Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 1657 Central Pill Domain, COSCO City

Chapter 1657 Central Pill Domain, COSCO City

A few months later, the border area of ​​the border area of ​​the Three Emperors.

This is an incomparably vast bluestone square, and in the center of it, there is a huge and incomparably stone platform. And on the top of the stone platform, more than a dozen dark and quiet space passages are slowly rotating. An astonishing wave of spatial fluctuations was continuously released, which was surprising.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

And at this moment, among the more than ten space passages, suddenly there were one after another low-pitched voices, and as those voices appeared, only one of the more than ten space passages began to have violent waves. Ripples appeared.

And not long after that, two figures, and a black flame demon lion several people tall, flew straight out of it and landed on the ground, attracting the attention and attention of many people.

Because if the two figures were alone, it would be fine and commonplace, but the demon lion wrapped in black flames was indeed too conspicuous and eye-catching.

"What kind of monster is that? The breath is so powerful..." People's eyes flickered and stared at the black flame demon lion on the edge of the teleportation formation, and their eyes were filled with strange expressions. They were not those country bumpkins from the ancient south of Qiannan, so, Naturally, he could see the unusualness of the Desolate Demon Lion at a glance.

This kind of breath-taking monster or desolate beast is definitely something with a lot of background, and it is likely to be an extremely rare and rare beast.

"No, this thing seems to be a king of desolate beasts." Suddenly, some people murmured, making many people's eyes condense, king of desolate beasts? Is this actually a desolate beast king...

Desolate beasts are not a special product of the Yaoyu Mountain and Demon Sea, and they are found in various places in the entire cultivation world. Therefore, they do not say that they understand the existence of the desolate beast king clearly, but some basic things are still It's clear.

It is said that this king of the wild beasts is the existence second only to the "son of the wild beasts" among the wild beasts. And the racial potential of this desolate beast king is also extremely terrifying. It is said that even the ordinary dragon clan cannot compare to them.

Thinking of this, greedy and strange colors appeared in many people's eyes. They finally glanced at the combination of Desolate Demon Lion, Fade Chen, and Zhen Jingkong, a lion, and remembered it deeply in their minds, then turned around and left quickly.

Such things must have been reported earlier.

And seeing this scene, Zhen Jing Kong in front of the teleportation array pouted slightly, took a few mouthfuls of fresh air, and then said in a helpless low voice: "It seems that we are being targeted again."

"Haven't we been stared at all the time?"

Fade Chen smiled, didn't care, looked around curiously, and asked:

"Is this the Holy City of Dan?"

"No." Zhen Jingkong shook his head, and said: "This is just the central border area of ​​the three major regions of the Three Emperors, and it is known as the Central Pill Domain to the outside world, and the Holy City of Pills is located in the center of the Central Pill Domain. "

"Central Pill Domain..." Fade Chen murmured, looked at Zhen Jingkong in surprise, and said, "By the way, why are you so familiar with this place?"

Along the way, not only did Zhen Jingkong not look like a young boy who had just stepped out of the ancient southern Guizhou country, on the contrary, he even understood the information and rules along the way better than Fade Chen, which surprised Fade Chen.

"What do you think? Do you really think that I have been fooling around in the ancient south of Qiannan for the past ten years?"

Zhen Jingkong smiled, squinted his eyes slightly and said: "As early as seven or eight years ago, I had already started to try the route to and from this central alchemy domain to our ancient country in southern Guizhou. Step down, step into the second level of Heavenly Formation Master."

Fade Chen was slightly taken aback, but immediately understood.

Indeed, although the realm of the second heavenly master is nothing in the Three Emperors, it is still somewhat unlikely to be born in such a small place as the Qiannan ancient country.

And this Jing Kong was able to step into the second level of Heavenly Formation Master. He didn't think about it because his vision was high before, but now it seems that he has already walked out of the ancient south of Qiannan to be able to reach today's level. Such a height.

Immediately, Fade Chen also smiled lightly, and asked again: "Then where are we in this city first?"

"At this time, COSCO City is one of the eight peripheral cities of the central Danyu."

Zhen Jingkong smiled and said: "If Mingshen City is the center of the entire Qiannan ancient country, then this Dansheng City is also the center of the Central Pill Domain! In addition, this Central Pill Domain also has The famous Eight Great Cities traverse the four directions of the entire central alchemy domain, which are also prosperous. Many well-known top forces have set up their headquarters here."

Speaking of this, he paused, and then said: "And the location of this COSCO city we are in now is the northeast direction of the central alchemy domain, among which the most powerful and powerful one belongs to Xuan Tianfu, and the Fenyinmen."

"Xuantian Mansion?" Fade Chen was slightly taken aback. He didn't know the origin of the Fenyinmen, but he had heard the name of Xuantian Mansion for a long time, even like thunder.

Among the seven top forces in Lingyuan Holy Court, "one court, one pavilion, two sects and three mansions", the Xuantian Mansion exists among them.

And since this Xuantian Mansion can be as famous as the Lingyuan Sacred Courtyard, Sifang Demon Sect, Tiansnake Mansion, and Qingxiao Mansion, its energy and strength are naturally not something to brag about, and it is easy and real!

Seeing the expression on Fade Chen's face, Zhen Jingkong just smiled and said: "One of the seven major forces of Lingyuan Holy Academy, one courtyard, one pavilion, two sects and three palaces, what I'm talking about is exactly the one among them." Xuantian Mansion."

"Then what about the Fenyin Gate?"

Fade Chen asked again.

"This Fenyinmen is the top power in the Xinglei Dojo. In terms of status and level, its deterrent power and prestige in the Xinglei Dojo are basically equivalent to our Lingyuan Sanctuary's 'one hospital, one pavilion, two sects and three mansions. '."

Speaking of this shock, he paused for a moment, and then said: "Of course, besides these two major forces, there are still countless forces around this Cosco City, but they are comparable to Xuantian Mansion and Fenyinmen. When you get up, it’s still too bad.”

Fade Chen nodded calmly, and said: "It's natural. If everyone can compare with that 'one courtyard, one pavilion, two sects and three mansions', then our top forces in the Lingyuan Sanctuary are really worthless Already... where are we going now? Should we continue on our way?"

"It's not far from Dansheng City, and there is a good place to visit in COSCO City."

Zhen Jingkong shook his head and smiled mysteriously.

"A good place?" Fade Chen was slightly taken aback.

"Let's go, I'll take you there." Zhen Jingkong stepped forward and left without giving Fade Chen a chance to pause.

Seeing this, Fade Chen opened his mouth, and finally shook his head with a helpless smile.

"Let's go." He reached out and patted the Desolate Demon Lion, whose huge size immediately shrank into a kitten, and then jumped onto Fade Chen's shoulder. Fade Chen also followed the startled footsteps and chased after him.

COSCO City is very big, if you want to talk about the distance range, I am afraid that it is at least ten times beyond the Lingyuan Holy Court!

And in such a huge and majestic city, the streets are naturally full of traffic, people coming and going, very lively.

In such a scene, Fade Chen and the others traveled through hundreds, even thousands of streets before arriving at an extremely quiet area. Everyone in this person came and went lightly, as if he didn't dare to make any excessive noise.

And in that air, Fade Chen also keenly felt some unusual and new things.

"The air here is different from other places?" Fade Chen murmured suspiciously.

"Of course it's different." Zhen Jingkong nodded with a smile and said, "Have you heard of amber rough?"

"Raw amber?" Fade Chen was slightly taken aback, and then a bright light burst out of his eyes.

"Is there a mine for rough amber here?"

Amber is an extremely miraculous thing in nature, which can last thousands of years and tens of thousands of years. Therefore, with the passage of time and changes, many extremely precious things in ancient history were accidentally or It is directly sealed in it, waiting for the excavation and mining of future generations.

And this is also the origin of the amber rough mine. Although it is not a mine in the true sense, conceptually, there is no difference.

"That's right, this COSCO City is exactly where there is a small ancient amber mine."

Zhen Jingkong smiled, and said to Fade Chen: "Raw amber has always been a place to witness miracles and generate huge profits, so the mine is now firmly occupied by Xuantian Mansion and Fenyinmen. If you are interested, we Why don't you go and have a look?"

"Of course, go and see."

Fade Chen naturally nodded without hesitation.

To put it bluntly, this raw amber is the jade material on the earth, and the mine pit is the place to gamble on stones. Once luck is good, it would not be surprising to cut out a shocking emperor's object from the amber rough. Of course, this probability is extremely small, so small that it can be ignored.

But even so, the charm of 'gambling' still makes people flock to it. In Chen Fei's inherited memory, Myojin was also a frequent visitor to a world-famous amber mine in the Immortal Kingdom of the Ten Thousand Gods.

And the rough amber stone that was cut from his hand would have ninety-nine hundred million if not one billion...

Hearing this, Jingkong also laughed: "I knew you would say that."

"Let's go. There are only two amber stone gambling workshops in COSCO City. In theory, you can go to any one you want."

While speaking, Zhen Jingkong began to lead the way ahead.

Not long after, they came to a more secluded place. This place envelopes a huge area like a square. Through the only gap in the gate, you can see the old trees in it, surrounded by greenery, and there are many strange amber stones on the ground or on the shelves. .

And there is a plaque hanging in front of the gate of this square building, with a few big characters written on it flying like dragons and phoenixes.

Fenyinmen gambled on the stone workshop.

Obviously, this Stone Gambling Workshop should be owned by Fenyinmen.

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