Urban Cultivation: I Was Dug Out Again

Chapter 105 What You Said Makes Sense

The students were talking about what the old professor didn't care about, but what the student who proposed a new point of view said made the old professor stunned.

Professors in the history departments of these prestigious universities usually hold some positions in the National Archaeological Administration. At his age, he could not even remember the number of ancient tombs he had excavated.

Therefore, he is not like those students who know nothing about Xuanmen. He had never thought in this direction before, but now this student brought this point of view to him. When he recalled the construction route of the Great Wall, he really looked like a giant dragon lying down. On the winding land.

"Well, your point of view is very interesting, yes, yes, everyone just needs to open up the space for imagination like this classmate." The old professor expressed certain recognition of Mo Tian's words.

This disappointed a group of students who thought Mo Tian would be criticized by the old professor.

"Then can you tell me why the First Emperor built a city wall like a giant dragon? If it wasn't to defend against foreign enemies, why?" The old professor's thirst for knowledge was aroused.

"Gathering the energy of dragon veins, do you understand?"

"Uh~ This is a saying in Feng Shui metaphysics." The old professor must have heard of dragon veins. It can be said that there is no one today who has not heard of dragon veins, but he has heard of it, but he has to It is still impossible to make them believe that this thing really exists.

"Do you know why there was no unified country before the Qin Dynasty? After the Qin Dynasty, it was a feudal imperial system, and there was no feudal system between princes. Even if they were divided and became emperors for a while, the winner would be determined and unified in a short time. , for example, during the Three Kingdoms period, all kings who proclaimed themselves emperor died within the second generation."

"Have you ever wondered why?"

"Yes, why?" The old professor was a little confused when he was asked this question. This is his blind spot in knowledge. I am a historian, and you insist on asking me about metaphysics.

"Because the dragon veins of the earth were free before the Qin Dynasty, the luck of the dragon veins would not be concentrated in one person, and the feudal lords would naturally form separate regimes."

"After the Qin Dynasty, the dragon veins of the Yanxia land were suppressed, and all the dragon veins' fortunes gathered in one person and one country. That's why the people who conquered the Central Plains in ancient times were all true dragon emperors, because that was the place where the dragon veins' fortunes gathered."

"Of course, the dragon veins are not willing to be suppressed. There will naturally be struggles and ups and downs. Every few hundred years or thousands of years, there will be some changes in the place where the dragon veins gather. This is also the reason why the real dragon moved its capital several times in history."

A group of students were dumbfounded, including the old professor.

Is this using metaphysics to explain science? Everyone was speechless as if they were listening to a fairy tale. Although they wanted to refute it, what the hell this person said was so reasonable and well-founded.

"Okay, your understanding really opened the door to a new world for me. This is an understanding from another field, which is very good." The old professor was very pleased. This was the first time he heard such a novel understanding. .

"I would like to ask my classmates, do you believe in metaphysics?"

"No, I believe in science." Mo Tian said in a serious tone.

The other students who heard Mo Tian's words all rolled their eyes. You have to talk about metaphysics when I'm teaching science to you, and you say you believe in science when I'm teaching you about metaphysics. What a bastard.

From Mo Tian's point of view, he was telling the truth. He truly believed in science, and believed that science and metaphysics had something in common. The end of science is metaphysics, and the end of metaphysics is science.

For example, the Rune Technique in the world of cultivation, he thinks, is a rune technology. However, Zuxing uses circuits instead of runes, and the results achieved have many similarities.

But in the eyes of the other party, they are all so magical. For example, the cultivation world uses runes to outline the transmission notes, while the Zuxing uses circuit signals to achieve remote sound transmission. The methods are different, but they all achieve the same effect, and the effect of the Zuxing is more Well, it is more convenient and easy to use than the transmission notes. It can be produced in large quantities and the cost is low. Even ordinary people can use it.

From this aspect, technology is superior to metaphysics.

After school, Mo Tian went to Meiling Daily Chemical and asked Li Yulan if anything had happened in the company recently. After all, he still had the title of a company's security consultant. It would be a bit unreasonable if he didn't even ask about it.

Fortunately, with the support of Wangjia Xinyu Daily Chemical, the company's product sales are very good, a level higher than before. New products have also been successfully put into production, and the market response has been very good.

Judging from Li Yulan's complexion, she is in a good mood recently.

In the evening, Mo Tian and Qin Gang had a hot pot date, and they drank cold beer and enjoyed themselves. Qin Gang was a nice guy and he was very righteous. After the meal, Mo Tian also gave him a bottle of Osmanthus Fairy Brew and told him not to drink too much. After drinking one bottle, he was almost close to entering the middle stage of Dark Strength.

Luo Qingyin and the others returned to school the next morning.

Only on the last week of every month in the martial arts class will Tiger Guards organize them and send them to the base for training. They usually participate in cultural studies and consciously practice Longhu Jin.

Those who do not have perseverance and perseverance will gradually be eliminated by time. Only those who can persist in practicing without anyone's supervision and encouragement can achieve ultimate success.

After the students returned to school, the martial arts club was also established. A total of thirty-six people from Kyoto University joined the martial arts club. Of course, Mo Tian also joined at the request of No. 6, but it was just in name and he would not participate in any guidance or participation. train.

Just kidding, who can coach Hidden Dragon Guard’s No. 1?

Someone helped Mo Tian urge Luo Qingyin and the four girls to practice, and he was very happy and relaxed.

Luo Qingyin, Zhang Yaqing and the others, who returned to campus at noon, naturally wanted Mo Tianxue to treat them to a big dinner. The reason was also very good, that is, they did not embarrass him and successfully passed the secret realm trial.

Unable to refuse, Mo Tian proposed a buffet, but was unanimously rejected by the four women.

So Mo Laomo could only hold his money bag heartbrokenly and walk away from a feast of sea and sky. The five people directly killed him for five thousand and eighty oceans, which made Mo Laomo's liver hurt from the demonic energy.

These evil disciples only know how to make money for him, but they don't know how to respect their master.

The martial arts club held classes in the evening, and the one who came here to teach was actually Yan Gongyao. Is this chief instructor so free?

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that there are too many children from aristocratic families in Kyoto University, and Ma Tianming has already reached the late stage of dark power.

Without some innate strength, I really can't defeat this bunch of dudes.

"Today our Kyoto University Martial Arts Club was established. Now we need to elect a president and vice president. Do you have any recommendations?" Yan Gongyao got straight to the point.

"Instructor Yan, how will the candidates for president and vice president be evaluated?" A student raised his hand and asked.

"Of course, heroes are judged by their strength."

"Then what else to choose? Apart from Ma Tianming, Bei Wuhan is the most powerful here. I admire them as president and vice president."

"I propose that Teacher Luo also become the vice president. Everyone has seen her ability. She is very effective when she practices mental skills and enters concentration." Ma Tianming, the licking dog, immediately went online, not missing any opportunity to flatter.

"Agree." Bei Wuhan cursed in his heart, damn, this thief got the better of him again.

The rest of the students were naturally convinced. During this period of time when everyone was practicing the mental method, the instructors would ask Luo Qingyin to play a meditation song for everyone. The training effect was very good.

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