Urban Cultivation: I Was Dug Out Again

Chapter 121 Fentian, Qingfeng, Zhenshan

It didn't take Mo Tian long to refine the three swords. Although his weapon refining skills were not that good, this kind of thing, which was not even the most rubbish low-level magic weapon, was still very popular.

Most of his time was spent refining materials, so he was destined to be unable to sleep again tonight. Look at the time, it was already almost seven in the morning.

He took a shower and had breakfast. Although he was already clean, he fell in love with the comfort of the shower head that allowed the water to flow from head to toe. Well, it was very comfortable.

As we walked towards the Cantonese breakfast restaurant, Mo Laomo, who had a bulging pocket, started to float again.

His true energy evaporated the water droplets on his body, put on Qianhuan clothes, and Mo Tianshi, who was dressed in clothes selling goods on the floor, went out calmly.

At noon, Mo Tian's dormitory, before entering the door, Mo Tian rubbed his hair into a chicken coop shape, and then his face quickly turned pale, his lips lost color, his lower eyelids began to turn blue, and he had two big bags under his eyes.

He took out his phone and turned it into selfie mode and looked at it. Well, it perfectly simulated the state of a person who stayed up all night.

Then he opened the door and yawned weakly.

"Ah~~You guys are here?" Mo Tian said lazily.

"Master, what's wrong with you? You look like you're overindulging. Did the poverty relief lady go there last night?" Zhang Yaqing looked at her master's appearance in surprise and said in disbelief.

"Brother Master~ How could you do this? Do you need to tell me? It would be great to keep the money and eat delicious food. We are free, so don't make it easier for outsiders." Li Mengmeng immediately came over with a tea-filled feeling. .

"Stop, what are you thinking about? I've been staying up all night to prepare gifts for you."

"Uh~ Wasn't it fine yesterday?" Mi Xiaoxue muttered softly.

"This is not important. What is important is that you don't think I have worked so hard to prepare gifts for you. Should you reward me?" Mo Tian raised his eyes and looked like you know what to do.

"Ouch~ Master, you already have more than 200,000 yuan in your pocket. Don't be so stingy. We only have an allowance of 10,000 to 20,000 yuan a month. Are you willing to exploit us?" Several evil disciples were getting more and more excited. He looks more and more like Mo Tian, ​​and he can't find any of them.

It’s true that there is exactly the same kind of disciple as there is a master.

"Qingyin, did you get the six thousand?" If his plan failed, he tried again. Mo Tian immediately looked at Luo Qingyin with a concerned look on his face.

"Didn't Cai Xin transfer it to us that day? Oh, Master, do you have any other work recently? I don't have much money left after buying cosmetics."

Alas~ Qingyin is also bad at learning, how good is this Tai Chi.

"Master, are you going to have a grand feast of the sea and sky at noon?"

"No, let's eat in the canteen." Mo Tian was unhappy.

"Oh~ It's more than two hundred thousand, where can we eat in the cafeteria? Does that match your status as a wealthy person now?" Zhang Yaqing came over and took Mo Tian's arm.

"It must not be done." The other three evil disciples held each other's arms and pushed their backs. Half-pushing and half-moving, Mo Tian and his party walked on the road to the Haitian Feast.

Seeing Mo Tian surrounded by four beauties, especially Mo Tian who looked like he was overindulging in lust, was really shocking, and countless hearts were broken along the way.

"No~~My goddess, my youth, have you also fallen? It's unreasonable and inhumane. You have three major school beauties, and you come to snatch the birth of our goddess." Countless people were pressed The single dog, rubbing crazily on the ground, roared crazily in his heart.

Mo Tian seemed to hear a classic BGM. (Snowflakes are fluttering~North wind is whistling~)

When they arrived at the Haitian Feast, the head waiter who often served them screamed inwardly when he saw Mo Tian's appearance.

What's going on? It was fine when I came to eat yesterday, but why did I get sucked like this in one night?

He looked at the four girls again. Of course he knew Luo Qingyin. Although she was a big star before, not many celebrities came to dine in a restaurant of their level that day?

Immediately he felt relieved. No wonder this young man came here to eat well. With four beauties around him, his body couldn't bear it if he didn't eat well.

The five of them didn't care what others thought. Mo Tian didn't care. Why did he care what the ants thought?

The four girls didn't care. Anyway, they had already coveted the beauty of their master, which meant that their master didn't like them.

"Come on, master, eat this to replenish your kidneys. It's specially ordered for you." Zhang Yaqing put a big knife kidney slice into Mo Tian's bowl.

"This, this, the best deep-sea sea cucumber, the shape complements the shape." Li Mengmeng put a thin, small, ugly black caterpillar-like deep-sea sea cucumber into Mo Tian's bowl.

Hearing this, Mo Tian felt a black thread in his head. These scoundrels, after not having their houses laid for three days, were actually making fun of him.

Well, this sea cucumber is really delicious, crispy and chewy, with a great texture.

After one meal, Mo Tian lost another five thousand yuan.

"Hey~ Should we go to the base for training tomorrow?" Mo Tian asked the girls on the way back to school.

"Yes, we will meet at the playground at nine o'clock tomorrow morning." Luo Qingyin nodded and replied.

"Remember, if you don't clear the secret realm this time, there will be no gifts. I will give it to whoever clears the level."

"I know, I know, Master is so verbose."

Back in the dormitory, Mo Tian was lying on the sofa, while the four maids squeezed his shoulders and rubbed his legs.

"Qingyin, can't you break through the fourth level? It's almost the end of the month."

"I have already sensed the opportunity for a breakthrough. It should be within the next two days."

"Well, if it doesn't work, try taking two Qi Gathering Pills. With your current strength, you can withstand the spiritual energy of two pills. Try to break through in one go."

"I understand, Master." Luo Qingyin nodded obediently.

"Where are you three? When will you enter the mid-term?"

"Ouch~ Master~ It's only been a few days since we broke through Anjin? How can it be so fast?"

"Haha, it's been more than a month, and your Osmanthus Immortal Brew has never stopped. You refine your body with spiritual energy every day, and your cultivation speed is more than ten times faster than ordinary people? I'll give you another month. If you can't enter the mid-term, I will clean up the door. .”

"Yes Yes Yes."

"By the way, there are three sets of sword techniques here. You three should practice them after you finish practicing Su Nu's Heart Sutra."

Three ancient sword manuals appeared in Mo Tian's hand.

"The Burning Sky Sword Art? The name sounds very powerful." Zhang Yaqing took the sword art with joy. It felt leathery to the touch, and she didn't know what kind of leather it was. It felt very tough.

Mo Tian rolled his eyes, how awesome is this? The suppressing technique of a rubbish sword cultivating sect in the world of cultivation can go from being a mortal to building a foundation. The name sounds ridiculous, but in fact it is extremely rubbish.

He handed another copy to Li Mengmeng.

"Qingfeng Sword Technique?" This sword technique focuses on body techniques and emphasizes the word "quick". The moves are smart and elegant, and it is very suitable for women to practice.

The last one was handed to Mi Xiaoxue.

"Mountain-Suppressing Sword Art? Why is the name of my sword art so awkward?" Mi Xiaoxue had a grimace on her face.

"Mountain-Suppressing Sword Technique" is as immovable as a mountain and as solid as a rock. Its attack and killing power is not as good as the Burning Sky Sword Technique, and its speed is not as good as the Qingfeng Sword Technique, but its power is top-notch. The sword moves are powerful and heavy, and can be opened or closed widely. It is suitable for fighting on the battlefield, but it is not suitable for women to practice, because it looks a bit reckless when fighting, but Mo Tian really can't come up with any elegant earth-attribute sword techniques. Almost all earth-attribute skills are like this. What can he do? ?

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