Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 1677 Let it go

Chapter 1677 Let it go

"...Wang Yangzhan, why are you so clear about the dragon demon Tianganghuo?" He looked at Wang Yangzhan and asked coldly.

Even within their Xuantian Mansion, this matter is still a secret, and there is no rumor about it outside, so where exactly did Wang Yangzhan get this news?

"Hehe, why do you know me so clearly?" Wang Yangzhan suddenly smiled coldly, and took out his palm from his back, as if there was something on it, and he put his finger on his face and pressed it lightly Finally, a completely unfamiliar face appeared in front of Fade Chen.

"This is?" Fade Chen was a little surprised.

"It's you!" Liang Zhujun also changed his face, staring at Wang Yangzhan and said: "Wang Yangzhan, that mysterious person before is actually you?!"

It turned out that when they got the dragon demon sky fire, it was not smooth sailing, but someone fought with them all the way.

And even though that mysterious person was only alone, at that time, including him, they and the other three saint emperors and ancient emperors were all forced into danger by the other party, and almost had accidents.

But in the end, the dragon demon sky fire was still obtained by them, and the mysterious person disappeared, and the world evaporated.

Unexpectedly, that person would be Wang Yangzhan at the beginning. Thinking of this, Liang Zhujun's face became a little gloomy, his eyes flickered, and he remained silent, not knowing what to say.

But after a while, Mr. Liang Zhu stretched out another finger, and slowly said to Fade Chen: "Dragon Demon Tianganghuo can't do it, how about this, after the matter is completed, our Xuantian Mansion can give this number, and other conditions remain unchanged. "

"This number?" Fade Chen frowned.

"Ten million high-grade spirit stones." Liang Zhujun stared at Fade Chen with burning eyes, and said, "This should be enough, right? Ten million high-grade spirit stones, even if you ask a holy emperor and ancient emperor to sell them for you for a few years Life is enough."

Fade Chen couldn't help shaking his head secretly. Ten million high-grade spirit stones sound scary, but that's exactly what it is. He clearly said that there is no shortage, but the other party still wants to use this thing to bribe him. This can only prove one thing, that is, whether Zengfeng really wants to invite him.

Thinking of this, Fade Chen also gave up, knowing that the other party probably would not be able to take out the dragon demon sky fire, so let's forget it.

"Sorry." Fade Chen shook his head and said to Mr. Liang Zhu.

"Really don't think about it?" Liang Zhujun asked, frowning.

"Let's forget it. No matter how many spirit stones there are, it will be useless to me. Of course, if you Xuantian Mansion can exchange 10 million high-grade spirit stones for me, I will give you 1,000 holy-grade spirit stones. I'm still willing to think about it..."

"How can it be!"

Mr. Liang Zhu immediately shook his head and said absurdly, "One thousand pieces of sacred spirit stones, don't say we don't have them, even if we have them, we will never give them to you!"

Saint-grade spirit stones can theoretically be exchanged for 10,000 pieces of top-grade spirit stones, but this is only limited to areas with the richest resources in the entire cultivation world, such as the Immortal Kingdom of the Ten Thousand Gods.

In addition, this ratio is already out of balance, and it is impossible to get it.

Moreover, this sacred spirit stone is really very rare. In barren areas like the Three Emperors of the Human Race, let alone a thousand sacred spirit stones, it is no wonder that even ten pieces are worth it. So it's no wonder Mr. Liang Zhu reacted so strongly when he heard the words.

"Then there is nothing to talk about. Well, please go ahead."

Fade Chen didn't speak, but Wang Yangzhan waved his hand with a half-smile, as if he was driving people away.

Seeing this, Mr. Liang Zhu couldn't help but snorted coldly, but he ignored Wang Yangzhan, and just said to Fade Chen again: "You can think about this matter. Although the Fenyinmen is powerful, our Xuantian Mansion is also not good at it." weak."

Fade Chen's eyes flashed, and he understood that the other party might be willing to come forward to help him with the troubles that might arise from the Fenyinmen in the future.

But even so, Fade Chen was still too lazy to get involved in such things.

Shaking his head, Fade Chen said, "Well, I will think about it."

After the speech was over, there was no more text.

At the same time, Mr. Liang Zhu also knew that there was nothing to be done, so he just shook his head, turned and left.

After Liang Zhujun left, Wang Yangzhan suddenly shook his head in disdain, and sarcastically said: "These guys really treat everyone as fools? He actually paid 10 million yuan for the final appearance fee of such a big amber raw stone mine." I just took out the top-grade spirit stones, and I really don't feel ashamed."

Hearing this, Zhen Jingkong, Tang Xie and others couldn't help but whisper.

"Senior, are there very few of these tens of millions of high-grade spirit stones?" Zhen Jingkong couldn't help asking.

Ten million high-grade spirit stones, even the emperor's holy artifacts can buy several pieces in a row, which is an astronomical figure for him, so he really can't understand what kind of shame Wang Yangzhan said. .

"Ten million high-grade spirit stones is indeed a lot for us personally, but do you know the annual production value of the amber raw stone mine in COSCO City?"

Wang Yangzhan said.

"How much?" Zhen Jingkong asked.

Wang Yangzhan stretched out a finger and said.

"One hundred million."

"One hundred million high-grade spirit stones." Wang Yangzhan said with emphasis.

"Hiss! One hundred million high-grade spirit stones?!" Zhen Jingkong, Tang Xie and the others gasped, startled.

There are 100 million in just one year, so what about ten years? What about a hundred years?

It's just unimaginable.

"The output value of this small amber rough mine can reach 100 million a year? In this way, they are indeed too petty."

Fade Chen shook his head and said lightly. For the concept of a hundred million high-grade spirit stones, he actually doesn't think there is much, because in the most prosperous kingdom of gods and immortals in the cultivation world, the most mainstream unit of measurement for spirit stones is the holy level.

That is to say, it is the same as the exchange concept of RMB and Japanese Yen on the earth. Although 100 million high-grade spirit stones is a lot, it is still a bit unpopular in the Immortal Kingdom of Ten Thousand Gods.

With more concepts like this passed down in his mind, he naturally has a higher vision, and he is not so easily frightened.

At this time, Wang Yangzhan couldn't help but asked Fade Chen curiously: "By the way, if they are really willing to use the dragon demon sky fire to ask you to help, do you feel sure that they can win? The characters who have returned from the Jiugong Tianyu should It’s not easy to deal with.”

"There's no difference, it's the same." However, Fade Chen shook his head flatly and said flatly.

Although he doesn't know who the other party is and what kind of strength he has, but he now feels that the concept is a bit like a landowner with dozens of apartments in Shanghai, who goes back to the fourth- and fifth-tier counties to compare with others The higher the value of the house in hand, the more rent you charge.

In short, let alone the central alchemy domain, even the Jiugong Tianyu of the Immortal Slaying Alliance, it is estimated that they can compete with him in stone gambling skills, very few, or even none at all.

After all, his stone gambling technique originated from the experience of Mingshen. And Mingshen's stone gambling technique is so powerful that it can also be said to be one of the best in his whole body, second only to the alchemy technique.

So, let him gamble with others, he really has no pressure at all. But the other party is not willing to let him do it at the price he is tempted by, so let's forget it...

Fade Chen shook his head.

Wang Yangzhan also shook his head, and said with a smile: "I guess they will still have to ask you in the end, as long as you can really win for them...stay here in COSCO City for a few more days, just at this time The kid has just made a breakthrough, and he still needs to consolidate his foundation, so I just have nothing to do, so I will help you."

Hearing this, Tang Xie became excited immediately, and thanked again and again: "Thank you, senior."

"Stay a few more days, that's fine." Fade Chen also nodded when he heard the words, and then smiled slightly with his eyes narrowed, because to be honest, the powerful Dragon Demon Tianganghuo is really attractive to him! If you can get it, of course it would be great...

Then they are powerful from the sky.

At the same time, this COSCO City was becoming more and more turbulent, with undercurrents surging.

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