? Haha... Don't you think it's childish to ask this question? People from your aristocratic family don't want to teach your secrets to people with other surnames. Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to maintain your transcendent status? Who can make me transcend ordinary people? Whoever is strong, I will work for."

"Yan Xia has already begun to change. Now even people who are not from aristocratic families can have the opportunity to learn advanced martial arts. Don't make a mistake. If you are willing to turn around, Yan Xia will definitely treat you preferentially with your strength." No. 4 tried to delay time with words. .

"No need to talk nonsense, I know you are stalling for time. The masters of the Hidden Dragon Guard must be arriving soon, haha, but my people are here first."

At this moment, a dozen people from the Brahma Kingdom appeared in the distance, each with a burst of innate energy, and no one was weak.

"How dare you enter our Yanxia border? Aren't you afraid of causing a war between the two countries?" No. 4 was horrified and said in a stern tone.

"Hmph~ Don't say these meaningless words. If you leave now, you can still escape with your life. Otherwise, just stay here." Aura immediately burst out and pounced on him with all his strength.

He must kill No. 4 quickly, otherwise he will be in trouble when the support of the Hidden Dragon Guard arrives.

Number 4 tried his best to dodge, and immediately spread his body skills to avoid Aura's powerful claw attack.

At the Longyin Base, No. 7, who had already discovered that the masters of the Shiva Sect of the Brahma Kingdom had crossed the border, immediately informed No. 6 of this information and asked her to ask No. 1 to take action.

No. 6 walked up to Mo Tian and informed Mo Tian of the situation.

"Annoying, give me your location." Mo Tian, ​​who was reading a book, stood up. A group of students who were studying seriously looked at this student who did not follow the classroom discipline. The strange thing was that none of the instructors blamed him for affecting the class. Behavior.

"Protect Qingyin and the others." Mo Tian walked out, came to the door, set up a sword and disappeared instantly.

Among the students, only Ma Tianming and Bei Wuhan were thoughtful.

Ma Tianming was even more excited. Sure enough, Mo Tian was the hidden boss. Didn't you see that No. 6 was so respectful to him? Seems to be asking for something.

He didn't see Mo Tian flying away with his flying sword, otherwise he would have immediately pounced on him, knelt down and licked him, worshiping the boss.

"Where is Master?" Mi Xiaoxue asked Luo Qingyin.

"I don't know. Concentrate on training. You have reached the peak of martial arts. Try to enter the dark power within a week and make the master happy." Luo Qingyin's training direction is different from theirs. It still focuses on cultivation.

The power level of Zhen Qi is much higher than that of Qi Jin. What she lacks is just the application method.

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