Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 1811 The glory continues!

Chapter 1811 The glory continues!

And after seeing this scene, even Ying Xuan was embarrassed, and the others shut up and waited obediently. Anyway, there is not much time left, so wait, it doesn't matter.

However, some smart people, such as Tang Suming, glanced at the appearance and movements of the false emperor Tianhan in the void at this time, and couldn't help frowning slightly, and murmured.

"Master Tianhan, who is he waiting for?"

At this time, the false emperor Tianhan's gestures and actions only need a little observation to be sure that he must be waiting for someone.

Thinking of this, Tang Suming was suddenly startled, staring at the distance and said in surprise: "Could it be that Fade Chen..."

"You guessed it too?"

There was a chuckle, and a flash of lightning in the void distorted the void. Then, the Thunder Lion Saint appeared next to Tang Suming, sat down against the edge of the pillar, and said with a half-smile on his face: "I didn't expect that guy to be able to do it!" It is really unexpected to rush out of the sea of ​​binary heavy water."

Tang Suming frowned even more when he heard this, and shook his head and said, "If you want to get out of the binary heavy water sea, at least you have to have a chance of fighting at the peak of the Holy Yin-Yang Realm and the third heaven. Although Fade Chen is powerful, he is far away from the holy world." There is still some distance between the peak combat power of the Yin-Yang Realm Triple Heaven."

"So you don't believe it?"

The Son of Thunder Lion turned his head and said with a smile, "Otherwise, let's make a bet."

"What bet?"

Tang Suming frowned.

"Just bet on whether the person Master Tianhan is waiting for is him, if so, you owe me a favor, if not, I owe you a favor."

The Son of Thunder Lion smiled and looked quite sincere, but for some reason, Tang Suming always felt a little uneasy in his heart. That kind of feeling is like the son of Thunder Lion in front of him at this time, smiling like those old foxes.

Thinking of this, Tang Suming couldn't help being silent.

Chen Fei, can he really get out of the binary heavy water sea?

To know such things, even Tang Suming doesn't have much confidence in being able to do it now...

"Want to gamble?" Son Leishi asked again.

Tang Suming frowned, and the frown deepened.

But after a while, he still shook his head, nodded again, and said, "Okay."

"I bet you!"

Obviously, he still didn't believe that Fade Chen could get out of the sea of ​​binary heavy water. And if Shengzi Leishi is really right, the person that Master Tianhan is waiting for is him, then, if Tang Suming loses this time, let him lose this time. No big deal either.

At the same time, on the stone pillar on the other side, Shi Kunzhan, who was just over one meter tall, stood there with a gloomy expression, exuding a terrifying and evil aura, so that no one within a few hundred meters of him approached him at this time.

I saw his gloomy eyes staring at the entrance of the void fortress, not long after, a sneer came out of his mouth.

"Who is Master Tianhan waiting for? Is that short-lived ghost? Don't be kidding. Even if he didn't die under the sea of ​​binary heavy water, it would be foolish to escape from there, absolutely impossible!"

But even though he said so, for some reason, the uneasiness in his heart was inexplicably getting deeper and deeper.

At the same time, on another pillar, a silver-eyed man in a sackcloth robe stood there quietly, looking calmly at the entrance in the distance.

And many other people looked at him at this time, full of fear and fear.

This person is none other than Wolf King Lu Xiaoxiong!

Now they are one of the strongest duo recognized by the younger generation of the Three Emperors of the Human Race.

As for what he is thinking now, whether he believes that Fade Chen can escape from the sea of ​​binary heavy water, no one else knows, not even himself. Because of this question, he didn't think about it at all.

This problem in the eyes of others is simply an untenable problem in Lu Xiaoxiong's eyes.

Because, he didn't think that Fade Chen would be trapped under the sea of ​​binary heavy water, but believed that the little monster would definitely find a way to get out.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile slightly, and murmured.

"Fade Chen, don't let me down."

"Hehe, do you still want to wait for that kid to appear?" After the words fell, a sneer came, and Lu Xiaoxiong looked over, only to see Ying Xuanzheng looking at him with sarcasm and gloom.

Lu Xiaoxiong frowned slightly, then shook his head immediately, ignoring him.

Seeing this, Yingxuan's expression became angry, and his expression became even more gloomy, but then he saw a sneer on his face again, and said lightly: "The kid hasn't shown up until now, it's nothing more than two results, or he's still trapped Under the sea of ​​binary heavy water, he might even die. After all, he’s just a trash with combat power in the third level of the Holy Yin-Yang Realm, what kind of miracle do you expect him to create? It’s just a dream, wishful thinking.”

Hearing this, Lu Xiaoxiong glanced at Yingxuan, his face became a little colder, and in his heart, he was also a little more disappointed.

Yingxuan is so narrow-minded, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to achieve any great achievements in the future.

At this moment, suddenly, there was a strange sound in the void, followed by a terrifying energy, which tore the large void in front of the people, and then, a mirror-like energy image appeared.


"This is……"

"Could it be possible?!"

People's pupils shrank and their expressions froze.

At the same time, a figure that everyone is extremely familiar with also walked out of the mirror space distortion with an extremely calm expression.

"Chen, Fade Chen?!"

"Hiss, it's really him... He actually escaped from the sea of ​​binary heavy water?"

"No, is this guy really that powerful?"


People's expressions changed drastically, and they gasped, staring at Fade Chen who appeared at this moment, with extremely shocked and unbelievable expressions on their faces.

Trapped under the sea of ​​duality and heavy water, normally, even the real peak figures of the third heaven of the holy yin and yang realm would have difficulty getting out of the trap, but, what did they see now? !

"Fade Chen?"

Tang Suming's eyes widened, and a look of astonishment appeared on his rare face.

Obviously, even now, he can't believe that Fade Chen actually escaped from the sea of ​​binary heavy water?

How did he do that?

"Hehe, I knew it would be like this." The thunder lion saint on the side laughed loudly, and said to Tang Suming who was stunned: "You lost, don't forget, from now on, you owe me a favor. "

Tang Suming's face froze, and after a long silence, he couldn't help but nodded with a wry smile: "Okay."

But after finishing these words, he couldn't help asking and answering the Son of Thunder Lion who was half-closed and half-closed his eyes.

"Why do you trust him so much?"


The Son of Thunder Lion was startled, then laughed again: "It should be intuition."


"Yeah, my intuition is very accurate. It's been like this since I was a child."


At the same time, the moment Shi Kunzhan saw Fade Chen actually appearing here, his face and eyes became extremely ferocious and serious in an instant! Murderous.

"Okay, very good! I didn't expect you to be able to escape from the sea of ​​binary heavy water. Interesting, really interesting..."

Shi Kunzhan gritted his teeth, his eyes became darker and colder, and then he smiled grimly, his eyes full of killing intent. That being the case, don't blame Shi Kun for being cruel!

Chen Fei, you must die!

At the same time, Ying Xuan, who had a sneer on his face, became stiff at this moment, staring at Fade Chen, gnashing his teeth, unable to utter a complete sentence for a long time.

"Didn't you say it was impossible?"

At this time, a faint voice came, making Yingxuan's face froze again, and he turned his head to look at Lu Xiaoxiong not far away.

At this moment, Lu Xiaoxiong was looking at him indifferently.

That kind of look also seemed to be mocking, as if a little disdainful.

"Lu Xiaoxiong, what do you want to say?" Staring at Lu Xiaoxiong, these words popped out between Ying Xuan's teeth.

"It's nothing, but I just want to remind you a few words in good faith. Sometimes it's too conceited. It's actually not good to sit in the sky."

Lu Xiaoxiong said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, Yingxuan's face changed drastically, becoming extremely ferocious.

"Oh, watching the sky from a well! Lu Xiaoxiong, are you talking about me?" Even in Yingxuan's city, he couldn't help the anger rising, and a terrifying aura bloomed from his whole body, making him even more ferocious.

What kind of person he won Xuan, but now he is pointed at his nose and told to sit in a well and watch the sky, how can he not get angry?

However, seeing this, Lu Xiaoxiong became even more disappointed, shook his head, stopped talking, and ignored Ying Xuan who was furious at this time.

Seeing this, seeing Lu Xiaoxiong's ignorance, Yingxuan's eyes were even more murderous.

He glanced at Lu Xiaoxiong ferociously, and then at Fade Chen in the distance, his murderous intent condensed into substance, and he murmured word by word: "Okay, okay, Lu Xiaoxiong, since you said I won Xuan sitting in the well and watching the sky, Then we will wait and see, in the end, who is the real trash!"

"I'll wring the heads off both of you, then cut the corpses apart and throw them into Huangduhai to feed the monsters!"

At the same time, the false emperor Tianhan in the void glanced at the hourglass for a quarter of an hour, paused for a moment, and then said lightly:

"Okay, now it's time. Just right."

People looked at the hourglass for a quarter of an hour, and found that just as the false emperor Tianhan said, the last grain of sand in the hourglass had just fallen.

Since then, the second-round rematch of the three-academy competition has just happened, and it has officially ended.

Hearing this, Fade Chen heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it seems that he was lucky enough to catch up.

At the same time, the pseudo-emperor Wu Tianhao and the Holy Master Lingyuan outside the Xiaoyao Temple all looked a little stunned, and murmured in surprise: "In less than half an hour, he actually caught up? "

At the same time, the false emperor Tianhan in the space of the Xiaoyao Temple also spoke again, and said lightly:

"First of all, congratulations for making it this far."

False Emperor Tianhan's eyes swept over everyone, there were fifty-seven geniuses in total, although this number seemed mediocre to him, compared with his previous estimate, it still greatly exceeded.

To be honest, he is very satisfied with the quality of the younger generation of geniuses in the Three Emperors of the Human Race this time.

At the same time, these geniuses were also staring at him with flickering eyes.

Up to now, the final round of the three-academy competition can be described as a real stage and battle. Finally, is it about to start?

People's eyes are flickering, bursting, ejaculating, just about to move.

And Fade Chen looked at the direction where Shi Kunzhan was not far away, his eyes narrowed slightly, his face was indifferent, with a smile that was not a smile.

"If there is a chance, let's start with Shi Kun this time."

"The revenge of the previous punch must be resolved, right?"

As if he felt something, Shi Kunzhan looked at Fade Chen with a gloomy expression, with killing intent in his eyes...

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