Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 1808 God against the sky, the sacred fruit of the purple path!

Chapter 1808 God against the sky, the sacred fruit of the purple path!

"Void Sword Master Fade Chen? What a pity, everything is over."

Standing in the void, Shi Kunzhan stared at the sea of ​​binary heavy water under his feet, and said lightly with a sarcastic smile.

After the words fell, he walked away leisurely, without thinking about whether Fade Chen might come out of the sea of ​​binary heavy water.

Binary heavy water is extremely powerful, even people at the level of the holy yin and yang state, the third level of heaven, and the holy emperor are all taboo against it, not to mention that it is still a sea formed by the condensation of binary heavy water. Although it has not reached the level of qualitative change, it is still true. Very very scary.

It is absolutely impossible for Fade Chen to escape alive from this sea of ​​binary heavy water!

Yes, it is absolutely impossible!

At the same time, the laughter of the mad knife gate outside the free and unfettered temple space, the quicksand sanctuary, the winner and others continued.

"It only takes one drop of this binary heavy water to crush the 10,000-meter Gaoxiong Peak, and once it is driven into the sea formed by such a terrifying amount of binary heavy water, it is like being driven into a swamp, layer by layer. The terrifying pressure of the upper layer is from top to bottom, and it is only possible to be trapped! It is impossible to escape. And if you want to escape from this alive, I am afraid, at least you have to be a strong person at the peak of the third heaven of the Holy Yin-Yang Realm to have the chance. There is a glimmer of possibility, a glimmer of hope..."

"Who told him to kill Yezhi and Liu Qiandao, this is just retribution." The other person sneered.

"However, this Shi Kun battle is indeed a Shi Kun battle. He seized such a rare opportunity. If these two people really fight head-on, it's really hard to say who will win."

"It's just killing, it's not a duel, so why fight head-on? Anyway, that kid is dead now, and our goal can be regarded as achieved. Dare to kill the strongest descendant of our Kuang Dao Sect, I really think we are nothing Is it? Won’t you get angry and take revenge?”


Every old man spoke to me, and the words were full of disdain for Fade Chen. If you dare to attack the future heirs of their sect, then it is best to prepare for your life! Just like it is now!

However, among these people, the expression of a few people is an exception.

I saw that Huang Tianlang, who had tried to intercede with the false emperor Tianhan before but failed, the super-top powerhouse in the quicksand sanctuary, the peak figure of the fourth heaven of the holy yin and yang realm—— Huang Tianlang was staring at the void. A trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

"That kid, is he really dead like this?"

To be honest, if the protagonist of this matter was replaced by another genius, he would not be so worried, but Fade Chen... If that kid would die so easily, then people like Liu Qiandao, Yang Yezhi, Ying Fan, Ying Xudao, Ying Fenglan and other geniuses all died in his hands?

It is impossible for a real genius, a genius who rose from the bones of monsters, to die so easily.

Huang Tianlang felt more and more uneasy, but at this moment, he could only suppress this emotion in his heart.

At the same time, the others were also shocked when they saw this scene.

Chen, Fade Chen is dead?

Killed Yingfan, Yingxudao, Yingfan, Yang Yezhi, Liu Qiandao and many other talented super monsters one after another, the Void Sword Master Chen Feitao, one of the four kings, is dead?

People were silent for a while, their minds were confused, and they were extremely shocked.

"Fade Chen is dead, and Shi Kun and him will suddenly attack?"

"He just fell into the sea of ​​binary heavy water, he is not dead yet..."

"What's not dead yet?! This dualistic heavy water sea is the real peak of the third heaven of the holy yin and yang realm. People who enter the water have to escape from death. Do you think Chen Fei is stronger than the peak of the third heaven of the holy yin and yang realm?"

"Well, that's not..."

"Hey, what a pity. If this guy doesn't die, he will definitely be a huge figure in the future!"

"So what? All undeveloped geniuses are just stepping stones for others."

"Fade Chen, is he really dead?"


People immediately boiled up! Two kings and four respects, at this time, the three-house competition has been held here and people have recognized the strongest six people, and now, finally, one of them will become a stepping stone for others, and die in the second-round rematch of the three-house competition ?

"Tsk tsk, two kings and four gods, these six people are indeed powerful, and they deserve to be called the strongest six people of the younger generation of our human race Three Emperors, but if he dies, he will only be the same as those who were a hundred years ago or a thousand years ago. Like a genius and evildoer, reduced to a legend, that's all."

Someone gloated.

"What if he didn't die? If Master Void Sword Master Fade Chen survived, I don't think Gedi Emperor Shi Kunzhan would be able to sleep peacefully, right?"

Some people are also rebutting, thinking that Fade Chen is not dead, but just trapped in the sea of ​​binary heavy water.

"Not dead? Okay, let's wait and see. He, Fade Chen, can escape from the sea of ​​binary heavy water. How about taking my head off and using it as a stool for you?"

People who gloat over other people's misfortune are very arrogant, and they swear and promise. Can Fade escape from the sea of ​​binary heavy water alive? If he can really do it, what's the problem if his head is taken off and used as a stool for others? Just is it possible? It's almost a dream, hahahaha...

At the same time, above the void, the Holy Master Lingyuan, the Nine Saints Lei Tianshi, Ji Fengyuan, the False Emperor Tianhan and others were also silent for a while.

"Fade Chen is dead?"

Ji Fengyuan stared at the calm and waveless binary sea of ​​heavy water in the void, and shook his head without hesitation after the words fell. With his identity and strength, he is naturally not as superficial as others. Although the sea of ​​binary heavy water is indeed terrifying, it won't kill Fade Chen all at once...

"But if he wants to escape from here, it's as difficult as climbing the sky! Hey..."

Ji Fengyuan let out a long sigh, with a sad look in his eyes. The biggest feature of the binary heavy water sea is the layers of terrifying pressure, which is continuous, from top to bottom, getting heavier and deeper!

Just like the real sea, the deeper the seabed, the higher the water pressure, and the greater the danger!

In the same way, the ocean of binary heavy water is also the same.

The moment Fade Chen was sneaked into the Binary Heavy Water by Shi Kunzhan, he didn't seize the opportunity to rush out, and the best time had already passed. Next, if he wants to rush out of this binary heavy water, it will only become more and more difficult and dangerous!

"He's still being careless. In the Grand Competition of the Three Courts, everyone except himself will be his enemy, but he didn't fight Shi Kun at all before. If it weren't for this, he wouldn't have been attacked successfully."

The Holy Master Lingyuan shook his head and sighed a little.

False Emperor Tianhan nodded slightly, his eyes seemed to be quite disappointed. Because from this point of view, Fade Chen was indeed careless and did not achieve perfection.

But a moment later, a strange color appeared in his eyes.

"However, if this kid can just run into that... Could it be that this is the so-called luck, the so-called chance?"

At the same time, in the space of Xiaoyao Temple, when Fade Chen was sneaked into the sea of ​​binary heavy water by Shi Kunzhan's surprise attack, his heart trembled and his face changed dramatically.


The huge power followed, at least a splash of binary heavy water hundreds of meters high was splashed out, making Fade Chen even more after being blasted into the binary heavy water! The whole person continued to sink several hundred meters. At this time, the terrifying pressure from all directions completely crushed Fade Chen to the point of collapse.

There was a loud bang, Fade Chen used all his strength without reservation, and wanted to rush out, but the pressure in the binary heavy water sea was still too terrifying and strong, making it impossible for him to rush out of the water at once...

And the consequence of not being able to break out of the water in one breath is that you will be dragged down by the terrifying pressure in the water, sinking deeper and deeper, until you reach the deepest bottom of the sea...

Binary heavy water has no buoyancy at all.

That is to say, if it fails to rush out, then this person, or this object, will surely be sunk to the deepest bottom of the sea! At that time, the pressure that he will face will be the entire sea of ​​binary heavy water... and that kind of terrifying pressure, even with Chen Fei's current strength, he still can't bear it to be honest. After a long time, it will only be a dead end.

"Damn, what should I do?!"

Fade Chen gritted his teeth fiercely, and tried his best to rush towards the water surface, while thinking.

Now he must ensure that he cannot be sunk into the bottom of the sea, otherwise, the difficulty of getting out of trouble will at least be doubled!

And in that case, his hope of getting out of trouble will undoubtedly be even slimmer.

"Try the void reversal piercing magic..."

Fade Chen tried to use the Void Reversal Piercing Magic to get out of trouble, but Binary Heavy Water is worthy of Binary Heavy Water, and its terrifying pressure is not limited to a certain plane, but many heavy spaces and planes in that area!

If his Void Reversal Piercing Art can enter Xiaocheng realm, maybe he can rely on this Void Reversing Piercing Art to get out of trouble, but his current Void Reversing Piercing Art realm is at least a big step away from Xiaocheng To leave... In other words, it is impossible to escape from this predicament by relying on the Void Reversal Piercing Technique.

"Do you want to expose the power of space and the power of Baishou's reincarnation?"

Fade Chen clenched his teeth, his face turned pale, and he hesitated.

Ji Fengyuan had told him earlier that outsiders could clearly see every move of these contestants outside the space of the Xiaoyao Temple!

So if he really exposed the power of space and the power of Baishou's reincarnation now, it may cause great trouble!

As for this matter, Fade Chen really didn't want to gamble, nor could he afford to gamble!

His current strength is far from being qualified to expose the power of space and the power of Baishou reincarnation.

"If you really can't do it, just drag it in this sea of ​​binary heavy water. With the spiritual energy reserves in my body and the ability to recover, it should not consume me completely in a year and a half. When the second round of rematch is over, it should Someone will come and rescue me."

Chen Fei thought of another way and muttered to himself, but no matter what he said, he felt unwilling.

Procrastination, of course, can be delayed, but if he is delayed here, he will automatically declare failure if he wins the championship in this three-academy grand competition.

fail? Of course he didn't want to accept defeat.


"Well, what's that?"

When Fade Chen was in a state of confusion, a small black spot suddenly appeared in front of his figure and within his field of vision. Looking carefully, it looked like a tree?

"Tree?" Fade Chen rubbed his eyes, his face was a bit unbelievable. Under the sea of ​​binary heavy water, there are actually trees?

"Go and have a look."

Fade Chen followed and moved towards the black spot. At the same time, the face of the false emperor Tian Han outside the space of the Xiaoyao Temple suddenly became extremely exciting.

"It was actually found by him. Is it so evil..."

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