Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 1587 Jiang Tujun retreats

Chapter 1587 Jiang Tujun retreats

Accompanied by the appearance of those three figures, the whole world suddenly became quiet. Everyone couldn't help lowering their eyes slightly, and there was a slight flicker in their eyes and on the face, and Slightly apprehensive.

Because, who are these three people, how can they not know? !

Huang Zheng, Huang Zheng, and the two people beside him who are also good at the same time, are the leaders of the Huang family's generation of young people, and they are powerful.

But now, the appearance of the three of them together, coupled with what Huang Zheng said coldly, basically made their purpose and intentions clear.

"It seems that the three of them want to reap the benefits of fishing."

Someone slowly shook his head and sighed.

Now, Fade Chen and that Jiang Tujun have fought like this, and both sides are hurting. If you can still have any competitiveness, it is obviously impossible.

But the three members of the Huang family are different.

From the very beginning, the three of them waited for work with ease, and they also relied on the large number of people. If we really want to say it, compared with another super-top talent, the man on fire that day, they undoubtedly have an advantage.

Because there is only one person in Tianhuo, but there are three in the Huang family, Huang Zheng and others.

Seeing this scene, the man on fire frowned slightly that day, but soon, his expression was restrained by him again, and he fell down from the lonely peak expressionlessly.

"If you want to start competing for this star pool, you can also count me as a master of heaven and fire."

It was a plain voice, but it contained an astonishing domineering aura, which made everyone's heart beat faster, their expressions solemn, their eyes slightly narrowed...

Because not only the arrogance in the voice, but even if the man on fire just stood there and descended from the sky that day, he actually gave people a miraculous feeling of the fusion of heaven and earth, and the unity of heaven and man.

In addition, the colorful flames surrounding Master Tianhuo also seemed to contain extremely huge power, and they were burning there quietly, but everyone began to sweat quietly all over their bodies.

"Huh!" At the same time, Huang Zheng also snorted suddenly, followed by a faint golden glow in his indifferent eyes, burning and beating, causing a ray of mysterious and terrifying coercion to spread out. Come on, just staring at people makes people feel like a thousand swords are piercing their hearts, and they dare not look at them.

And some people just looked into Huang Zheng's eyes, and then suddenly screamed, a line of blood and tears fell, and they almost became blind.

"It's the Huang family's peerless secret technique, Jinzu Xiaguang!"

Seeing this scene, people couldn't help but gasp.

The Huang family in Cangyue Mountain is the most famous and shocking in the world is the 'Golden Ancestor Xiaguang'.

It is said that this peerless and peerless secret technique was created by the founding ancestor of the Huang family, a holy emperor, an ancient emperor-level existence, who devoted his whole life to creating it.

And if these methods can be cultivated to perfection, even if they encounter a real holy emperor and ancient emperor-level existence, they will not be afraid.

"These guys really have changed from one to the other! They are worthy of being recognized as super-top talents..."

Someone almost groaned and groaned.

First Jiang Tujun and Fade Chen, and now Master Tianhuo and Huang Zheng.

Speaking of which, the power of these changes has indeed completely surpassed that of ordinary people.

Even the so-called geniuses of the so-called major sects, major forces, and major ancient families present were still shocked by their power!

Therefore, the recognized name of a super-top Tianjiao, such an identity, now seems to be worthy of the name...

"Hey, it seems that we are hopeless again. The final ownership of this star pool, presumably, should be among the four of them."

Someone followed with a silent sigh and left silently.

With Fade Chen and the others present, the Star Pool, no matter how much they longed for it, no matter how much they peeked at it, obviously they would never have the slightest chance. Because they can't be the opponents of Chen Fei and others!

So instead of this, it is better to give up wisely. And now that the eleventh star pool has already appeared, will the twelfth, thirteenth, or even more be far behind?

Those who have made it this far must not be fools. So how could they not know such a simple and easy-to-understand truth?

Soon, most of the monks in the low valley that had been buzzing together lost most of them.

And even there were still people who chose to stay and look for opportunities, but no matter whether it was Master Tianhuo or Huang Zheng and others, they didn't pay much attention to them.

This is also the pride and arrogance of a truly super-top Tianjiao. Do you want to stay? Can! Do you want to find a chance to snatch the Star Pool? Can! As long as you can have that ability.

At this time, Huang Zheng glanced at Fade Chen and Xue Tujun, who were still 'unmoved', with a glint of impatience and coldness in his eyes, and said slowly.

"Aren't you leaving?"

If he doesn't leave, then Huang Zheng won't recognize who is who next.

He is bound to win this star pool!

Anyone who dares to stand in front of him is an enemy!

Jiang Tujun's expression turned gloomy when he heard the words, and there was a burst of anger and anger in his heart. In the heyday, even if Huang Zheng dared to speak to him in such a tone, he would definitely turn his face!

After all, how can a genius like him who is a truly top-notch genius not have a bit of arrogance and temper.

But now the situation is different, the opponent is very unfavorable.

Because in the next battle with Fade Chen, Jiang Tujun not only lost his biggest hole card, Nirvana Thunder Bead, but even now his overall condition is very bad! Because he was seriously injured.

Under such circumstances, to be honest, Jiang Tujun's hope of capturing the star pool in front of him is indeed very, very slim.

In addition, there is a more important point, that is, whether they can win this star pool right now is actually secondary. The important thing is that there are wolves around, and everyone is the enemy. If Jiang Tujun is not careful, someone catches some gap or opportunity, loses Jingzhou carelessly, and even falls into danger of life. What Jiang Tujun is most afraid of seeing now...


Thinking of this, Jiang Tujun took a deep breath and suppressed the killing intent and aggrievedness in his heart. In the end, the vigorous thunder aura around him gradually subsided. Take it back into the body.

He glanced coldly at Fade Chen, then at Huang Zheng and Master Tianhuo, finally snorted heavily, turned and left.

"Today I took Jiang Tujun's things. In the future, you will return them ten times and a hundred times! Huang Zheng, Master Tianhuo, and you, Fade Chen, wash my neck and wait..."

Master Tianhuo's eyes flashed when he heard the words, but in the end, he still didn't say anything.

But Huang Zheng snorted coldly when he heard the words, and said with disdain: "As long as you have the courage, I, Huang Zheng, will accompany you at any time..."

But when he said this, he paused for a moment, looked at Fade Chen who had not spoken with cold eyes, and said, "Do you really think that I don't know what you are doing? Do you still want to take the opportunity to recover your spiritual energy? If that's the case, then don't blame us for turning our faces and denying people."

Obviously, he wasn't an idiot either. Fade Chen didn't even say a word from the beginning to the end, but just stood there calmly. He didn't need to think about it, and he must be taking the opportunity to hurry up and recover.

Although Huang Zheng didn't believe it at all, how much Chen Fei could recover from such a serious injury in such a short period of time, but, being cautious by nature, he was obviously unwilling to expose such obvious hidden dangers to his eyes.

Thinking of this, Huang Zheng's cold eyes couldn't help but completely locked on Fade Chen.

At the same time, an extremely powerful oppression rushed towards Fade Chen!

boom! There was a muffled sound, and the area where Fade Chen was located exploded, and a circle of golden red clouds was strangely drawn into a circle, surrounding it, melting with a bang, making everything disappear.

But at this moment, Fade Chen's figure had disappeared from there.

Immediately afterwards, in the next breath, Fade Chen's figure slowly appeared tens of meters away.

At the same time, he shook his head helplessly and said, "You still found out..."

Obviously, his previous silence was indeed to seize all the time to recover his strength.

However, now Huang Zheng saw through it and fell halfway.

It's just the only good news, that is, his previous efforts were not in vain.

Now, although his internal strength has not recovered to a considerable level, 30% to 40% is still there.

And if this is the case, it might not be impossible to try to fight...

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