It was really an eye-opener for Mo Tianzhen. He was no longer a noob who didn't understand anything. He had almost finished studying high school courses on his own in biology, physics, and chemistry.

He also had some rough understanding of genes. To be honest, he really admired the people of this era. You must know that these are ordinary people, they are just stronger than normal people, but they can actually achieve such a high level of demonization. , although the risk is extremely high, it is not as good as those who practice step by step, but what is the concept of a mass production master?

No wonder Long Yi was so anxious to mobilize all the people, these people really put too much pressure on him.

It takes more than ten years or even decades to train a master.

People only need to put it in a jar to modify the genes, and as long as they survive, they will be able to obtain Anjin-level masters continuously.

Although it is very difficult for them to advance, and every time they advance, they are madly teasing the god of death, but they dare to use people in the early stages of Anjin as cannon fodder.

Do your hot summer tiger guards dare? Who can enter the early stage of Anjin who is not an elite? Can you enter the dark power without more than ten years of continuous practice?

Therefore, in the small-scale battlefield, Yan Xia was completely suppressed. Even if Yan Xia's dark power experts could fight against two at the same level, there were too many masters and they were too cheap.

In the past, Dark Heaven's technology was not sophisticated, the mortality rate was very high, and the cost of modification was also high.

However, in recent years, their technology has improved a lot, and the mortality rate has also dropped. Although the cost of transformation is still high, in addition to the support of the Beautiful Country and Western Europe, Dark Paradise has also opened its own business kingdom.

Auctions, dark web, underground transactions, as long as it is a money-making project, there is nothing that Dark Paradise does not involve.

"Vajra Dharmakaya." The five Brahma people all grew a pair of arms, each holding a weapon. No wonder they were holding weapons in their hands and had two scimitars hanging from their waists.

"Buddhist magical powers, the true form of the Dharma?" It was beyond Mo Tian's expectation. What the hell? What strength do they have? How is it possible to develop great magical powers in Buddhism? How is it possible to develop supernatural powers without the Vajra realm (equal to the Nascent Soul realm)?

Mo Tian quickly released his spiritual consciousness to check.

"Fuck, cloning, transplanting, and practicing with secret methods, it's really ridiculous. I thought you could really cultivate a Buddhist body as an ordinary person." Mo Tian was amazed. These people's ideas are really weird, no wonder he It feels weird.

The real Buddhist Dharmakaya has three heads and six arms. Moreover, it does not grow three heads and six arms on its own, but summons the Vajra Dharmakaya statue with three heads and six arms to attack. The power is extremely powerful and can be called the most powerful magical power in hand-to-hand combat.

"What about you? You all should show off your unique skills." Mo Tian found it very interesting. Although it was very low-level, the ideas were novel.

A ninja cultivator from Sakura Country immediately formed seals with his hands and swished into the soil.

Then Mo Tian saw a small mound of soil rising from the ground. As the waves of soil surged, the ninja kept coming towards Mo Tian.

"Five Elements Escape Technique? How lonely are you escaping? The earth is turned like this. Your route is clearly visible. You might as well just rush over. It's really funny." Mo Tian couldn't help complaining.

When Mo Tian saw that the raised mound of earth was about to come to his feet, he directly summoned Demon Slayer Weeping Blood and thrust his sword into the earth.

"Uh~" A muffled scream came from the soil, and then a large amount of blood gurgled out of the soil.

That ninja was stabbed to death in the dirt by Mo Tian's sword.

A ninja in the middle stage of Anjin died in the dirt like this? There is no need to bury it, just bury it yourself.

"Baga." The others immediately became furious when they saw this, and they drew their weapons and started to take action.

Mishima Tsuki also controlled his shikigami to burst out Yin Qi, trying to create an illusion.

All the team members immediately became nervous and took out their weapons to stare at the roaring group of people rushing over.

"Death, death, there are so many people, we may be crushed directly into scum." Ma Tianming had big beads of sweat dripping from his head. Now he just hopes that the boss is a real boss and directly takes out an innate puppet giant. Kill everywhere.

"How about I just say he's unreliable? If we fight hard, we'll die." Ouyang Yehuo couldn't be wild now, and the hand holding the spear was shaking.

Only the three girls, Zhang Yaqing, remained as calm as ever, and continued to clear away the dishes and chopsticks, looking careless.

"It seems like you can't come up with anything new, so just go to hell." Mo Tian stroked the sword lightly and said somewhat boringly.

Then his figure disappeared instantly.

"Pfft~Zi~~~" Thirty-nine heads were thrown away instantly, and thirty-nine bloody fountains shocked people's hearts.

The picture is so beautiful and the scene is so scary.

The nine team members, including Zhang Yaqing and the three girls, were instantly petrified. They had never seen such a violent side of Mo Tian.

The ground was covered in blood, the sound of thumping was endless, the sound of human heads rolling to the ground, the sound of corpses falling to the ground, and the sound of blood gurgling. This was a symphony from hell.

Everyone felt like something was stuck in their throats, and they couldn't utter a single word.

They might have expected what kind of trump card Mo Tian would have, but they didn't expect such a bloody scene.

Mo Tian made a casual move, and thirty-nine heads formed a tower of human heads. Thirty-nine corpses fell in a semicircle, like a wheat field blown down by the wind.

Mo Tian, ​​who walked out from behind the corpse, still had no expression on his face, as if nothing had happened. His body was still as clean as before after passing through the blood rain in the sky, without any trace of blood.

"No one will disturb us now. Come on, let's continue eating, drinking, and dancing." Mo Tian smiled slightly. Making money was the most important thing. He worked hard for his small goal.

No one was in the mood to eat or drink. The huge smell of blood permeated the scene, which was nauseating, but no one dared to vomit. They were afraid of making Mo Laomo unhappy, so they put their heads on the tower.

"Just~ let it go like this? Their points?" Ma Tianming struggled to say a word.

"Oh, you are free. You don't need me to do such a small thing as cutting off your hand, right? By the way, there is another one in the soil. You can dig it out yourself. When you are tired, I will have a big meal here to help you regain your strength. Haha, don't worry, I will definitely take care of it. enough."

What the hell, looking at the boss’s expressionless expression, it seems like this isn’t the first time he’s done something like this. Is this the devil?

For Mo Tian, ​​this is really not a big deal. In the world of cultivation, there are more than one or two sects that he can kill no less than ten thousand people. Otherwise, he would not have received the title of Heavenly Demon.

Even though he has left the world of cultivation for thousands of years, his reputation as a violent demon is still widespread in the world of cultivation.

After everyone calmed down, they began to endure the discomfort to collect the right palm of the dead person. After all, this was the purpose of this competition.

They also knew why they decided to appoint Mo Tian as the captain. It was because his combat power was so incredible that he was definitely not An Jin. To think that he was An Jin was to think that he was full of mush.

They even felt that Mo Tian was not an innate, because the peak innate in the competition center exceeded ten places, and if he was an innate, it would be impossible not to be discovered.

Then there is only one possibility left, Master of Transformation. This Mo Tian is not a twenty-year-old young man at all, but a genuine old monster who has rejuvenated his youth.

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