Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 1433 Gouyu's soul-absorbing, terrifying eyes!

Chapter 1433 Gouyu's soul-absorbing, terrifying eyes!

"Six major formations?!"

When the top ten formations and five-layer formations arranged by Fade Chen appeared and merged together quickly, even Feng Tao's complexion changed drastically at this time, his expression shook, his eyes There was a look of horror and gloom in it.

Although he is not an array mage, his experience is extraordinary. Moreover, there are many powerful array mages in Lingyuan Holy Academy, so of course he knows what a great array master means, and he also knows that a ground formation with six major formations , what does it mean at this time!

A strong formation master of this level, even if he has reached the peak strength of a great formation master! Because, among the levels of the entire Great Formation Master, the total realm level is only the sixth heaven, but its strength is basically equivalent to that of the invincible ancient king.

As for the super-powerful array of the six major formations of the ground formation, once it is successfully deployed, its power will definitely be earth-shattering! Even a fake half-saint like him would have a headache for it.

"Damn thing!"

Afterwards, Feng Tao's voice almost popped out word by word between his teeth, his eyes burst out with a strong killing intent, because this time, he really felt a strong threat from Fade Chen, even fear!

Such a person has already reached this level when he just entered the academy. If he is given more time to let him grow, he will become a superstar figure like Yang Zifeng and Yang Shao who look down on the world in a short time. Hang high in the sky.

And if this kind of person, Feng Tao, wants to make enemies with him, he must kill him at all costs before he grows up, otherwise, the future Feng Tao will surely die without a place to die! Powerless.

"Ge Rong, Duan Jie, Zhou Li...do whatever it takes. This kid must die today, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to survive alone in the future! Think it over yourself."

The next moment, Feng Tao yelled with a gloomy complexion, and turned towards the remaining old students. Immediately, he himself did not hesitate any more, and with a movement of his body, the black lightning rumbled, shattered and turned into a Hong Guang killed Fade Chen, and a terrifying killing intent of thunder spread out of the void!

Not only that, the faces of the remaining old students were completely solemn when they heard the words, and they changed.

After all, they are not idiots, so they immediately understood the meaning of Feng Tao's words!

In their opinion, the talent and strength that Fade Chen has shown now is really terrifying

A mere freshman admitted to the hospital, he looked even younger than Yang Zifeng and Yang Shao, but he actually broke through to the level of the sixth level of the Grand Formation Master before the battle! What kind of concept is this? mean what? !

It means that even the top existences in the outer court, together with Yang Zifeng and Yang Shao, if they do something with this person themselves, they may not necessarily be able to succeed.

Because the combat power and strength of the six levels of the Grand Master is already enough to enjoy a very high right to speak in the outer domain!

And this is a genius, a monster! Its horror frightened them and left them feeling suffocated.

Thinking of this, the remaining old students also gritted their teeth with extremely gloomy expressions, while deeply regretting why they went to Young Master Yang to take over this drudgery, they were simply seeking their own death! Without any reservations, he took out all his strength, crossed the void, and killed Fade Chen. The momentum was shocking.

"Shenshan Jue, Mount Tai overwhelms the top!"

One of the well-known two-star small supernatural powers in the Outer Court of Lingyuan Holy Court is the sacred mountain of the sky condensed from the vast, heavy, and thick-cut earth-type aura. The huge mountain, with its extremely fierce and heavy momentum, came to Fade Chen. Suppress it! Terrible.

"The imaginary dragon explodes!"

On the other side, another old student also burned with a strange deep purple magic flame like an inextinguishable flame! The demonic flames were overwhelming, burning everything, and in an instant, a terrifying nihilistic flame dragon emerged, and it swallowed towards Fade Chen with a mouth full of blood.

Also, although the other person's method didn't seem as fancy as the first two, it was just an extremely mediocre charge towards Fade Chen, but as his body quickly passed through those areas, almost everyone felt it, In that person's thin and small body, there is a terrifying energy similar to that of a volcano that is about to erupt. Even if it erupts, it will destroy the world!

And finally, Feng Tao who swallowed the top silver-pattern king Dan, at this time behind him, the piece of poor sky hanging high was faintly distorted,

Among them, not long after, there was a series of terrifying lightning black seals formed rapidly, and not long after, they surpassed ten and began to reproduce more! Eleven Thunder Demon Seals, Twelve Thunder Demon Seals, and even, Thirteen...

Everyone, including the old students who came with Feng Tao, instantly showed horror on their faces, and then ecstasy.

Unexpectedly, Feng Tao could break through the suffocation at this time, did he break through? ! The Thirteen Thunder Demon Seals, let alone them, as long as you ask any student from the outer courtyard, no one will know about it.

At the beginning, a peerless person from the outer court of Lingyuan Holy Court had practiced the number of thunder magic seals to as many as fifteen before he reached the level of the holy realm. Then, with these fifteen thunder magic seals, he Beheaded a holy figure alone! The first level of the holy law realm.

"Haha, hahaha! Today is really helping me. I, Feng Tao, really want to see now, how capable are you in facing me in this state?! Grand Master Sixth Heaven, what is that? something, hahaha..."

In the void, Feng Tao's wild laughter filled with strong murderous intent sounded, and immediately the thirteen thunder magic seals in the void behind him exploded and shot out, just like the magic thunder bombarding the earth, destroying all living beings! Gun Gunsha showed Fade Chen the power of destroying the world.

In addition, there is also the combined attack of those old students, which is so powerful that it is terrifying, suffocating, and desperate!

"Brother Chen..." Seeing this scene, Rao Tang Xie's expression changed dramatically at this time, his pale face stared at Fade Chen with concern, followed by his thin, young face showing the slightest determination color.

"Thousand illusions!"

With a low moan, the purple red in his eyes squirmed strangely in an instant, spread out in his eyes, and then formed blood-red, frightening spots.

A strange, vast aura was also released in a low-key manner, causing Tang Xie's thin body to tremble wildly for an instant, the muscles at the corners of his eyes twisted, and his teeth creaked, as if in excruciating pain.

Obviously, in this state, he is definitely putting a huge load on his body, or in other words, the mental field, and if he is a little careless, it may even be unimaginable!

However, Tang Xie resolutely chose to do this for Fade Chen, a friend he had just met and recognized.

The next moment, he gritted his teeth, raised his head with the muscles in the corners of his eyes trembling ferociously, looked at one of the three who attacked Fade Chen, bit the tip of his tongue, and the salty smell made him wake up instantly, and let out a low drink.

"Hooking jade at the corner, soul-stirring!"

Immediately, a wave of divine thoughts and spiritual power that ordinary people could not detect burst out from those suddenly sharp eyes, and attacked one of the old students he had locked on. Stiff, and then, something terrible happened.


"Ah... Duan Jie, what are you doing? Do you want to die..."

A piercing scream, it turned out that a second ago, the old man named Duan Jie suddenly changed the trajectory of his ultimate method, and killed his companion beside him. Half of the companion's body was swallowed up, and the inextinguishable flames continued to burn him, endlessly!

Although logically speaking, no matter how poor the strength of the old student who was instantly killed, it is impossible for him to be so useless and instantly killed, but how could he know that Duan Jie, who was originally his classmate, would suddenly attack him? This is completely defenseless, caught off guard!

In this case, let alone him, even if Feng Tao came, the end would still be unimaginable! Because they never thought of this at all.

However, no one thought that this sudden cannibalism was not over yet!

When Tang Xie's eyes in the distance were bloody and tears slipping down from their sockets, the old man named Duan Jie raised his hand with a ferocious expression, and with a puff, that hand pierced his heart, Then, he squeezed it hard and burst it.

"What?!" At this moment, Feng Tao and the last remaining freshman finally couldn't help constricting their pupils suddenly, and the strong vibration and the chill on their backs were released from their eyeballs very quickly. out,

Then, they moved very slowly and looked towards the fainted figure in the distance, a ray of uncontrollable trembling was released directly irresistibly.

What exactly is this person's ability? Isn't it an illusion, but why can it still control others? !

"Tang Xie!" Not to mention them, even Fade Chen was taken aback by Tang Xie's power or ability. Could those eyes be able to control others? Is it because it contains terrifying spirit and spiritual power? !

This kind of power is really chilling your neck.

"Kill him!" Feng Tao gritted his teeth and stared at the fainting Tang, Xie roared, his gloomy eyes filled with furious killing intent.

Originally, Tang Xie's existence was not taken seriously by him at all, but now, the biggest casualties among them, a total of three people, all died in Tang Xie's hands, which made him really furious.

Also, and the most important point, was Tang Xie's ability, the ability to control others, which made him suddenly feel deeply afraid.

Because, just imagine, if one day, the most trusted and closest person around you is controlled by the other party and suddenly turns against each other, how can you be prepared? !

This is impossible to guard against at all. Thinking of this, Feng Tao's desire and desire to kill Tang Xie even surpassed his hatred for Fade Chen!

Such a dangerous person must not be allowed to survive.

But just as he was about to kill Tang Xie, his face suddenly froze, because Fade Chen's voice was already in front of him, and at the same time, a calm and indifferent voice also hit Feng Tao's heart directly, slowly ringing up.

"Did you forget me?!"


The moment the voice fell, the ten unique and ten killing formations finally merged completely together, and the arrangement was successful.

This is the top-level formation with six major formations, ten unique and ten killing formations!

All of a sudden, all kinds of terrifying energies and strong lights burst out in that area, enveloping Feng Tao whose face had gradually become horrified...

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