Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 141 Another Trouble Comes

Chapter 141 Another Trouble Comes

"And not only that, it is said that that person once even killed the innately strong. The reason was only because of a disagreement. And we Feibao once confronted him once, and in the end, we wiped out a team." Zhao Xin was terrified. opened the mouth. His eyes flickered with fear.

Let alone the innate strong man who was once killed by him, what a concept that is. Let’s just say that during the peak period of their Flying Leopards, there were only four teams, but at that time, because of the mission from above to deal with that person, as a result, all members of one team died, and no one survived. Flying Leopard suffered heavy losses! This also shows how terrifying that person is! How crazy!

After all, you must know that their Flying Leopards are a real national department, enjoying the protection of the country, but at that time the other party really had the guts to "break ground on the head of Tai Sui" and slaughtered their Flying Leopards team alive! This can be described as audacious and insane.

Because this kind of move is undoubtedly a real provocation to the country!

"Then he can still live until now?" Fade Chen certainly knew this truth, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Otherwise, what can be done? This person is too dangerous and too strong, so if he can't kill him once, there will be endless troubles! No one is willing to take such a huge risk and order action." Zhao Xin explained silently.

Now she somewhat understands what Fade Chen said! Their circle of ancient warriors is the most respectful, strong is respectful, weak is humble!

"That's true. If the monster that can kill the innate powerhouse of the same level really wants to escape, I'm afraid no one can stop it. Unless, lock his position in advance and drop dozens of missiles down , maybe there is still hope." Fade Chen pondered in his heart and said.

You really don't want to talk about the innate level of ancient warriors like his master.

Even his current top-notch ancient warrior peak, who is almost half-innate, probably can't do anything to him with ordinary guns, bullets, and explosives!

You can block it, or you can escape! Unless it is possible to use military missiles that are more powerful and have a larger radiation range!

"Then what if he fled to a crowded place?" It was just Zhao Xin's casual words that shattered his thoughts. Yes, in this situation, if the other party flees to a crowded place, to a densely populated modern metropolis, it is impossible to really ignore everything, a missile going down and killing countless people, right?

"Okay, let's get down to business. Now the higher-ups have something to ask for your help, so can you go to the base with me now?" Zhao Xin became serious.

"Base?" Fade Chen frowned.

"It's the branch base established by our Feibao in Jiangnan Province. Don't worry too much, this time it is indeed our Feibao who needs to ask you for help, because my master has also been poisoned by the Snake King's saliva." Zhao Xin explained.

"Your master has also been poisoned by this poison? How long has it been, and is he still alive?" Fade Chen was stunned when he heard this. You must know that this kind of poison is not chronic, but very violent and violent. As long as it is touched, it is very likely to be poisoned immediately and lead to death in a short period of time!

"What nonsense are you talking about? If my master is dead, why are you still looking for me?" Zhao Xin said angrily.

"Uh, that slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, what happened?" Fade Chen said awkwardly.

"I am an orphan, and I was raised by my master. About seven years ago, my master was ordered to perform a particularly dangerous mission, but when he came back, he was seriously injured, and he was also poisoned by the snake king's saliva!" Zhao said. Xin's eyes were slightly red.

"You mean, he's been poisoned for seven years? He's not dead yet?" Fade Chen couldn't believe it. You know, he is very aware of how powerful this poison is. If it weren't because his method was different, it was the method of an immortal cultivator, otherwise he might not be able to do anything about this strange poison.

But now, Zhao Xin actually said that his master had been poisoned for seven years. Could it be that the other party is still an innate strong man? Otherwise, if it is an ordinary person, even if he has the peak level of a first-class ancient warrior, it is unlikely that he can suppress this strange poison. Moreover, it will take seven years to suppress it!

"Then, let's go after lunch. However, it has been seven years, and most of it has penetrated into the bone marrow, so I don't have much confidence. Forget it, let's see when the time comes." Fade Chen hesitated for a while , decided to check it out.

One is because after all, after all, they are here on behalf of the country, and they are people of the country. Sometimes this kind of title is really useful.

The second reason is that he is also very curious about what method the other party used to suppress this strange poison for seven years. You know, even if he takes action himself now, there are probably only two outcomes, either to die! or die! Because the toxicity of this poison is too severe, it is almost impossible to be honest.


After lunch, Fade Chen followed Zhao Xin and other Feibao people to leave Chengyang County for Feibao's branch base in Jiangnan Province.

Feibao's branch base in Jiangnan Province was established at the end of a remote mountain and old forest. But here is heavily guarded, with modern defensive monitoring equipment everywhere, and there are many scalp-numbing modern weapons around the base, all kinds of cold barrels, gun barrels, and even missile vehicles and landmines blinking, it is amazing .

Obviously, if Zhao Xin and other members of the Flying Leopards hadn't brought them to this kind of place, he might not have been able to get in after spending a lot of effort. After all, there are 360 ​​degrees around the base with no dead angles and top-level cameras are installed, unless he quickly breaks through to a higher level and learns blindfolding and invisibility.

Otherwise, it is estimated that it will be difficult for a fly or an ant to get in!

"Speak less after entering, don't cause trouble." Before entering the Feibao branch base, Zhao Xin deliberately whispered to Fade Chen.

One is because the Feibao base is not as peaceful as imagined, and the other is because the middle-aged man who was severely injured by Fade Chen before, his uncle is the captain of their Feibao, and I don't know if he has received the news. . She was a little worried.

"Don't worry, it's okay." On the contrary, Chen Fei smiled casually when he heard the words, and didn't take it seriously at all.

First-class ancient warrior? The contemporary head of a certain ancient martial arts school? Fade Chen smiled undeniably in his heart, with his current strength, would he still be afraid to this extent? Just kidding!

"Don't be so careless, okay? That person was specially recruited into our Flying Leopard as an ancient warrior, so in many cases, discipline doesn't work for people like them! If you let him know that you put his nephew If you get seriously injured, it's no wonder that you won't pay a heavy price! That man is also a lunatic, he likes to cut off people's hands and feet with a knife!" Zhao Xin couldn't help but said angrily.

You must know that in her opinion, the strength that Fade Chen possesses now is as good as a first-class ancient warrior who has just entered the sky.

But the other party is a veteran first-class ancient warrior who has been famous for a long time, and he is also the captain of their Flying Leopards. He is definitely much better than him in terms of experience and background, so how can we take it lightly? Take such a 'serious' thing at ease?

"Don't worry, it's fine."

Fade Chen smiled calmly when he heard the words, and suddenly changed the subject: "Those are your Flying Leopards, the top special forces in our country?" Although he said this, he was still a little disappointed in his heart.

Because although those people in his field of vision looked imposing, stern, and sharp-eyed, the problem was that after careful observation, it seemed that they were only around or comparable to first-time second-rate ancient warriors! It's not even as good as the hidden guards he found in the black market castle in Hong Kong back then, so it's inevitable that people will be a little disappointed.

After all, in a special department, the members are only "this level", so if you want to come to this special department, the whole group is not very good. I'm sorry for the reputation I heard before.

However, Fade Chen didn't think about how high his vision is now. Ordinary second-rate ancient warriors are not top-notch in his eyes. But the problem is, in the eyes of military elites, or a little bit of ancient warriors, this level is considered awesome! So only he, Fade Chen, has a solid foundation! How dare you 'look down on people'!

"The top special forces in our country? Of course not. Although our Flying Leopards are powerful, they are still not enough compared to the top soldiers in the country! They are far behind." But Zhao Xin shook his head when he heard this.

Leaving aside the rest, let’s just say that she had accidentally learned that there was a special operations team in the central government, and the selection criteria turned out to be that at least one must have the strength of a soldier king, or the peak of a first-class ancient warrior!

Just imagine, just the requirements for the strength of the selected members are so terrifying, how terrifying the strength of the captains, captains, and even chief executives who have just reached a higher level will be, it is simply unimaginable! It's kind of scary just thinking about it.

"Oh, that's about the same." Fade Chen nodded as a matter of course. There are also special departments that are more powerful than the flying leopards, which is in line with common sense.

"Hey, what do you mean by that just now? Look down on our flying leopards?" But at this moment, not far from the base, a young man like a two-meter-tall giant bear suddenly stepped forward with a cold expression on his face. Condescending, he spoke in a very bad tone.

Obviously, his ears are very sensitive, and he actually heard what Fade Chen said just now. Think Fade Chen looked down on them Feibao.

"Luo Gang, what are you doing? Go back, don't come looking for trouble." When Zhao Xin saw this burly, two-meter-tall young man approaching, he immediately changed his expression. Because this guy is a well-known thorn in their Flying Leopards, he is easy to get confused, and he is also easy to mess up! However, his strength is beyond doubt, and he can be called the most powerful existence under the King of Soldiers!

Very idle, he is not an ancient warrior, but was selected as an army elite.

"Zhao Xin, don't meddle in your own business! I think this kid has a big tone, what is the top special forces in our country, why is this not the same? Why, look down on us Feibao, it seems that I have to show you both hands, How dare you think you are something who dares to speak such wild words! Hmph!" Na Luogang snorted coldly and said coldly.

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