Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 1905 Void Divine Origin Crystal

Chapter 1905 Void Divine Origin Crystal

Fade Chen held on to the Tiger Crowing Emperor Sword and slashed out, and suddenly a gray-white sword glow as thin as autumn water surged out.

Although people have witnessed that feeling, they seem to be unable to find any words to describe it.

Under a sword, it looks like a light as thin as a cicada's wing, and it looks like a clear spring flowing, more like colorful neon lights, penetrating the world!

Tranquil, pure, and colorful, they all seem to be under the light of this sword.

"Emperor swordsmanship seven gods cut the sky, cicada wings!"

And when the sword was completely cut out, Fade Chen's mind also seemed to have some insight, as if it was opened by something, broke through, and came to a new world.

Emperor Swordsmanship Qishen Zhantian has a total of seven states of swordsmanship, the first step of which is the 'Cicada Wing'. Naturally, she is as thin as a cicada's wings, which also represents a low-key, unobtrusive power from the side.

But here, after being compatible with the sword, the emperor's swordsmanship Qishen Zhantian endowed it with the ultimate power of swordsmanship!

This is the sword of purity, and also the sword of low profile!

Of course, it is also a powerful sword!


Slashing out with a sword is like splitting the river of time in two. The Qiushui Jianmang, as thin as a cicada's wing, spanned a hundred thousand meters of heaven and earth, and pierced through the body of the Wind Severing Demon General in an instant!


The Fengchou's body froze in place for an instant, and then from his head, neck, shoulders, arms, chest, and finally the soles of his feet, there were terrifying crackling and shaking sounds all at the same time.

The autumn water is leisurely, as thin as a cicada's wing!

But one sword smashed everything!


Zhan Fengmojiang turned his head with difficulty, raised his finger tremblingly, and pointed at Fade Chen, as if he wanted to say something, but it was too late.

He only uttered one word, but all the rest of the words came to his mouth, but they were blocked like a ravine, and he couldn't utter them again.

boom! boom! boom! boom……

In the next moment, the body of the Wind Demon General, from the head, neck, shoulders, arms, chest, to the soles of the feet, was shattered in everyone's horrified and horrified eyes, and turned into powder and scattered in the air. In the sky.


This man who has lived in the world for nearly ten thousand years and is also a prestigious demon general among the majestic Void Demon Clan—the Wind Chopping Demon General, died here in an unbelievable way today, at this moment. In Chen Fei's hands?

His body was devoid of flesh and blood, leaving only a huge pile of black bones, which fell to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Immediately, everyone trembled and were dumbfounded. They all stood there dumbfounded, not daring to move. Even those Void Demon Races, their eyes widened, their faces full of horror, they couldn't believe what was happening before them, the Demon, Lord Demon General, he was actually dead?

"cough cough cough cough"

Standing in the void, Fade Chen suddenly coughed slightly.

Obviously, although he relied on the Demon Devouring Pill to win the opponent in this battle, in fact, the burden, pressure, and consumption involved were not as easy as imagined.

"But today's battle is worth it."

Looking at the skeleton of General Zhanfengmo on the ground, Fade Chen showed a strong smile on his face. First, the Yuan magnetic magic thunder chain on the lower dantian in the body collapsed inexplicably, and one-third of the spiritual energy returned. Then, now the emperor sword technique Seven Gods Zhantian also has a new understanding, and he has cultivated the first sword of Seven Gods Zhantian, Cicada Wing. It can be described as a great joy and a good harvest.

At the same time, the others were also looking at him with extremely horrified eyes, looking at his figure standing proudly in the void with his hands behind his back.

"House, did you really win? A general-level Void Demon Race really died under his hands. How strong is this Chen Wang and Chen Fei?!"

Ye Cangchen said with trembling teeth, in disbelief.

Beside him, Xin Mang clenched his fists tightly, his eyes flickered violently, but he insisted on not saying a word, he was really speechless.

They are all monks of the younger generation, but is the gap really so huge?


And that Yinleizi threw his ass to the ground regardless of his image, panting, and laughed with a stiff face on the face of Yusheng after the catastrophe: "Haha, hahaha! Fortunately, I didn't expect that we could survive... really So lucky! Hahahahaha..."

As for Chu Baiqing and Lin Qingluo, you looked at me and I looked at you, their pretty faces were flushed, and their eyes were shining, as if they were very excited.

They survived!

As for the group of void demon soldiers, they looked desperate at this moment. Even Lord Demon General died in the hands of the opponent's enemy, how could they survive? It's over, it's really over!

"Let's escape separately. You can live as long as you can."

The seven half-step demon generals looked at each other, and regardless of the life and death of the hundreds of subordinate demon soldiers behind them, they turned their heads and fled, and they all chose different directions.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh...

Immediately, there were a lot of booming sounds that shook the eardrums in the void, tearing the void.

As for this, Fade Chen just glanced sideways at the various directions where the seven half-step demon generals fled in all directions, shook his head in disdain, and said lightly: "Do you think you can escape like this?"


Chen Fei's palm trembled, and he flicked it towards the void, and the land-covering seal of Zhenshan Zhenju shot out like a dreamlike and beautiful meteor.

Moreover, at the moment when the earth-covering seal was shot out, it actually split, and at the same time it split by as much as 70%, and the trajectory along the void was suddenly dark, as if it had disappeared.

But only in the blink of an eye, after the next breath.

Amidst the extremely shocking eyes of everyone, screams of despair sounded out one after another!

The half-step demon generals of the seven void demon clans died in Fade Chen's hands almost instantly.

Everyone's pupils contracted violently, and there was a burst of shock!

Then they fell silent.

The face is full of horror! A face full of fear, full of disbelief... and at this moment, no one dared to speak out. Including Ye Cangchen, Yinleizi, Chu Baiqing and the others, everyone was filled with endless shock, fear, and exclamation.

Chen Wang deserves to be Chen Wang, really, really too strong!

But the crowd of void demons sat on the ground with despair on their faces, giving up resistance and escaping.

First, Lord Demon General is dead!

Now the seven half-step demon generals are dead too!

What are the rest of them pawns? What a bunch of useless trash...


Deathly silence!

Such a desperate encounter, but never thought that it would be turned over by one person, with only one person's strength? !

Everyone trembles! At this moment, who would dare to look directly at Wang Chen again? nobody! They dare not!

"It seems that another mythical monster was born! And now, maybe we are witnessing the birth of a myth? Should we be honored?"

A thought suddenly rose in the hearts of everyone.

At this time, Fade Chen ignored those things, just shook his head lightly, and murmured.

"Sure enough, there is a huge disparity in strength between the five heavens of the Holy Yin-Yang Realm."

There is a concept in the realm of comprehension, that is, the higher the level of cultivation, and the later the powerful level, the greater the gap between the front and back is astonishingly huge.

Like now, if Fade Chen didn't have the Demon Devouring Pill as his back-up, it would be very difficult to kill the Demon General-level Fengmo General, or even just to win.

And the seven half-step Demon General-level Void Demons are only a door away from the former, half a window away, but their strengths are so different that they can't even be his one-shot enemy of Fade Chen. It can be seen how amazing and exaggerated this disparity is.

However, Fade Chen just turned around this thought for a while, and then shook his head again, forgetting about it.

Glancing at the Void Demon Army who had given up in despair, Fade Chen said calmly to Xin Mang and the others.

"Those Void Demons are handed over to you, no problem?"

Xin Mang, Yin Leizi and the others were startled for a moment, then immediately said: "No, no problem... No, we, we..."

It's just that the words came to his lips, and he hesitated to follow them.

Although most of the remaining void demon soldiers have lost their fighting spirit, the number is still amazing. Xin Mang roughly swept those Void Demons' soldiers, and immediately his heart sank. There are nearly two hundred ordinary demon soldiers comparable to the third heaven of the Holy Yin-Yang Realm. There are still dozens of top-level demon soldiers comparable to the fourth heaven of the Holy Yin-Yang Realm.

And what about them? After the double massacre by the demon formation, the blood-breaking evil formation and the Void Demon Army, there were only two or three hundred of the Xiaoyaotian monks who originally had nearly a thousand people left.

And although these demon soldiers of the Void Demon Race have been frightened by Chen Wang and Fade Chen, they are not so afraid of them.

At that time, if you really get into a hurry, you may not know who will kill who. After all, they are not Chen Wang and Chen Fei.

Therefore, there was a wry smile on Xin Mang's face again, and he said in a low voice: "King Chen, those Void Demons have a lot of free points, are you sure you don't want them? And we, I'm afraid we won't be able to take them down yet."

Fade Chen was startled, and then said flatly.

"Then let's do it together."

As soon as the words fell, he immediately moved, stretching out a palm like white jade.

"Soul-suppressing palm!"

That palm seems to make people's perception fall into a dream!

Slowly getting bigger, whiter and fairer, like a woman, with a jade-white light shining faintly on it, as if carved from warm jade. Immediately, dozens of void demon soldiers were enveloped in it by this palm, smashed to pieces on the spot, and turned into powder.

It was normal for you to kill me and you to kill you in the realm of comprehension. What's more, their Jiugong Tianyu and the Void Demon Race in the outer sky are even more sworn enemies. Fade Chen doesn't need any hypocritical pity.

Such is war!

Winner, live.

The loser, then die.


Seeing this scene, the others finally gained confidence and started to do it.

In just a short while like this, more than two hundred demon soldiers from the Void Demon Race all fell, and became the sect points of Xiaoyaotian monks. But even so, the loss on the side of Xiaoyaotian cultivator is not insignificant. Originally there were nearly a thousand people, but now there are less than two or three hundred people...

However, Fade Chen didn't pay much attention to them.

I saw him looking thoughtfully at the direction where the wind-killing demon general fled before, and then he stepped forward, entered the void, and advanced some distance in that direction.

Soon, Fade Chen came to the very center of the Absolutely Cold Valley.

Although most of the Demon Blood Heaven Breaking Evil Formation was destroyed by him earlier, there is still some energy remaining here, so the Demon Blood Heaven Breaking Evil Formation here is still trying to "half turn and not turn".

Fade Chen looked casually at the half-disused magic blood-breaking heaven and evil formation. He was still in an indifferent expression the first second, but in the next second, his divine sense and primordial spirit power penetrated the barrier of the formation. , 'seeing' the blood-colored deep pool in the center of the formation, and 'seeing' the sparkling crystal object in mid-air in the center of the deep pool, his expression couldn't help changing, and he turned pale and screamed wildly on the spot :"

"Void Divine Origin Crystal?!"

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