Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 1878 Why bow your head?

Chapter 1878 Why bow your head?

Zhanxian Alliance calendar, one hundred and thirty-six hundred and seventy-one years, Changyue Shenshan Guyang Peak.

This is already a few months after the previous Qingyang Pavilion night, at this time of evening, the sun is setting, and the lush and lush ancient forest with rich aura should be inaccessible, but I don’t know when it will start, but there are many more here uninvited guest.

These people are wearing all kinds of valuable holy war armor robes, with a powerful aura surging from their bodies, and their temperament is magnificent. If someone who knows them is present at this time, they will definitely be able to call out their identities!

Qingyang Pavilion!

Official member of Qingyang Pavilion!

Almost all of these people are official members of Qingyang Pavilion!

At this moment, they made up many corners of the entire Guyang Peak, and almost formed a net, enclosing it completely, not to mention flies, I am afraid that even mayflies cannot break in or escape.

But even so, when all of them looked towards the cultivation cave in the canyon halfway up the mountain, their eyes and even their faces were full of fear and fear...

I still remember the first time when they came to Guyang Peak, a few people did their own thing and forcibly broke into the cultivation cave, but no one saw it, but a terrifying formation that no one knew had already wiped them all out first. ...with no residue left.

And this kind of death is undoubtedly the most worthless and tragic.

Xiaoyao Shenzong attaches great importance to the concept of Dongfu territory. Anyone who trespasses can be killed for no reason and does not need to bear any consequences. That is to say, those people who did it before were completely dead, and Fade Chen didn't even need to spend the Happy Points.

Later, the deputy cabinet advocated that Dongxu would come forward in person, and took people to the gate of the cave several times to meet the owner of the Guyang Peak cultivation cave—Fade Chen, but all failed. Closed, no one will see.

So the situation remained stalemate until today, several months later.

But just today, a person suddenly opened the door and walked out of the Guyang Peak cultivation cave, coming towards Qingyang Pavilion and others.

And that person was none other than Fade Chen's handyman disciple, Huang Yang.

"Brothers, Brother Chen has already left the customs."

When he came up, he was also straightforward, and said to Zhang Dongxu and others respectfully.

"Is it finally out?"

Zhang Dongxu breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Huang Yang, "Take us in. Let's meet Fade Chen."


Huang Yang nodded and began to lead the way.

At the same time, the three of them, including Zhang Dongxu, also walked towards the Guyang Peak cultivation cave. Among these three people, one is Zhang Dongxu, the other is Zheng Changhe... and the other is an acquaintance of Fade Chen, Yu Xinlan.

Soon, they came to the cultivation cave of Guyang Peak, and saw Fade Chen with his back to them.

"Brother Chen."

Zhang Dongxu took a step forward and said respectfully to Fade Chen, "It's been a few months, but I finally see you."

"We don't seem to be so close, do we?"

Fade Chen smiled, turned around, glanced at Zhang Dongxu, then turned to Yu Xinlan and asked softly, "Why are you here?"

"Hey." Yu Xinlan sighed softly, and slowly said to Fade Chen: "The matter between you and Qingyang Pavilion has almost alarmed our entire Huangzidian branch in Shaoze Region. And I came here today to discuss with you Say something."

"Go ahead. What do you want to say?"

Fade Chen smiled, sat down on the spot, waved to the three of them, and said with a light smile, "Sit whatever you want."

Seeing this, Zhang Dongxu and Zheng Changhe's eyes flashed, but remembering Fade Chen's strength and record, he still didn't say anything, but honestly found a place to sit down.

And Yu Xinlan looked at Fade Chen with a complicated expression, and said slowly: "Maybe you already know?"

"what do you know?"

Fade Chen was slightly startled, then suddenly remembered something, looked towards the sky, squinted his eyes and smiled slightly: "Oh, you mean the dazzling gold letters in the sky outside? Well, I know... It is said that , This seems to be made by the owner of the Qingyang Pavilion?"

With that said, Fade Chen looked towards Zhang Dongxu and Zheng Changhe.

Zhang Dongxu's eyes flashed brightly, he got up and stood up, said neither humble nor overbearing: "Senior brother Chen, I said before that we will not forget about this matter in Qingyang Pavilion, so now we are here."

Although Zheng Changhe didn't say anything, he still stared at Fade Chen, which was full of provocation, ridicule and seriousness. Now that senior brother Yang Chao, the master of the pavilion, has accomplished his magical skills and his strength has soared, so what if Fade Chen is even more powerful? It's not just that you can only be a defeated underling and end up sadly!

Seeing this, Fade Chen shrugged his shoulders, but didn't care, and looked at Yu Xinlan.

The latter's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but said excitedly: "Senior Brother Chen, I think you should take a step back in this matter."

Before she finished speaking, she didn't care what reply Fade Chen had, she spoke again directly and excitedly.

"In that incident that day, no matter what, your attack was a little heavy. Even senior brother Guan Jue died in your hands, so you can't blame Qingyang Pavilion for determined to take revenge on you... However, with your strength, you only need a little Bow your head, everyone may not be able to reconcile."

Hearing this, Fade Chen suddenly waved his hand to interrupt him, and said lightly.

"But why should I bow my head?"

"Why do you want to lower your head?" Yu Xinlan was startled, then looked at Fade Chen emotionally and said, "You don't really think you are the opponent of Senior Brother Yang Chao, do you? I admit, you killed Guan Jue, Senior Brother Bai Luming and the others, It is very powerful, powerful! However, Yang Chao and Senior Brother Yang are not at the same level as them. No matter how powerful you are, you will never be the opponent of Senior Brother Yang Chao! And, and..."

Yu Xinlan hesitated for a moment, and suddenly the speed of speech accelerated a lot, and said: "And you know, Senior Brother Yang Chao Yang has broken through the test, and his strength has greatly increased! His current strength is at least double that of the original... "


Before he finished speaking, Zhang Dongxu interrupted him with a gloomy face, then looked at Fade Chen, and said lightly: "Senior Brother Chen, we came today with the intention of talking to you. But this time we After all, the loss of Qingyang Pavilion is so huge, and the face is so humiliated. Therefore, if you want to talk about peace, you must bow your head once, and you must compensate us enough for the loss of Qingyang Pavilion..."

Before the words finished, Fade Chen spoke lightly and interrupted him.

"I think you should say something meaningful."

"Something meaningful?" Zhang Dongxu was taken aback for a moment, then took a deep breath, and took a deep look at Fade Chen: "Okay!"

"Then let's talk about something meaningful!"

Zhang Dongxu looked gloomy, and said to Zheng Changhe who had been holding back for a long time: "Senior Brother Zheng, the peace talks failed, now it's your turn."

Zheng Changhe squinted his eyes and stepped forward. Every time he took a step, his whole body underwent a terrifying change.

From his flesh and bones, a terrifying sound like fried beans appeared.

Zheng Changhe's body changed step by step. Just after he started, his human-like area turned into a monster dragon with a height of three or four meters. With tall horns, cold eyes and majestic temperament, he stared at Fade Chen coldly.

In that scene, even Yu Xinlan could feel the temperature in the air suddenly drop hundreds of times, which made her tremble all over. My heart couldn't help beating rapidly!

She looked fearfully at Zheng Changhe who had turned into a monster dragon.

The most powerful deputy pavilion master of Qingyang Pavilion besides Senior Brother Yue Jiuyou! Ranked one hundred and seventy-three in the Profound Ranking, the third heaven of the Holy Yin-Yang Realm, this Senior Brother Zheng Changhe is indeed as rumored, and his strength is really terrifying!

But Fade Chen remained calm, or indifferent to all of this.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Changhe's ferocious dragon eyes twitched heavily, flashed a trace of light, and then said coldly to Fade Chen.

"Zheng Changhe in Qingyang Pavilion, I met Chen Fei and Senior Brother Chen!"

"Today, my identity is a war envoy. Therefore, I will hand over a copy of the battle card for our Qingyang Pavilion Master Yang Chao. If you, Chen Fei and Chen, are brave enough, tomorrow will be sunrise. The dome of Xiaofeng is waiting for you, one point wins, one fight to the death!"

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