Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 1647 Qiannan King

Chapter 1647 Qiannan King

"Welcome to the King of Qiannan!"

Everyone respected in unison, and the momentum seemed extremely sufficient.

And the Qiannan King smiled in satisfaction, and sat on the throne of the Nine Dragon Terrace with a smile on his face, and said lightly: "Everyone, you are welcome. Please sit down..."

The leaders of many forces bowed and thanked again, and then sat down.

That kind of respectful gesture made the corner of Qiannan King's mouth twitch a faint satisfied smile again.

And then, he looked down from a high position and looked down, looking at all the representatives of the major forces in the hall. Just like a king.

In the end, his gaze stayed on the seat in front of the Mingshen Mansion, of course, to be precise, it was on that beautiful figure.

"Hehe, Miss Wanqing, I wonder if you are still satisfied in our royal family these days?"

Qiannan Wang Man looked at Pei Wanqing with a smile, and said kindly.

However, everyone knows that this is just an appearance.

People looked at the King of Qiannan and Pei Wanqing quietly, and many people followed with a hint of playfulness in their eyes.

The Pei family of the royal family wanted to use this woman to annex the Mingshen Mansion without bloodshed. Will they succeed in this way?

Will she submit like this?

It is said that the original owner of the Mingshen Mansion, Chen Wang Chen Fei, his mother and the enlightenment mentor were all secretly arrested by the Qiannan King! Using this as a threat, he wants to make this woman submit.

Countless gazes and tremendous pressure fell on Pei Wanqing, but she still looked calm, and said calmly: "The prosperity and prosperity of Wangcheng is indeed far beyond my Mingshen City. However, after all, Mingshen City is our home. So, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay for a long time. Besides, my mother-in-law and the others must be tired of staying in this royal city."

In her words, there was a meaning of rejection again, and she was also warning the Qiannan King. Obviously, the Qiannan King could restrain himself a bit, and don't let everyone really go to the point of burning everything together.

However, the Qiannan King only smiled when he heard the words, as if he didn't understand the meaning contained in Pei Wanqing's words.

He flicked his fingers and said calmly with a smile: "To be honest, my seventh son, Pei Tian, ​​has been in love at first sight since the day he met Miss Wanqing. So, if possible, I also hope Miss Wanqing can stay, what do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the hall. Pei Wanqing is a married man, but now the King of Qiannan still wants to poach the wall so blatantly. Could it be that he is ready to tear his face and force this woman to make a choice?

Hearing this, Pei Wanqing trembled angrily, but she still forced herself to calm down, and said calmly, "King Qiannan, please respect yourself."


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

The Qiannan King couldn't help laughing out loud as if he had heard the funniest joke.

But it was precisely because of this laughter that people's expressions suddenly changed.

At this time, the Qiannan King's laughter had stopped, and he looked at Pei Wanqing with a half-smile, and said lightly: "Miss Wanqing, you have been a wife for many years, and I, Pei Tianhong, are still willing to let me into the door of my Pei family. Becoming my daughter-in-law is to give you face, so don't give face to shame!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's expression changed again, and at the same time they knew in their hearts that, as expected, the King of Qiannan was going to attack Mingshen Mansion.

At the same time, that Jin Yuan burst into a fit of violence, with a billowing demonic energy gushing out of his body, and angrily shouted at the Qiannan King: "Pei Tianhong, don't bully people too much!"

However, just as he finished speaking, two ghostly figures suddenly appeared on the left and right of the gold coin with two swishing sounds.

Then in the next second, the two auras pressed against Jin Yuan like a volcanic eruption, suppressing it abruptly.

"Damn it..." Seeing this scene, Jin Yuan couldn't help cursing angrily, but he could only look at the two men with fear in his eyes, because these two ghostly figures were both in the fourth level of the holy law realm. pinnacle.

But seeing the scene where swords were on the verge of breaking out, the others retreated wisely with twinkling eyes.

And the faces of Pei Wanqing, Lan Jing and the others also changed slightly. Obviously, Agree also felt great pressure.

Pei Wanqing looked at the arrogant Qiannan King with a gloomy expression, her heart sank to the bottom.

She clasped her hands together, and said slowly: "King Qiannan, do you really want to make things difficult for others?"

"It's difficult for a strong man?"

The King of Qiannan narrowed his eyes, but then smiled faintly, and said, "Miss Wanqing, my royal family is very sincere to you and to the Mingshen Mansion behind you. My seventh son Pei You already know Tian's potential and talent, he is a dragon and a phoenix among people, and it is definitely more than enough to accompany you..."

However, before he could finish his sentence, Pei Wanqing interrupted him coldly, and said flatly: "King Qiannan, I think you made a mistake. I only have one husband, Pei Wanqing. It used to be like this. It is still the case now! It will be the same in the future.”

Everyone squinted their eyes, looked at Pei Wanqing from afar, and then couldn't help shaking their heads slightly, this woman is really fierce, but, doesn't he really know what it means to be a hero by knowing the times?

The smile on King Qiannan's face also gradually froze and became gloomy.

Looking at Pei Wanqing coldly, he was silent for a long time, finally, he suddenly smiled coldly, and said sarcastically, "It seems that you really want to toast instead of fine wine."

"Hey, if it was me, I would just follow. What is her former husband? Chen Wang and Chen Fei? It's not that I look down on him, not to mention where he is now, whether he is dead or not, even if he is not dead, I'm afraid when he comes back It’s already nothing.”

Someone said in a strange way.

"That's right, today's Qiannan ancient country is not what it used to be. If you ask me, a smart person should know how to choose."

The other nodded in agreement.

Obviously, the strength of the Pei family of the royal family has already made them forget how powerful Chen Fei was when he dominated the ancient south of Qiannan.

But it is also true that today's Qiannan ancient country does not have to be, and the people in the holy realm can no longer speak their minds, not to mention that the Qiannan king has become a great sage! What a concept that is.

In short, in their view, as long as they are smart people, they should agree to the Zhaoan of the royal Pei family, and become slaves like them. This is the so-called smart person.

However, it is obvious that Pei Wanqing, Jin Yuan, Lan Jing and the others are not 'smart people in everyone's eyes'.


I saw the blue whale couldn't bear it anymore, and slammed down his fist, and the table of delicious food in front of him was shattered.

All eyes immediately gathered and looked at him.

At the same time, the blue whale also stood up, and said coldly to King Qiannan: "Pei Tianhong, if you have the ability, don't come here. We will do it with real knives and guns! I really think we have climbed some high branches. How awesome is it to be a running dog for others? Let me tell you, your Grandpa Blue Whale is not afraid!"


As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

This blue whale is really bold.


Behind King Qiannan, the faces of the royal family were flushed with anger, and they cursed loudly.

And the Qiannan King's face sank all of a sudden, looking at the blue whale, he made a beheading gesture lightly.

"Come here, kill this villain who committed the crime below!"


In the darkness, a ghostly figure directly plundered towards the blue whale! Immediately, the blue whale's face changed suddenly, because in this instant, he already felt extremely dangerous, and he was approaching him at a fast speed.

"Not good! Blue Whale, run away..."

Seeing this, Jin Yuan shrank his pupils and hurriedly reminded him loudly.

Because the two people who are suppressing him now are already at the peak of the fourth heaven of the holy law realm, but at this time, the ghostly figure that killed the blue whale turned out to be more dangerous and powerful to him !

That is to say, the state of that person's strength is very likely to have surpassed the peak of the fourth heaven of the holy law realm, and reached the even more astonishing fifth heaven of the holy law realm.

But Blue Whale's current cultivation level is only at the third level of the Holy Law and Appearance Realm.

"No!" Pei Wanqing shouted with a completely changed face now.

"don't want?"

Qiannan King sneered, and said lightly: "It's too late now. Ming Lao, kill him..."

"Hmm." A hoarse and inhuman voice sounded faintly, and looking at the ghostly figure that killed the blue whale, it was already holding a strange snake-shaped short dagger and stabbing down towards the blue whale.

And this dagger was so fast and powerful that the blue whale couldn't stop it at all. It could only watch helplessly, watching that it was about to die.

However, at this moment, after the dagger pierced through the blue whale's body, the ghostly figure suddenly let out a small gasp in surprise.

Because, he only felt that the dagger he had stabbed into nothingness, and did not kill the blue whale's body at all.

At the same time, the blue whale stood on the spot and stared at him blankly, as if he was in another world, his face was full of confusion, and his expression was extraordinarily at a loss.

Obviously, even he himself didn't know what happened.

But now that ghostly figure has changed greatly.

"Who?" He shouted angrily in a panic, but the next moment, a white and slender hand appeared slowly.

what is that? Palm?

Everyone stared blankly at the palm, at a loss.

But then, there was a soft sound.


The palm lightly patted the ghostly figure, and immediately, the latter's body twisted like a twist.

In the blink of an eye, with a light touch, that ghostly figure actually lost its vitality directly.

The audience was dead silent.

Whether it was the Qiannan King or the high-ranking members of the royal family, or the leaders of the major forces in the hall, or even Pei Wanqing, Jin Yuan, and Lan Jing, they were all completely dumbfounded at this moment, dumbfounded, unbelievable.

Because, because, what happened to who? The super strong man of the fifth heaven of the holy law and physical realm of the Pei family of the royal family, this, just like this, is he dead? !

At the same time, in the main hall, beside Pei Wanqing, the space suddenly distorted, and ripples appeared, and then, a figure in white clothes walked out of it...

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