Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 1560 Yanyun Zong Taishang Patriarch

Chapter 1560 Yanyun Zong Taishang Patriarch

In an instant, it can be said that the voices on the entire Haoyang Mountain became quiet. Quiet is eerie.

And those gazes with shocking expressions were also staring at the slender figure in the sky with faint surprise at this time, and the waves in his heart unconsciously increased even more...

After all, although the person who attacked and killed Fade Chen earlier was not a top person in the eyes of everyone, a super monster, but the strength of the other party who was approaching the peak of the fifth heaven of the holy law realm was still witnessed by everyone, right?

but? But it was such a guy who was considered outstanding among the younger generation, who possessed the peak strength of the fifth level of the Holy Law, but was killed on the spot by Chen Fei who didn't know how to do it, and was smashed to pieces. No bones left...

Everyone's teasing and contemptuous eyes towards Fade Chen finally changed at this time.

In the distance, Jiang Tujun of the Black Demon Thunder God Sect narrowed his eyes slightly, and then a hint of unkind indifference flowed out again, hum! It turned out that there were some small means and strength, no wonder he dared to ignore Jiang Tujun's words "so naively".

On the other hand, Yu Chongyang, who was held by the stars, also froze the original sarcastic smile on his face, followed by a somewhat ugly and gloomy expression, and a cold snort full of indifference, which appeared at the In everyone's sight and ears.

"Chen Fei, is this the capital you dare to violate my Yu Chongyang, but, it seems that it is nothing more than that..."

"Being able to instantly kill a guy who is close to the peak of the fifth heaven of the holy law realm may be extremely powerful and unrivaled in your eyes. Unfortunately, ordinary people at your level can hardly understand that a real evildoer , A genius, how strong and powerful he can be!"

"A person like you is still too conceited and a frog in a well after all..."

Thinking of this, Yu Chongyang shook his head and stopped paying attention to those.

In fact, although Fade Chen left a very bad impression in his eyes, Yu Chongyang didn't take it seriously at all. Yes, he didn't regard Fade Chen as an enemy at all, because he was disdainful, or in other words, he thought Fade Chen was not qualified for that from beginning to end.

After all, whether it's 'seniority' or strength, in his eyes, Fade Chen is far below their circle!

As for what is that circle? Obviously, in Yu Chongyang's eyes, the entire Tianbi Lake area plus the Yingjiao area, and even the wider land, the entire Lingyuan Sanctuary is the young generation's circle of top monsters and geniuses.

Among Yu Chongyang, he is the person in this circle, while Fade Chen is not even qualified to touch and get close to him at all.

Therefore, they are not from the same world at all.

"Yang Po." Yu Chongyang followed suit and spoke slowly.

Yang Po, the leader of the Chisha League of the Four Great Courts beside him, was startled for a moment, and immediately said: "Senior brother Yu Chongyang, what is your order?"

As one of the top and most powerful three student forces in the four courtyards, and the leader of the Chisha League, he, Yang Po, is indeed of a high level and has an extraordinary status. However, in front of Yu Chongyang, the number one person in the four courtyards, , but he still couldn't be proud. You can even just bow your head...

Because he understands very well that his own strength is completely different from Yu Chongyang's! It is precisely because of this that this is also the fundamental reason why he is willing to lead people to follow the opponent.

In the realm of comprehension, fists have always been the biggest thing! Respect strength.

Yu Chongyang's strength is far superior to him, even far superior to the combined sum of their Chisha League! Therefore, he doesn't think it's shameful to follow in this kind of reality, on the contrary, Yang Po thinks it's a wise move.

"Fade Chen will be left to you. After this trip to the White Jade Heavenly Palace, I don't want to see him again. Is there a problem?"

At this time, Na Yu Chongyang spoke again, and said lightly. He wanted to deal with Fade Chen, but felt that it would be demeaning to do it himself, so Yang Po was an extremely suitable candidate.

Strength, as the famous Chisha Saber Emperor of the Four Great Courts, this Yang Po obviously has no shortage of strength. Ordinary people who are below the peak of the sixth heaven in the holy law realm, I am afraid that there is really no way to please him.

As for ability, if there is a way to create such a huge Chisha League member with bare hands, do you think he has no ability?

Fade Chen will be left to you; I don't want to see him again...

Hearing Yu Chongyang's words, Yang Po narrowed his eyes slightly, then laughed immediately, and said lightly: "I see."

Just these four simple words, nothing else, but it showed Yang Po's self-confidence to the extreme!

Obviously, not saying anything is in the eyes of Senior Brother Yu Chongyang, and even in his eyes, Fade Chen is just a 'little person'. What's more, their Yang family also had a feud with Fade Chen, and this time they got to know each other together, in Yang Po's opinion, it was quite a good thing.

Hearing these four words from Yang Po, Yu Chongyang also laughed and said nothing more.

Because of the confidence in these words, of course he could hear it. Moreover, to be honest, he didn't believe that Chen Fei could make any waves or moths in Yang Po's hands... First, he didn't have the qualifications, and second, he didn't have the strength!

In addition, at the same time, another group of people in the distance were also quietly watching this scene with cold eyes.

Those were some people wearing gray and black robes, their auras were calm but also icy cold and terrifying. Some people had poisonous gas floating on their bodies, and some people were surrounded by magic smoke... It felt very dangerous! palpitating.

In fact it is. Within tens of meters around that group of people, no one dared to approach or approach them.

And such a scene on the overcrowded Haoyang Mountain is obviously very unreasonable.

However, if you know their identities, maybe you will find it reasonable.

Because they are from the Heavenly Snake Mansion!

One courtyard and one pavilion, the Heavenly Snake Mansion among the two sects and three mansions!

The entire Lingyuan Sanctuary, and even the most powerful killer organization in the Three Emperors, the Heavenly Snake Mansion!

Such an identity, such a background, who do you think is not afraid? !

What's more, these people are not the kind of waste who only rely on the prestige of the Heavenly Snake Mansion's reputation. On the contrary, almost five or six out of ten of the fierce reputation of the younger generation of the Heavenly Snake Mansion are made by them one by one. !

The head of the seven holy snakes of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, ask Qing Cang!

One of the seven holy snakes of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, the saint Yang Zilan!

One of the seven holy snakes of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, Kunlong!

There were only three of them, and it turned out that all three of them were giants on the Baiyu Tianjiao list, tyrants! How astonishing, how terrifying.

At this time, because of the previous conflict between Kunlong and Fade Chen, and perhaps the "huge and generous order" that they had just received in the Sky Snake Mansion, the attention of the three of them was all on the present day. It fell on Fade Chen.

"Is he Fade Chen?" Qing Cang was dressed in a gray robe, with black shattered hair, and his appearance was very ordinary, but even so, he could still use those two words to describe his appearance, which was terrible !

That's right, Wen Qingcang's feeling can indeed be described as terrifying.

Otherwise, it is impossible for a person like him to climb to the position of the head of the Seven Great Snakes of this generation in the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

"It's him! It's a pity that he ran away because of the sudden appearance of Baiyu Tiangong last time."

Kunlong snorted coldly and said.

Obviously, he is obviously a person who must report his flaws, so he has been brooding over the matter of not being able to kill Fade Chen, who dared to offend him, who dared to offend him.

But now he can kill Fade Chen, but it is obviously not a good opportunity in this situation.

Although he is paranoid and irritable, he is an absolutely qualified killer! There is no doubt about this, no one will doubt it.

Wen Qingcang's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "Recently someone came to our Heavenly Snake Mansion and paid a huge price to place an order, and set the task of killing this person at six stars...Kunlong, Zilan, you two are ready Who will take on this task?"

Six-star missions are considered relatively high in the mission ratings within the Heavenly Snake Mansion. Generally speaking, if it is necessary to assassinate a target in the seventh heaven of the Holy Law Realm, the Heavenly Snake Mansion will set the difficulty of the task at six stars.

Of course, if the customer is willing to spend money, the difficulty can also be set by himself.

But now, someone obviously treats Fade Chen as someone who has reached the level and level of difficulty of the seventh heaven of the Holy Law Realm, and is dealing with him. And the price to be paid for doing so is naturally quite astonishing.

Otherwise, with Wen Qingcang's status in the Heavenly Snake Mansion, he wouldn't be able to remember this task alone and take it to heart.

Kill Fade Chen?

The saintess Yang Zilan's eyes flickered slightly. Normally speaking, people like Fade Chen should have no difficulty for them... But for some reason, at this time, she remembered that she had a relationship with her before. Chen Fei, who met once, always felt a little uneasy in his heart.

At the same time, Kunlong spoke without hesitation, and said coldly: "Leave this task to me! It just so happens that the boy and Xiong Lin are on the same road, and this time it happens to be solved together, so as to save money." future trouble."

Xiong Lin was also 'registered' on the assassination mission inside the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

And the difficulty level of that task is also six stars...

"Yes." Wen Qingcang nodded and said nothing more.

Then Yang Zilan's eyes flickered, and then fell silent, not fighting for anything. Just in time, let Kunlong try the kid's hole cards and Jinliang...

At the same time, because of the death of the person who attacked and killed Fade Chen, the atmosphere that had suddenly become quiet and complicated was suddenly broken by a terrifying, terrible, and extremely powerful fury. balance!


An unbearable powerful force surged into the sky, setting off thunder and thunder, and then a figure was seen in the field of vision of the crowd, exuding terrifying fluctuations, galloping from afar!

At the same time, a roar of fury like thunder came down from the sky and rushed towards Fade Chen!

"Zhuzi, this old man will kill you!"

All of a sudden, the sky was startled, and the birds flew across the sky. Everyone's expression changed suddenly, and their bodies retreated one after another! Because they immediately felt that this person who was full of rage and acted in vain was absolutely terrifying to the level of destroying the world. If it affected them, they would probably lose their bones.

"Who is this?!" Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they stared at the sky in horror.

"I see, it's him! One of the ancestors of Yan Yunzong, I forgot his name, but the man who was killed by Fade Chen just now is one of his sons!" Someone recognized the The identity of the person who came, with a surprised expression, said.

One of the ancestors of the Yan Yunzong Taishang, at least he is the existence of the ninth heavenly level of the Holy Law and Aspect Realm! Didn't expect such a person to come forward in person in this situation?

And at the same time when everyone was shocked, the ancestor of Yan Yunzong had already killed Fade Chen and followed him.

Looking at Fade Chen with indifferent, cold old eyes full of evil spirit and murderous intent, Fade Chen felt that his sea of ​​consciousness was about to be destroyed for a moment, and he couldn't think anymore, and his body froze in place.

At the same time, in the middle of the air, a merciless withered palm struck down with a killing intent! But then the face of the elder of the Yanyun Sect's Taishang changed, because he actually found that his lore chapter had hit an empty space and was avoided by Fade Chen.

"Who? Get out..."

The ancestor of Yanyun Zongtai gave a cold drink with a gloomy face, knowing that someone was helping Fade Chen, he was so angry that he swears directly.

However, before he could finish his swearing, a ray of cold light came slowly, silently, and stabbed at his body, which made his expression change suddenly, his heart shrank, and he immediately ignored The figure of the figure exploded!

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