Urban Cultivation: I Was Dug Out Again

Chapter 111 Three Talents Evil Corpse

After we got back, we all made do in the car all night. The next morning, God was very powerful and the sun came out.

A group of people carried shovels and ropes and went up the mountain to dig the grave.

When the tomb was dug and everyone saw the three coffins, they suddenly felt cold and the evil spirit was strong.

"You warriors go down and open the coffin lid." Mo Tian commanded.

"Ah? Shall we go?" Li Mengmeng and others were a little embarrassed.

"Otherwise? Go quickly."

The few people who followed Mo Tian had seen almost everything, including demons, ghosts, and corpses. They were well-informed, but this was their first time digging a grave and opening a coffin.

When the coffin lid was opened, everyone was surprised to see that all three coffins were empty.

"How do you know that the tomb is empty from across the door?" Cai Xin was curious.

"You will know when you can cultivate to my level."

"Forget it if you don't say it." Cai Xin curled her lips.

"Burn it." Several policemen poured two barrels of gasoline back in the morning onto the three coffins.

"Boom~" The flames soared into the sky, and in the flames, the three coffins emitted streams of black and red smoke.

"Stay away, don't be contaminated by the evil spirit emanating." Mo Tian immediately told everyone to stay away.

After the three coffins were burned to ashes, Mo Tiantian had people fill them with soil.

"Now you need to find out who gave these three coffins to Mei Aiqin and her family. By the way, give me the detailed information on the birth dates of these three people."

"Okay, I'll contact the household registration office immediately."

Twenty minutes later, the three people's messages were sent to Cai Xin's mobile phone.

"As expected, the three of them were all born in the Yin year and the Yin month. It seems that they want to practice the Three Talents Evil Corpse." Mo Tian rubbed his chin and said.

"What is the yin year, yin month and yin hour? What is the Three Talents Evil Corpse?" Cai Xin asked like a baby, and the others nodded seriously to express their interest in knowing.

"The three zodiac signs of rat, snake, and pig are Yin. People born in these three zodiac signs are in Yin years. December, January, June, and December of a year also correspond to these three zodiac signs, so those born in March People who are born in the yin month are also in the yin month, and there are twelve hours in a day, Zi Shi, Shi Shi, and Hai Shi. People born in these three hours are yin time."

"If you want to refine the Three Talents Evil Corpse, not only must the three of them meet the previous conditions at the same time, but they must also have a very deep bond. The parents died for the daughter, the daughter died unjustly, and the parents raised the corpse to become an evil spirit. It seems that this time That Qin Xiyue kidnapped her to fulfill his daughter's wish."


"Ah~ you mean?" The women covered their mouths in surprise.

"Yes, in order to give their daughter a happy husband."

"Is this a ghost marriage?"

"No, underworld marriage is a marriage between two dead people."

"And this one is marrying a corpse. She just wants to fulfill her daughter's wish. How pitiful the hearts of parents in the world are."

It seems that the person behind all this is a master. He has definitely mastered the complete method of corpse refining. It has been laid out for so many years. No wonder the newly deceased person is so powerful. Three evil corpses form the Three Talents Evil Corpse Formation, and the power they erupt can reach the realm of transformation. It's early days.

If he hadn't met him, if this person really succeeded, he would definitely be able to dominate the entire Ancestral Star martial arts world.

"Then what happened to the Three Talents Evil Corpse?" The curious babies continued to ask.

"It is a kind of corpse formation. The corpse formation is arranged by three evil corpses with the same mind. It can transfer its own evil energy to any evil corpse, break through its own shackles, and reach the transformation state."

"It's a pity that he can't control these three evil corpses freely now, otherwise these revealing things wouldn't happen. The evil corpses have deep resentment. If they don't get what they want, that person won't be able to control these three evil corpses smoothly."

After having lunch at the old man's house, Xiao Li rushed back with a few policemen in a hurry.

"Xiao Li, how are you? Have you found the person selling the coffins?" Cai Xin immediately asked anxiously.

"We checked all the longevity food shops in the nearest towns."

"Oh~ tell me the result." Cai Xin interrupted impatiently.

"There is a longevity shop that is very suspicious. The owner is Liu Yunsheng. His shop closed down four years ago and stopped doing this business. Mei Aiqin's parents died one after another not long after he closed, so he is a serious suspect."

"Have you found any information about Liu Yunsheng?"

"No, Liu Yunsheng is a pseudonym. We visited the landlord who rented the store to him at the time. This man was about 50 years old and made a living by telling people's fortunes and doing casual things."

"Ah~ I remembered this Liu Yunsheng. He is indeed a fortune teller. Ai Qin's parents did ask him to calculate the marriage of that girl." The old man suddenly remembered this matter.

"That's him. Marriage is just a cover. He uses this career as an excuse. In fact, he is looking for someone suitable to refine the Three Talents Evil Corpse." Mo Tian made the final decision.

"Do you have a photo of this man? Report it to Tiger Guards immediately. He is wanted nationwide."

"The Tiger Guards can't handle it. No. 6, ask No. 2 and No. 3 to lead people to find this person. They don't need to take action. They can contact me directly when they find the person."

"Yes." A pleasant female voice appeared outside the door, and everyone was shocked. They had no idea that there was another person here.

Only Mo Tian knew that No. 6 had been following them. No matter how strong No. 6's hiding ability was, it would be useless in front of Mo Tian.

"Go back, it's useless to stay here. We'll wait until we find the people. With three evil corpses and two big living people, as long as they still need to eat, it's impossible not to reveal their whereabouts. What we can do now All I have to do is wait for news, Hidden Dragon Guard wants to find someone who is much better than you."

Knowing that Mo Tian was right, it would be useless for them to wait here. There was no way the suspect would stupidly come back to check the situation.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening when we returned to Kyoto, and the group happened to have another meal at the Eastern District Police Station. Then Cai Xin sent the four Luo Qingyin girls back to the villa first, and finally sent Mo Tian back to school.

"Boss, you said you are so capable, why are you still going to university?"

"Oh~ I understand." Cai Xin immediately said as if she had a sudden realization before Mo Tian could answer.

"You are hiding from the world and playing with the world. Am I right?"

"No, I just like to swim in the ocean of knowledge. Learning makes me happy." Mo Tian rolled his eyes. I can't tell you that it's because I was just dug out and don't understand anything. Others told me that I can learn more in college. Let’s get to know the world now, and I’ll go.

"You are really eclectic." Cai Xin smiled, a little embarrassed.

"Okay, I'll let you know when they find me." After closing the car door, Mo Tian waved and walked towards the dormitory.

"Okay, boss, be sure to notify me."

After returning to the dormitory, Mo Tian took a bath and lay on the bed comfortably to read for a while. He hadn't read properly for a long time. He had been neglecting his studies recently. Hmm~ What will he eat tomorrow morning?

Seafood porridge, crab roe buns? No, no, I'm a little tired of eating this recently.

Oops~ I haven’t eaten beef noodles from the noodle shop at the school gate for a long time, so I’d better go for a bowl of noodles.

He would not admit that it was because in the second half of the year, the economy started to get tight again, so he lowered his living standards.

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