Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 1754 Because I Can't Get Out of The Way

Chapter 1754 Because I Can't Get Out of The Way

"It seems that there is no suspense, hehe."

At the same time, on the top of a restaurant with an extremely luxurious and domineering architectural style outside the battlefield, a feminine man in a red robe and rouge on his face was also laughing.

And if there was Qiujiang City at this time, Chen Fei and one of them would be able to recognize this feminine red-robed man.

This person is the former Royal Academy of the Blood God Dynasty who came to Lingyuan Holy Academy with the envoys of the Royal Academy of the Blood God to send the invitation letter of the third courtyard competition, and then stood on the competition arena and was easily defeated by Fade Chen. Number seven on the king list - Lin Zhihu!

However, he, the seventh in the former king list, did not regress because he was squeezed out, but because he took a step forward and upgraded!

Today's Lin Zhihu is ranked sixth on the list of the Royal Academy of the Blood God Dynasty! Only one place lower than Ye Qiulin outside.

In addition, beside him, there are several other figures with extraordinary postures. They all look young, but are imposing, and they seem to be extremely powerful people with tall horns! The temperament is extremely extraordinary.

But among these people, the most outstanding and the most conspicuous is a blue-haired man.

I saw that he was leaning lazily by the window on the top floor of the restaurant at this time, but his eyes were not looking at the battlefield between Qiujiang City and Ye Qiulin. A little bit of confusion and disappointment.

Seeing this scene, the extremely handsome young man looked at each other, and one of them then said with a smile, in a flattering and slightly disdainful tone:

"Senior Brother Hexie, it seems that you are going to be disappointed again this time. The King Chen and Fei Chen in Lingyuan Holy Academy are still acting like a turtle, and they dare not show up at all... This kind of person is really as cowardly as a mouse ah."

The man stopped when he said this, and glanced at the face of the blue-haired young man, that is, He Sha, and found that there was nothing unusual, so he was relieved and continued to smile more boldly: "Actually, if you want me to say, how many times?" What happened a few years ago was an accident at all. The leader of the four courtyards of the Lingyuan Holy Academy is just a mere leader. Even though he has some abilities, he is still a thousand miles behind you, Senior Brother Hexi! It should not be put together at all Compare together."


The other person also interjected, and said with a flattering smile: "Yeah, I also think that Chen Wang and Chen Fei are not qualified to be compared with you, Senior Brother Hexie!"

"not qualified?"

But at this moment, He Jiao suddenly laughed, and looked back at the two people with a half-smile, and said lightly: "Are you two mocking him, or me? That guy Fade Chen just took the Holy City of Pill." The champion of the Pill Emperor Competition, if you really want to say, his current status is at least comparable to the Dacheng Sage Emperor. Do you think I can compare to the Dacheng Sage Emperor?"

As soon as Hejiao's words came out, the two of them broke out in a cold sweat, and said to Hejiao with some fear, "I'm sorry Senior Brother Hejiao, I, we didn't mean that..."

"That's not what you mean, just shut up honestly."

Crane Shark interrupted their words with a calm expression, and then looked at the distant battlefield outside the window and said lightly: "The matter between me and Fade Chen is only between the two of us, and has nothing to do with you! So, if I start from If you hear those useless nonsense in your mouth, just get out of here yourself! Do you understand?"

"Yes, yes, I understand..."

"Yes, I'm sorry Senior Brother Hexie, I, we dare not again."

Both of them were sweating profusely, and they responded in fear.

At this time, Lin Zhihu, who was originally silent on the other side, suddenly let out a light sigh, and then looked into the battlefield in the distance outside the window.


"That guy was able to block Ye Qiulin's Blue Dragon Nine Heavens without any injuries."

"When did his strength develop to this point?"


He Xia was also slightly startled when he heard the words, looked towards the direction of the battlefield, then shook his head and laughed softly, and said, "Lin Zhihu, it seems that you have a deep impression on him. Qiu Jiangcheng, I remember you should Is that the name? In fact, I also had a deep impression on him when I was in Lingyuan Holy Academy. Although this person's strength is mediocre, his integrity and arrogance can be regarded as superior, and he is considered a character."


Lin Zhihu opened his mouth, but for some reason, he felt that he didn't know what to say.

But at the same time, he inexplicably remembered that when they were in Lingyuan Holy Academy, the four courtyards of Lingyuan Holy Academy were swept away by them, and no one had the courage to dare to go on stage to fight again. This Qiujiang City is an exception!

Knowing that he was invincible and not strong enough, he still had the courage to stand up, just like he was facing Ye Qiulin today.

Even though he is not strong enough, the face and dignity of Lingyuan Holy Academy are not humiliated in the slightest...

Thinking of this, Lin Zhihu's eyes flickered, and his rare face lost a bit of femininity.

Then I saw him shaking his head lightly, hehe smiled:

"I hope to play against him again."

Crane Shark lay on the window sill smiling, without saying anything.

At the same time, Ye Qiulin in the battlefield couldn't help frowning when he saw that Qiu Jiangcheng actually blocked his own sword and walked out of such an astonishingly powerful storm of sword energy, and looked at him with gloomy eyes. Qiu Jiangcheng said: "Being able to block my sword, it seems that I underestimated you before..."

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Qiu Jiangcheng remained silent, just coughed softly, and his face became slightly paler than before.

Obviously, although he did block Ye Qiulin's previous sword strike, his real situation was not as easy as others imagined.

Seeing this scene, Ye Qiulin looked a little better, then looked at Qiu Jiangcheng and said indifferently: "Now you should know the difference in strength between us, right? You are not my opponent, Ye Qiulin. So get out of the way." !"

However, Qiu Jiangcheng just looked at the other party calmly, with no intention of moving or getting out of the way at all.

"Is this guy crazy?" People couldn't figure it out when they saw this scene, and there was a lot of noise.

Because after the confrontation and fighting before, they already knew that Qiu Jiangcheng was not as strong as Ye Qiulin, but now Qiu Jiangcheng still didn't back down... Is this person really so stubborn and stupid?

Some people couldn't help but sneered when they saw Qiu Jiangcheng's stupid behavior, and said sarcastically:

"You really don't have a brain. This Ye Qiulin's target is Fade Chen, but you jumped out to ask for trouble. You are so stupid!"

And Ye Qiulin couldn't help frowning even more when he heard the words, and said coldly to Qiu Jiangcheng: "It seems that you really intend to ignore what I said? It's just that you think your strength is qualified to defeat me. My word?"

"No." However, what was unexpected was that Qiu Jiangcheng shook his head and said lightly: "Your strength is indeed better than mine."

"Then why..." Ye Qiulin couldn't help asking.

"No reason, because I can't get out of the way!"

Qiu Jiangcheng said calmly.

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