Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 1730 The show begins!

Chapter 1730 The show begins!

Above the Chixia sky, the astonishing muffled thunder resounded continuously, rumbling and deafening. In addition to that, the black cloud was overwhelming, which also made many people feel very depressing and shocking in their hearts!

Top talent!

See you again top talent!

Swish! Swish! Swish... Li Changfeng, Feifeng Danhuang, Cao Hai Danhuang and others in the judging area outside the arena suddenly stood up, staring at the majestic Dan Lei Leijie in the sky with almost unbelievable expressions.

"This, how is this possible?! With such an astonishing sense of oppression from Dan Lei, it's impossible for that kid to refine a furnace of silver-grained cypress star pills, right?"

As high-level Pill Emperor Grandmasters, their judgment on the strength of this Pill Thunder is extremely keen and sensitive.

Anyway, if it is an ordinary-grade cypress star pill, it is the nine-star quality that is closest to the silver-grained level, and it is almost impossible to attract such a powerful level of Dan Lei Lei Jie, but now...

Rumbling... The majestic and powerful Pill Thunder Tribulation, tore through the sky and smashed down the sky, but in the end it was stopped by the restrictions arranged in advance by many top experts of the Alliance Pill Tower, and it collapsed in the sky. Then dissipate into nothingness.

So in the end, the blond young man waved his sleeves, and the domineering ghost-faced alchemy furnace in front of him immediately flew out three extremely round blue and white two-color pills, which not only showed that the fluorescent light was shining, but also crystal clear. , Its interior still exudes the fragrance of someone's pill, which is mouth-watering.

However, after seeing this scene, those figures such as Jingu Danhuang, Chu Mo Danhuang, Li Changfeng and other figures all frowned, shook their heads and sighed.

"Just a little bit, which is a pity."

But then the Luo Gu Dan Huang shook his head, full of admiration: "But this is already very powerful, the three cypress star pills are all of nine-star quality, and the most important thing is the age of the blond boy, really It's really too young... This kid should be the most brilliant alchemy genius I've ever seen in my life, even you, Yan Xing, are not as good as him."

Luogu Danhuang looked at Yanxing Danhuang.

Before that, they were all recognized as the number one talent of Yan Xing Pill Emperor, extremely enchanting! But now it seems that he has bumped into an opponent.

Yan Xing Danhuang nodded, looked at the blond man calmly and said: "Indeed, I am not as good as him. When he is this age, I can't be like him now."

"It's really good." Even the Golden Valley Pill Emperor nodded affirmatively, his eyes flickering.

Although with his current surrounding environment and growth circle, it can be said that he has already completely and completely surpassed the human race such as Chu Modanhuang, Luo Gudanhuang, and Li Changfeng, but this blond junior still surprised him, and even felt Some are amazing!

At such a young age, to be able to refine such a perfect nine-star quality cypress star pill, even compared with other juniors under his master's sect, it should be regarded as evenly divided, not falling behind The slightest loss.

In other words, this son has the qualifications and abilities to be admitted to the court of the emperor alchemy master!

This is true, extremely rare!

"It's almost time, shall we set up the Pill Emperor Gold List?" Li Changfeng suddenly said slowly.

Everyone was slightly taken aback, and immediately nodded.

"Then let's begin."

As soon as the words were finished, Li Changfeng waved his hand, and suddenly a picture scroll shining with strong golden light rose straight into the sky, grew up against the wind, and finally became a huge golden picture scroll that covered the sky and blocked the sun.

Then I saw Li Changfeng flying up, standing on the sky, adjacent to the golden scroll, and then transformed into a brush with majestic spiritual energy in the air, and began to write with a calm expression.

Not long after, several golden characters began to appear above.

The results of the first round of Danhuang Grand Competition.

The first place, Golden Valley Pill Emperor, achievement: five silver-patterned cypress wood transformation star pills in one furnace. Three silver patterns are of third-grade quality, and two silver patterns are of second-grade quality.

Just seeing the first line of words on the Danhuang Gold List, people couldn't help but burst into an uproar, extremely shocked.

A furnace of 50% elixir, and all of them are high-quality elixir of the silver pattern level. It really deserves to be the master disciple of the emperor's elixir—Jingu elixir. Really great!

As for the so-called third-rank and second-rank, they are not very standardized divisions in private by the Alliance Pill Tower.

Ordinary elixir medicines have been refined into nine grades, the first grade is the worst, and the ninth grade is the best.

In addition to this, the same is true for silver streak pills. The same is true for the golden grain elixir.

People then looked at the second row of Nadanhuang Gold List.

The second place, Yanxing Pill Emperor, achievement: three silver-patterned cypress wood Huaxing Pills in one furnace. Three silver streaks of first-class quality.

People couldn't help but burst into an uproar.

This Yanxing Danhuang actually beat Chu Mo Danhuang and Luogu Danhuang, and sat on the second place in the first round? !

Then third and fourth.

The third place, Chu Mo Danhuang, achievement: five cypress wood transformation star pills in one furnace. Five nine quality.

Fourth place, Luo Bone Pill Emperor, achievement: five cypress wood transformation star pills in one furnace. Five nine quality.

Almost the same results, but Chu Modan Huang Chengdan was earlier, so the so-called Li Changfeng moved him to the top of the ranking.

Then, it was the fifth place.

Fifth place, Zang Fadanhuang, achievement: four cypress wood transformation star pills in one furnace. Four nine quality.

Seeing such nouns and names, people all became silent.

Zang Fa? They don't seem to know each other.

But this does not affect the name already has a heavy weight in their hearts.

He is young enough to be comparable to Cao Junlin, but now he has reached the sky in one step, sitting on the terrible fifth place in the first round of the Danhuang Gold List, which is enough to imagine how promising this person will be in the future! Soar.

But seeing this scene, Fade Chen shook his head slightly.

"That guy still keeps his hand."

Others may not be able to see it because their eyesight is not strong enough, but he "sees clearly". The furnace pill of this blond guy can definitely achieve silver streaks, and it is very natural, and he is not reluctant at all, but the other party puts water on himself and downgrades the furnace pill to the self-destructing Great Wall.

"It's really low-key and cautious."

Fade Chen shook his head and smiled, then withdrew his eyes and looked in front of him.

At this time, the alchemy materials for the alchemy of the cypress wood star pill in front of him were not moved at all, and they were neatly placed there.

And as of now, there are less than seven days left before the end of the first round of the Pill Emperor Competition.

This should be considered time is running out, right?

Fade Chen shook his head and grinned, rolled up his sleeves again, and was about to start working.

But at this moment, there was an annoying sarcastic voice that jumped out and interrupted his rhythm.

This person is none other than Cao Junlin.

I saw him pointing at Fade Chen with one hand, with arrogance and a sneer on his brows, he said lightly.

"Why, it seems that you have given up? Didn't you pretend to be so powerful before? It turns out that it was all a show."

After all, he shook his head very chicly, as if he was very disdainful.

"Okay, since you don't have the ability to refine this Cypress Star Transformation Pill, don't be ashamed of yourself here, just get out of here."

Cao Junlin had a sarcastic expression on his face, and waved his hand at Chen Feiyang as if to dismiss flies.

As soon as these words came out, many people's expressions changed slightly, and then they looked towards this side inexplicably.

But when they saw the neatly placed in front of Fade Chen, the three parts of which were almost unmoved cypress star pill ingredients, some sarcasm followed from their faces, or It emerged from the eyes.

Now that the first round of the Pill Emperor Grand Competition is already over halfway, Fade Chen still hasn't started alchemy, what does this mean? It means that, as Cao Jun Linsu said, this person has already given up, and he has no ability to refine this Cypress Star Transformation Pill!

In this case, such a person is indeed not qualified to continue standing on that high platform, so as not to cause ridicule and disdain in vain.


Danhuang Cao Hai on the stage also laughed out loud, his face full of sarcasm and sarcasm.

As for Yue Qianlong, his face was livid and he didn't say a word.

Besides, Li Changfeng shook his head in disappointment and sighed softly.

To be honest, he still had some doubts about whether his previous actions were wrong. It wasn't that Fade Chen didn't have real talents and learning, but that, as Yue Qianlong said, he had truly powerful alchemy strength.

But right now, Fade Chen was too late to open the alchemy furnace, but he was really disappointed, and even the doubts about his own judgment in his heart disappeared.

"It seems that there should be nothing to look forward to..." Li Changfeng shook his head and sighed.

Although he sighed softly, how cultivated were the people present? Almost everyone can hear it.

"It's still the lord leader, you are perceptive, and your eyes are like torches." Cao Hai sneered, and looked at Yue Qianlong provocatively, but the latter seemed to have no intention of paying attention to him at this time.

The Mazhu Taoist and the frost-haired old man Yang Lan looked at each other, shaking their heads with a bit of a smile.

"It's a mess..."

What is Cao Hai Danhuang's identity? The ancestor of the Cao family, one of the five alchemy families in the Holy City of Alchemy, is above ten thousand people, so they really don't understand why this old guy insists on grabbing a junior from their Lingyuan Holy Academy.

To be honest, with Cao Hai's status, the dignified ancestor of Cao Hai, the five-star low-rank sage alchemy master, is on the same level as the peak sage emperors like them. It's understandable if it's aimed at provoking them, but doesn't Fade Chen, a junior, feel that it's too much to bully the small with the big?

But now they are talking about things in the circle of alchemists. They are not alchemists, so they can only keep their mouths shut and not express their opinions for the time being.

But in the face of everyone's contempt and sarcasm, Chen Fei suddenly laughed softly and raised his head, looking at Cao Junlin with a half-smile.

"You say I'm not capable, not qualified..."

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