Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 1459 Who cares what he is

Chapter 1459 Who cares what he is

As the Shan Meng waited for the generals to leave gasping for breath, the rest of the people looked at Fade Chen in shock, with a strange look in their eyes.

The fighting power shown by this person just now is really not weak, and even, I am afraid that he has the strength to hit the top seven hundred, or even top five hundred in the ancient king list. Yes, and there are still many strong people in it, and their power is huge, but this time they are so embarrassing, and even killed one person, thinking that the general alliance must not give up easily.

"My friend, a word of advice, hurry up and take on a mission now to avoid the limelight for a while, otherwise, you will be in a very difficult situation after being accused by the General League." One person yelled at Fade Chen, reminding Fade Chen one time.

"That's right. Although you can easily kill that Qin Yuan, do you know that this Qin Yuan is just a very inconspicuous role in the General League! The General League is really powerful among the students in our inner courtyard." It's too huge, let's say that among the top 100 figures in the ancient king list, they will account for at least one-sixth, and they are not something you can provoke now."

"Also, Fatty Yuan, I also advise you to stay away from him a little bit, because he is a 'general' in the general alliance, and he personally ordered the person to be targeted, so don't realize it for an outsider."


More reminders came, but some of the words made Fatty Yuan's expression change again, and he immediately lowered his head with a dejected expression, and clenched his fists tightly, but he couldn't utter a word of rebuttal. .

Indeed, he is the one who is going to be targeted by a "general" of the General League. If the outsiders have anything to do with him, it will only do harm and no benefit. It is equivalent to that he is a broom star now, and everyone hates him.

"Thank you for your persuasion, I have my own measure." But Fade Chen just smiled and said to the people around him, and immediately shouted to Yuan Huaishan who was not far away: "Fatty Yuan, what are you still doing there? Let's go. "

Saying that, he smiled and left gracefully.

Yuan Huaishan was also stunned for a long time when he heard the words, his expression was excited and complicated at first, he didn't expect that Fade Chen would still be willing to have contact with him when the time had already been said, which touched him very much.

Immediately, he gritted his teeth fiercely, and chased after Fade Chen who left first.

This relationship, let alone friendship or anything else, but he is very clear that it is hard-won! He wants to cherish.

But seeing this scene, the face of the person in the distance who persuaded Fade Chen to keep a distance from Yuan Huaishan suddenly became gloomy, and he felt that what he said just now was like a clown, making him look very ugly .

But after a while, his face returned to calm, and he even smiled sarcastically, saying: "Hehe, he is indeed the one who can kill Qin Yuan, and he is indeed a proud and arrogant person. Let my kindness be treated like a donkey by him. Anyway, as soon as the General League finds out about this, his temperament will soon be smoothed out, hahaha..."

Laughing, he made a chic gesture and left.

Everyone either sneered or glanced ironically at the background of his departure, seeming to dismiss him, but in fact, they couldn't find a single rebuttal. There was not only a faint sigh in my heart.

After all, they are able to enter the inner courtyard of Lingyuan Holy Court, which one is not a genius?

Zeng Xiong is heroic and determined to dominate the academy, but the reality is cruel, the first person, there will always be only one person! And they obviously don't have that qualification...

In the distance, Fatty Yuan Huaishan followed Fade Chen's footsteps, but he was uncharacteristically dull. No more talking.

Seeing this scene, Fade Chen smiled slightly and said, "Why, Fatty Yuan, aren't you going to tell me? Who are those guys? They seem to be targeting you?"

"Yes, they are indeed targeting me." Yuan Huaishan smiled sadly, and said to Fade Chen: "They are members of the General League."

"I know. I mean, what is the General League?" Fade Chen asked calmly.

"Oh, look, I forgot that you are still a freshman and don't know the situation in the inner courtyard."

Yuan Huaishan patted his head, eyes dodged and said: "You probably don't understand the meaning of the phrase 'Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes'? The same is true in the inner courtyard of our holy courtyard. The General League is the three strongest in the inner courtyard. One of the college organizations, their power is very large and terrifying."

"One of the three strongest college organizations in the inner courtyard, is that so?" Fade Chen nodded lightly, but his expression hardly changed.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Huaishan was stunned and said, "Aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid? Oh, you said it's the general alliance with them? Why are you afraid?" Fade Chen asked back.

Yuan Huaishan's surprised eyes fell on Fade Chen, and the indescribable complex emotions seemed to deepen. Obviously, he really couldn't understand that Fade Chen, a mere freshman, after hearing that the General League was such a huge force, actually felt a little bit more. Don't be afraid, is he really so courageous?

When he thought of this, he let go, and complained with some distress: "Hey, in fact, Fat Lord, I was considered a little genius in this inner courtyard, but I have a deadly enemy, he is very powerful, and his talent is also amazing. , and now he has become one of the top 'generals' of the General League..."

"You said that if he directly kills me, I, Fatty Yuan, will recognize it. I am inferior to others. There is no way, but he wants to use this method to humiliate me. Anyone who gets close to me will be punished by their generals." If you stay away from me, you won’t be punished by their General Alliance. Because of this, I hid from the previous college to this hundred colleges, but who knows that he still doesn’t want to let me go..."

As he spoke, Fatty Yuan clenched his fists tightly again, and even his nails slightly dug into the flesh.

Don't look at what he said now, although he said it plainly, but the torture and pain in it are only clear to him.

A person who is forced to be isolated by everyone is really miserable!

After finishing speaking, Fatty Yuan Huaishan also sighed softly, and said to Fade Chen: "Seriously, Fade Chen, you should stop contacting me in the future. As for Qin Yuan, you can go to the General League to explain it, one alive A talented person should be more valuable than a dead person."

"Explanation?" Fade Chen slightly raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and said lightly, "Only that group of mobs are worthy of me, Fade Chen, to come to explain. You think highly of them, don't you?"

Yuan Huaishan's eyes widened all of a sudden, and he stared at Fade Chen for a long time before he couldn't help saying: "Your words are too loud, that's the alliance of generals!"

"Whatever he is. Chicken League and Duck League. If they are honest and don't mess with me, then it's better not to offend the river, and everyone will go to the sky..." Speaking of this, Fade Chen slightly narrowed his eyes, A ray of arrogance spontaneously appeared.

"If they really don't have eyes so much and come to provoke me, then don't blame me for being shameless, and just dismantle their general alliance! Save your eyes."

Yuan Huaishan was naturally a little dumbfounded when he heard the words, and stared blankly at Fade Chen. At this time, he seemed to realize that his new friend is really a little unusual. Among other things, the tone alone is really amazing.

To dismantle the General League, not to mention him, even if he is the number one person on the ancient king list, Shen Zongtian can't do it.

But he didn't say anything depressing, he just thought that Fade Chen was cheering him up.

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