Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 113 You fucking... slapped me in the face again?

Chapter 113 You fucking... slapped me in the face again?

The Oak Forest Community that Guan Shiyin rents is relatively high-end, and the surrounding supporting facilities are all available, including supermarkets, vegetable markets, restaurants, bus stops, etc., so Fade Chen doesn’t have to go far to buy Soy sauce, salt, and eggs. There is a supermarket just outside the community.

And at this moment, Guan Shiyin, the big beauty Guan, was lying on the big pink bed without any image, her fair and flawless pretty face was blushing, as if she was still embarrassed by what happened before.

But at this moment, her cell phone rang suddenly, and Guan Shiyin, who was still in a daze, picked it up without looking at it.

"Shiyin, I heard that you are with Brother Fei? How do you feel?" Gu Feishuang's voice came from the other end of the phone, with a slightly strange tone of teasing.

It's just that Guan Shiyin is in a daze now, feeling a little ashamed in her mind, but she didn't notice the strangeness in her best friend's words, and subconsciously said: "You said Fade Chen, um, he is pretty good .”

"Of course, if Brother Fei hadn't helped me twice, I wouldn't know what to do now. Have you settled down in Beishan yet? How is the handover going?" Gu Fei on the other end of the phone It seemed to be said triumphantly, and then said in a very related manner.

"Of course it's already settled, but there seems to be a bitch here who doesn't like me. I just went to report for the first time yesterday and targeted me. Ah, really... However, Comrade Gu Feishuang, your tone seems a little bit off. It's so good! Tell me, be honest, did something happen to you with that Fade Chen? Hmm~?"

There was something wrong with Gu Feishuang's tone of voice twice in a row. Guan Shiyin, no matter how dull she was, noticed it at this moment, and then a curious baby appeared on her face, but her tone was serious like that of Sherlock's detective.

"Oh, why not, Shiyin, please stop talking nonsense, okay? I, I just think that Brother Fei has helped me so many times, so, so I am very grateful to him. That's it, don't talk nonsense." On the other end of the phone Gu Feishuang's tone became even more strange, as if his pretty face was blushing, and he said shyly in a small voice like glutinous rice.

"Yeah, nympho Gu Feishuang, you don't really watch too many TV series, do you? Thank you for helping me so many times, and I'm very grateful to him... Believe it or not, hey, Fei Shuang, You don't really like him, do you? Although he seems to be quite..." Guan Shiyin almost slipped her mouth while talking, but luckily stopped in time.

"What is it? Hey, Shiyin, don't just talk halfway." Seeing Guan Shiyin's stammering, Gu Fei immediately asked in confusion.

"Ah, it's nothing, that is, he drove away an annoying guy just now. He looks like he knows martial arts, and he's quite manly." In one scene, a pair of beautiful eyes turned into crescent moons, like jewels, full of charm.

"Tch, of course, I said that Brother Fei is very powerful. I guess the usual three or five bodyguards are definitely no match for him, believe it or not." When Guan Shiyin praised Chen Fei for being a man, Gu Fei on the other end of the phone Shuang couldn't help but burst into a smile, and said with great interest.

Of course she still remembered the scene that happened on the plane a few days ago! Luo Tianqi's fat man weighed at least two hundred catties, but he was kicked away by Fade Chen, and he fell to the ground. How could he not be strong! ?

"Hey, hey, nympho, nympho, Gu Feishuang, I realize that you are really hopeless now, are you in heat?" Hearing this, Guan Shiyin couldn't help teasing.

"Hey, you're just in heat? Shiyin, remember, Brother Fei has a very good personality, but you just have to remember one thing, don't go against him, or you'll be in bad luck. I'm going to start filming here. I'm done, I'll hang up first." Gu Feishuang hung up the phone hastily.

"Ah, this little girl has developed a lot of skills, and she dared to call my aunt first..."

Guan Shiyin muttered dissatisfiedly when she heard the beeping sound coming from her ear. But the man lay down on the big pink bed in a daze for a while, and his somewhat confused mind recalled the scene of Fade Chen acting as a flower protector for him just now, and the scene where the pervert peeked at his long legs One scene... Thinking about it, she suddenly laughed.

"Is it so good-looking? You stinky man, you like to sneak a peek at me every time." Guan Shiyin's soft fingers gently slid across her long and seductive legs, following the perfect curve of ups and downs. It seems to be a gift from heaven, full of elasticity, and full of fairy-tale magic.

Because if a man could see this scene here, he might go crazy.

But she just smiled like a crescent moon with eyes like shining gems, and she pouted a little dissatisfied.


"Boss, check out."

On the other side, when Fade Chen was about to check out in the supermarket, he suddenly saw a guy not far away with an extremely unfriendly expression, who was walking towards him with a sneer and a vicious expression.

Beside that man, there are two obviously burly guys on the left and right. The muscles on their arms are the same as those of the super bodyguards on TV. The shirt is tightly stretched, and it looks like a Lianjiazi. Many people around avoided him in fear.

Obviously, the man with the vicious look was exactly Zheng Kuangyi who had been taught a lesson by him before. This guy is looking for help.

"It's really lingering."

Fade Chen murmured a little speechlessly, then paid the money with a calm expression, and said to the supermarket owner with a smile: "Boss, put the things here first, I'll come and get them later."

"Young man...be careful." The supermarket owner is obviously a warm-hearted person, but he still didn't dare to provoke Zheng Kuangyi and his party, who are very scary just by their posture, and finally just said something in a low voice, telling Fade Chen to be careful .

"Well, I see."

Fade Chen nodded with a smile, then turned around and said to Zheng Kuangyi who had already walked in front of him with a fierce look on his face, "I said you are really haunted. Hey, forget it, go to the park over there. There are fewer people there."

When Zheng Kuangyi heard Fade Chen's impatient tone, his conditioned reflex was to get angry, but he still held back his emotions, glanced around, and immediately said with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth: "Stinky boy, then As you wish. Where will I see you running today?"


Fade Chen glanced at the two people beside the other party when he heard the words, and then a faint sarcasm appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I'm afraid you think too much, just rely on the two of them?"


Those two thugs didn't expect that both of them would come in person. Fade Chen was only in his twenties, a skinny young man who looked like a chick, but he dared to be so arrogant and act so arrogant in front of the two of them. Immediately, there was a coldness in his eyes after his arrogant posture: "Boss, I want to break his leg later!"

"Then don't be polite to me! I, Zheng Kuangyi, will be responsible for whatever happens!" Hearing this, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of Zheng Kuangyi's mouth.

The park near the Oak Forest Community on Changzheng Road in Beishan City has not yet reached the peak time for people to walk at night, so there are not many pedestrians coming and going in this place. After Fade Chen, Zheng Kuangyi and the others entered the park, they headed straight for a remote place with few people.

"Don't tell me, you are very good. You deliberately brought us to such a remote corner of the park, did you want to kneel on the ground and beg me to forgive you? Don't worry, if you are willing to kneel, I, Zheng Kuangyi I can consider letting you go, hahaha!" When Fade Chen and the others stopped, the arrogant Zheng Kuangyi threw away the cigarette butt, stomped it hard with his foot, and laughed wantonly.

You know, he, Zheng Kuangyi, is a well-known leader of the Black Clothes Gang in Beishan City! He not only owns two four-star hotels, five ktvs, three nightclubs, other foot bathing shops and a lot of other messes, he has long been regarded as a benchmark figure among the gangsters who have successfully washed their whites. It's just that today he was beaten by Fade Chen, and of course he wanted to get it back immediately.

Fortunately, today he just happened to bring the two most powerful gold medalists in the gang with him, and that damn kid hasn't run away yet! Of course, he has to be educated and educated!

"Okay, I said, can you die if you don't pretend? It's just these two idiots and no one else? Why don't you just go together, I'm in a hurry." But Fade Chen didn't seem to say that they were in his eyes at all. , said so contemptuously and impatiently, it immediately made the gold medal fighter brought by Zheng Kuangyi furious!

"Damn it, do you know who you're talking to now? Believe it or not, I'll break your leg!" One of the guys with a fleshy face rushed up fiercely and snarled at Fade Chen.

"Not urgent."

But Zheng Kuangyi suddenly reached out his hand to stop him at this time, and then looked at Fade Chen with a playful sneer: "Boy, to be honest, I, Zheng Kuangyi, haven't seen such an arrogant person like you for a long time. There must be a limit to arrogance, after all, not everyone in this society can be offended by you, such as me, do you understand..." As he spoke, he suddenly turned his face and kicked Fade Chen alone. Xiaobizi****** actually engaged in a sneak attack.


But the question is who is Fade Chen? That is a powerful figure who inherited the inheritance of the master in the cultivation world, and he is also a disciple of a strong innate level. Now his strength has reached the peak of the third level of Qi training, so naturally he easily dodged the opponent's kick, and immediately Raise your hand a little!


Zheng Kuangyi covered his stinging face directly!

You fucking... slapped me in the face again?

Of course, the two gold-medal thugs of the black-clothed gang standing next to Zheng Kuangyi were also stunned!

How did Fade Chen make the move? Neither of them seemed to react!

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