Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 1428 Tianbi Lake Heart Island

Chapter 1428 Tianbi Lake Heart Island

Seeing Fade Chen's leaving back and the self-confidence that made him feel very obvious, Jiang Wentian showed a faint smile on his face. It seems that this kid is much more confident than he was back then.

"Hehe, it's really strange, Jiang Wentian, you old guy actually has the idea of ​​accepting apprentices, this is big news!" At this moment, I saw a figure wandering towards the side.

That figure seemed ordinary, but the way it appeared was unpredictable, as if it came out of nowhere, even Jiang Wentian was slightly taken aback, and immediately asked that person with a surprised expression.

"Ren Beibei, didn't you go to Tenglong Beihai to hunt and kill Jiaolong? Why, you succeeded."

"Of course, do you think I will fail if I take up the role in the North?" The man smiled lightly, narrowed his eyes, and said, "Why, old friend, do you think that little guy is a talent that can be cultivated? "

"I've seen him shoot twice before, and the five-fold formation of the ground formation is almost instantaneous, which means that his spiritual power should have reached a good level." Jiang Wentian smiled.

"The five-fold formation of the instantaneous ground formation? It is indeed not bad at his age, and if the power of the divine sense is strong, it is also quite in line with your unique skill of the great supernatural power, the Great Silence of the Demon Lotus!"

The man smiled lightly, then his face became slightly condensed again, and said: "However, I think he seems to have offended the Yang family?"

Jiang Wentian paused, nodded and said, "Yes."

"Hey, you old guy, do you still remember what happened back then?" The man showed a wry smile on his face, and said, it turned out that the big force that had conflicted with Jiang Wentian back then and bullied him was none other than it happened. This is the Yang family.

And now that kid has offended the Yang family, and this Jiang Wentian is planning to take him as an apprentice. If you say that there is no hero in that incident, he will not believe it even if he is beaten to death by the North!

But even so, if you really want to talk about it, the Yang family is really not very hot for them.

Because Lingyuan Holy Academy has one principal dean, three vice deans, one hundred and eight honorable elders, and a variable number of teaching elders and guest elders.

Apart from the indefinite number of teaching elders and elder Keqing, almost all of the one hundred and eight honorable elders are above the level of the Great Saint. Powerful Saint-level existence!

Moreover, among the one hundred and eight glorious elders, there are at least ten whose surnames are Yang! Or have inextricably linked with the Yang family.

Therefore, to the entire Lingyuan Holy Academy, the Yang family is indeed nothing, but to the colleges in the courtyard or their glorious elders, the word Yang family can still be said to be as heavy as a mountain. The pressure is enormous.

Jiang Wentian was also silent for a while, but then he shook his head and didn't say anything. He wanted to take Fade Chen as his apprentice, because he wanted to make the Yang family look bad and feel better, as the old buddy Ren Beibei said, but these are really secondary.

Because he did see hope and possibility in Fade Chen, so he wanted to give it a try. Only everything else is incidental, dispensable.

At the same time, on the other side, after Fade Chen came out of the tower, Zhu Qianhe was taken directly to the temporary residence for freshmen inside the admissions office.

Now all the knockout matches in the thirteen main cities outside Tianbi Lake have all come to an end, and therefore, they may soon be sent to the center of Tianbi Lake, the outer courtyard of Lingyuan Holy Court. At this time, in order to avoid trouble, they will naturally not allow anyone to go out.

And after Fade Chen was sent to the temporary residence of freshmen in the admissions office, walking on the avenue in the middle of the building, many eyes fell on him, showing interesting expressions.

"It's him, he seems to be called Fade Chen, right? He dared to kill Yang Hui. I think his life will be difficult in the future."

"Yeah, being able to kill Yang Hui proves that he is indeed powerful, but who is Yang Hui? That is a member of the Yang family, but now he has killed him. It is no wonder that the Yang family would be so resigned!"

"It is said that the 'Half King Physique' produced by the Yang family once in a millennium, Yang Zifeng Yang Shao with a domineering sword physique, is still in the outer court and has not gone to the inner court. You said, didn't Young Master Yang personally take action to deal with this person?"

"Yang Zifeng, Young Master Yang? Forget it, what qualifications does he have to make Young Master Yang act personally? I am afraid that even the followers and entourages around Young Master Yang cannot be resisted by people like him? Don't forget, at the beginning Yang Hui wanted to be Yang Zifeng and Young Master Yang's followers were all rejected! Young Master Yang, you still don't like Yang Hui's level."


Many people are talking about it, and the focus of the discussion is nothing more than Fade Chen dared to kill people from the Yang family. If such a person enters the outer courtyard, Yang Zifeng from the Yang family will never let Fade Chen feel better. of.

However, Yang Hui's death did not cause such a huge storm as everyone thought. Instead, it was like a thin spring breeze, passing across the lake, causing only slight ripples on the calm lake.

Then, it calmed down again.

And this lake is the Yang family, the powerful Yang family! For such a powerful family, Yang Hui's death doesn't even make them itch, it just makes them feel uncomfortable and unhappy.

In this way, a few days passed in a flash.

Chen Fei and the others were taken away from Qingmu City and crossed Tianbi Lake...

This is a vast and endless continent, the sky is strangely dazzling in color, there are two suns, white clouds are floating, and from a distance, you can see endless ancient forests, or barren mountains and swamps, row upon row, not All in one.

And in the middle of that forest, giant trees of hundreds of feet stand majestically, with such heights, they reach straight into the sky, comparable to mountain peaks!

Above the forest, terrifying monster or desolate beasts began to pervade, which indicated that there must be powerful monsters or desolate beasts in those ancient deep mountains and old forests.

In that farther place, one can occasionally hear beast roars or howls that go straight into one's heart! Spreading far away, it is heart-stirring and shocking.

"Is this the Tianbi Lake Heart Island, where the Lingyuan Holy Court is located?"

On this barren ancient shore, there is a bluestone platform with a diameter of one hundred feet, surrounded by clouds and mist, and powerful restrictions appear around it.

Fade Chen stood on the platform, looked at the surrounding scene, and muttered to himself.

It turned out that at this time they had already been taken away from Qingmu City, and arrived at the location of the Lingyuan Holy Academy, Tianbi Lake Central Island! But speaking of islands, the island in the center of Tianbi Lake is probably bigger than many continents.

But at this time, on this bluestone platform, from the beginning when there was little popularity, to the figures behind being carried by terrifying giant beasts, there is already a lot of popularity on the platform.

At the same time, these figures are also looking at each other everywhere, which is obviously very strange to them.

However, although they seemed strange to each other, the ten people who came together formed a small group with a tacit understanding and hugged together.

However, Fade Chen was an exception. He who offended the Yang family and killed him was directly rejected by those novices in Qingmu City. Nobody wants to be with someone like that.

In this regard, Fade Chen also felt indifferent.

However, after a while, he was surprised to find that besides him, there was another person in the same situation as him. Being repelled by others, she cowered and carefully hid in a corner alone.

"You, hello." Seemingly aware of Fade Chen's gaze, the man greeted Fade Chen softly, and turned to Fade Chen.

At the same time, Fade Chen was also sizing up his face, with a high nose bridge, pale complexion, and a long and pointed chin, but it was not feminine but resolute.

In addition, his most striking eyes are those eyes. Behind the evasive eyes, there is a conspicuous purple-red entanglement in those eyes, which is particularly eye-catching.

"What's your name?" Looking at the deep purple in the corner of his eyes, Fade Chen frowned and thought for a moment to no avail, then asked.

"I, my name is Tang Xie." The man said timidly, his face pale.

"Tang Xie?" Fade Chen glanced at his timid expression, and couldn't help laughing: "My name is Fade Chen, nice to meet you. However, this name doesn't seem to suit you."

"Chen, hello Brother Chen." Tang Xie blushed a little, and said in a low voice, "This is the name my dead grandma gave me. I like it very much."

Fade Chen was stunned when he heard the words, then nodded slightly, and said, "Sorry."

At this time, a sudden mutation occurred!


I saw a terrible hurricane suddenly rolled up above the Qingshi platform, and then a wing covering the sky appeared in front of everyone, bringing huge pressure, extremely terrifying!

Everyone looked quickly, only to see that it was a black eagle, filled with terrifying holy power, and its volume was larger than a mountain.

What was even more frightening was that there was actually a group of people standing on the demon emperor-level black eagle at this moment, majestic and proud, looking down at them.

Suddenly, everyone felt a strong and huge pressure, and they were very suffocated.

At this time, the leader of the team on the black eagle, a white-haired old man in red, also spoke, and said with a smile: "Hello, everyone, welcome to Tianbihuxin Island, I am Ling One of the teaching elders in the outer courtyard of Yuanshengyuan, you can temporarily call me Elder Jin."

"Elder Jin!" Everyone on the platform was very smart and immediately called out to Elder Jin obediently.

"Well, okay..." The latter smiled slightly, and then a mysterious look appeared on his face, and his eyes fell on Fade Chen through the crowd, and he smiled softly: "Also, Are you Fade Chen?"

Everyone was taken aback, and then looked closely at Fade Chen, frowning, who is this person from? To be able to get the attention of the elder-level powerhouse of Lingyuan Shengyuan?

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