Chapter 1653

"It's you, who defeated the tiger shark before?"

Hit, defeated the tiger shark?

As soon as Yingfan said this, other people didn't understand why, but the last old man in the sixth level of the Holy Law Realm trembled all over his body, and almost fell to the ground, his eyes burst out with disbelief and disbelief .

He came from the imperial capital of the Tyrannical Blood God Dynasty, from the winner, so he naturally knew what an amazing existence the name Huxier represented.

Even Young Master Yingfan, who is like a god in his heart, is not the opponent of that tiger shark, and the opponent is still the third in the Royal Academy of Tyrannical Blood God Dynasty! But now?

But now this person in front of him, he, he actually defeated such a super monstrous monster like Hu Shark? !

The old man trembled again, and then his face was ashen, and then he looked at Fade Chen with eyes full of uncontrollable fear and fear.

When he came here, he was so arrogant, but now he found that the other party was the real big shot in the sky!

For this, he could only sigh in despair.

Self-inflicted can't live, who can blame this?

"I am Chen Fei."

Fade Chen spoke plainly again, but this time, no one dared to ignore, no one dared to despise.

Because this name is already enough to represent a heavy weight.

That Yingfan frowned and looked at Fade Chen. After a long time, he couldn't help sighing softly, shook his head and said, "I didn't expect to meet guys like you in such a small place, but I was a bit miscalculated."

Fade Chen flicked his fingers, and said lightly: "I also want to ask you the same thing. The Blood God Dynasty is so far away from here, why did you stretch your hand over here?"


Yingfan smiled dumbly, and said, "Because my ancestor, the winner, came from somewhere in the ancient country of Qiannan."

"Earth?" Fade Chen said lightly.

But when Ying Fan heard the words, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he said, "How do you know?"

Fade Chen brushed the dust off his shoulders, shook his head and said.

"Because I am too."

"You too..." Ying Fan stared blankly at Fade Chen. After a long time, he shook his head with a dumbfounded smile, and said, "Speaking of which, I'm really unlucky."

Chen Fei didn't say a word when he heard the words, but just looked at the other party lightly.

The figure of Ying Fan in front of him is not his real body, but his mind is distracted. If he is willing, the other party probably won't be able to hold a single move in his hands.

And that Yingfan obviously understood this truth, and was silent for a while, shaking his head lightly and said.

"I don't know that this ancient country in southern Qiannan belongs to you, so it's over the line."

Although his ancestor of the winner came from this ancient country in southern Guizhou, after all, his whole family had already left and settled in the imperial capital of the Blood God Dynasty in Naha. On the contrary, Fade Chen was born and raised in the Spiritual Sanctuary.

In comparison, his previous move of sending people to secretly control the ancient south of Qiannan was indeed a bit out of bounds.

However, upon hearing this, Fade Chen just flicked his fingers lightly and said quietly.

"Is it okay to cross the line with one sentence?"

Ying Fan frowned, narrowed his eyes, looked at Fade Chen and said lightly, "Then what else do you want?"

Although Chen Fei may be stronger than him, he is not a vegetarian.

And now he is the first to bow his head, and he didn't even mention Chen Fei's murder in person. He also thinks that he has given Chen Fei enough face, but Chen Fei doesn't seem to think so, which makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

"How about it?"

Fade Chen laughed, asked a question back, and then didn't say anything, just looked at the other party lightly, until the other party's scalp became numb from Fade Chen's gaze, and Fade Chen moved his eyes away, and fell on the On the body of the last old man in the sixth level of the Holy Law Realm.

"It doesn't seem to be of any use for you to find this backer. Cut yourself off. Maybe you can die better if you kill yourself." Fade Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, people's pupils shrank suddenly again.

And the old man's body trembled, fear emerged in his eyes, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at Yingfan in the sky.

However, the latter didn't even look at him at all except that his expression gradually turned gloomy and livid, which made the old man feel a little desperate for a while.

The audience was dead silent.

The atmosphere is also dull because of this.

After a while, Fade Chen frowned slightly, and said lightly, "Do you want me to do it myself?"

The old man trembled all over, and immediately laughed miserably: "Don't dare..."

Then, with a muffled bang, he directly punched his vital dantian. In an instant, his heart pulse was broken, and he fell down straight. No sound.

And seeing this scene, Yingfan also clenched his fists tightly, his expression was extremely gloomy, and he stared at Fade Chen, but in the end, he still didn't say anything, just watched quietly.

In addition, other people were completely stunned when they saw this scene. This is asking someone to commit suicide, so how cruel would it take to go down? However, the old man still did it now...

People's eyes trembled and their eyes were frightened. Knowing this, they vaguely realized how amazingly Chen Wang and Chen Fei had grown to such an amazing height ten years later! What is a strong man, what is deterrence, what is the majesty of a strong man!

And all of this, Fade Chen showed them the most vividly today.

When the last old man committed suicide and died, all the figures found by the five Qiannan kings in the sixth level of the Holy Law Realm were wiped out!

Seeing this scene, the Qiannan King was almost paralyzed in place, with a look of absent-mindedness and despair.

He stared blankly at the corpse of the old man who committed suicide, as if he had seen his own ending.

"I thought it was rising, but it doesn't look like hell."

The Qiannan King let out a miserable laugh, and suddenly laughed loudly at Pei Wanqing: "I didn't expect you Mingshenfu to win in the end. If that's the case, then see you in the next life."

After the words fell, King Qiannan slapped himself directly! The heart pulse was broken, and he also committed suicide and died.

Seeing this scene, the people were directly desolate, dumbfounded and unable to speak.

"This guy is quite decisive." Fade Chen looked at the corpse of the Qiannan King, first startled, then shook his head, and said lightly.

He originally wanted to leave this person until the end, but he never thought that he would kill himself. Since it is dead, then ashes to ashes to ashes.

"Fade Chen, are you satisfied now?" At this moment, Ying Fan finally opened his mouth and said calmly with a gloomy face.

"Okay." Fade Chen waved his hand, as if dismissing ants.

Seeing this, Yingfan's pupils shrank, as if he felt insulted... But in the end, he still didn't say anything, dissipated his divine sense avatar, and prepared to leave from here.

But just when his spiritual avatar was about to dissipate, Ying Fan seemed to be unable to bear it any longer. He looked at Fade Chen and said in a deep voice, "Fade Chen!"

Fade Chen raised his head and looked at him.

"Before I leave, I still have something to tell you."

Ying Fan remained silent, and said in a deep voice: "Although you have won against Tiger Shark, I, Ying Fan, are not easy to bully. Today's matter, we will settle it slowly in the three court competitions in the future."

"I'll wait for you." Fade Chen simply replied.

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