Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 192 Old samurai goddess

Chapter 192 Ancient Warriors Innate

As one of the three vice presidents of the majestic black market in Hong Kong, he is upright and upright, a true innate ancient martial arts expert, and the old man in the gray robe with a cane can clearly feel that the wild aura Chen Fei released at this moment is How horrible, how frightening!

This is completely the kind of real domineering awe-inspiring like the Yellow River breaking its embankment, and it is also the king of beasts roaring like a tiger descending the mountain, shaking the sky and shaking the sky, making people's hearts tremble.


This is definitely true innate!

Otherwise, with his current cultivation level, it is absolutely impossible to feel such a heavy pressure, as if Mount Tai is pressing down on the top, and it is difficult to breathe.

"You all go now, all of you leave here immediately..." At this point, the gray robed old man with a cane and a cane flashed a gleam in his deep eyes, and said to all the members of the Hong Kong black market behind him in an unquestionable tone.


Upon hearing the order from the vice president, those members of the black market who had been frightened by the scene in front of them suddenly came back to their senses, and returned to the Rolls-Royce immediately without hesitation. Accompanied by the screeching sound of tires crazily rubbing against the floor, there was a sudden sound! All the cars roared to the distance, without hesitation, and the speed was fast.

Seeing this scene, Chen Fei's eyes full of cruelty flashed slightly, then turned his head to Chen Yaoyang who was in the driver's seat of the Phaeton car and whispered: "Uncle Yaoyang, you should leave first. I will stay here alone. It's enough to get down."

"~ Gollum."

Chen Yaoyang swallowed hard when he heard the words, his face struggled for a while, and finally he was succumbed to the cruel reality, lowered his head, and whispered guiltily: "Sorry, Mr. Chen, the other party seems to be one of the three vice presidents of the black market. One, our Chen family really can't afford to offend you, you, be more careful..."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Yaoyang drove the Phaeton slowly to the distance, but stopped at a place not far away, as if preparing to continue waiting. It's just that he didn't dare to participate in such a terrifying battle.

"You are Fade Chen?" When everything around him became much more empty, the gray-robed old man with a cane was finally not as serious as before, squinting his eyes, and said with a faint smile.

Obviously, under Fade Chen's terrifying aura, the old man on the other side was able to remain so calm from the beginning to the end. Even at this moment, his expression was still playful, which was enough to show his demeanor. It is also enough to show its strong confidence in itself!

But you must know that Chen Fei's current cultivation level has reached the fourth level of Qi training in the cultivation world, which is equivalent to entering the innate for the first time. It can be said that he is a real ancient martial arts innate powerhouse! Is this level not enough in the eyes of the other party? Are you not qualified to let the other party have the idea of ​​equaling the other party?

This, how is this possible? No, can't you?

"Who are you?" However, Fade Chen didn't answer the other party's playful question, but just said blankly. His eyes looked fierce.

Seeing this scene, the old man in the gray robe with a cane frowned slightly, looked at Fade Chen's deep eyes that were obviously hostile to him at this time, and then said lightly: "You don't have to be so hostile to me. If I had If you want to attack you, you may not be able to escape outside the black market castle that day."

Obviously, with his identity, status, realm, and strength as an old man, he is willing to narrate such words that are similar to explanations, which is considered sincere enough. However, when Fade Chen heard the words, he didn't pay the bill, his eyes became more ruthless, and his aura gradually surged.

Outside the castle that day? If he hadn't sacrificed himself and escaped with the forbidden technique of self-cultivation, he might not be in the same situation now. As for the fact that he might not be able to escape, hehe, who wouldn't say such a thing?

"It seems that you don't believe what I say?" Seeing Fade Chen's still indifferent and cruel expression, the old man in the gray robe with a cane frowned slightly, and his old voice was a bit cold. From his point of view, as an old man, he was the first to make such an explanation that was close to bowing his head. The other party, Fade Chen, was not satisfied or accepted, which made him feel a little unhappy.

If you say a thousand things and ten thousand things, you are just a junior in front of me, Yan Luo. Isn't it a bit too much to have such a high attitude?

"Why should I believe your words? Besides, even if I believe it or not, so what?"

At the next moment, Fade Chen took the conversation and said with a sneer: "I know you are an ancient martial artist with a noble status and a high position in Hong Kong, but I'm sorry, I don't seem to be worse than you now. So you don't think that you Is this posture in front of me a little too much? Or..."

"Or, do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Fade Chen looked into the other's eyes and said softly with no expression on his face. His tone of voice is inexplicably chilling.

"Afraid of me? Sorry, I think you seem to have misunderstood me. I, Yama, don't need you to be afraid of me." The old man in the gray robe with a cane grinned when he heard the words, followed by a gleam of splendor in his deep eyes, his fingers stretched , the blue veins popped up, and an unimaginable force erupted in vain from the whole bent and decayed body.

Then I saw his finger hook casually, and the purple crutch that fell on the ground flew back to his hand, and then I saw his feet stepping on mysterious footwork. In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Fade Chen. How did it appear, the purple crutch was raised high, and it fell down! The momentum is imminent!

"So fast!"

Seeing this scene, Fade Chen felt that the hairs on his whole body were about to stand on end, his scalp was completely numb, and his back was cold. He didn't expect the other party to be so fast, and his momentum was as deep as the ocean, like that kind of underground cave The deepest vortex of the coldest stagnant water, silent, yet deadliest and frightening.

Up to this moment, he finally understood what the other party meant just now. Indeed, he doesn't need to be afraid at all, at worst, he just needs to be afraid. What's the difference? It doesn't matter at all.

It's just that Fade Chen isn't really that useless, he has no power to fight back! Then I saw his figure tremble, and the whole person disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Stab it!

Rumble! Rumble! rumbling...

Half a breath after his figure disappeared, the purple-red crutches that came down from top to bottom with such force tore off the air, passing by the edge of his body at a distance of a thousand miles, with pale red and clothes The fragments floated in the air at that moment, and then slammed into the ground, erupting with an unimaginable shock wave and deafening roar.

"Actually escaped?" The old man in the gray robe with the cane looked at the extremely cracked road surface in a daze, and said to himself in a daze.

To be honest, he really didn't expect Fade Chen to be able to avoid it. He originally wanted to teach this bastard a little lesson...

"I have to admit that you are the first junior who can do this in front of me. You must know that even an ordinary ancient martial artist at the innate stage may not be able to really avoid what I just did. You boy, you are indeed very Not bad." Then the old man in the gray robe with a cane sighed dumbly. Put away the momentum.

"The early days of Gu Wu's congenital status?"

Fade Chen touched the red mark on his arm while hearing the words, hissing, it hurts a bit,

While hearing the other party's words, he muttered to himself.

In the early days of Gu Wu Xiantian, what was that?

"It seems you don't know."

Seemingly seeing Fade Chen's doubts at this moment, the gray-robed old man with a cane smiled, and suddenly started nagging: "The innateness of ancient warriors does not refer to a single level of cultivation, but a big The general term for the realm. The big realm is divided from low to high: early stage, middle stage, and late stage. Your kid is at most an early stage now, and I have already broken through to the middle stage of Guwu Xiantian ten years ago, so you are now Not yet my opponent, understand?"

"There is still such a thing, Gu Wu's innate early, middle and late stages..."

It was only then that Fade Chen realized why he felt so oppressed by the other party's strength. It was because there was a difference in level between them, no wonder.

But even so, he still didn't show the slightest fear, instead he said flatly: "Even if you are in the middle stage of ancient martial arts, so what? It seems that you can't do anything to me, right?" After the fight just now, he was very It is determined that although the opponent's strength is stronger than him, it is relatively limited and cannot really do anything to him.

The gray-robed old man with a cane finally froze when he heard the words, raised his head, looked at Fade Chen, and was speechless for a long time.

"Okay, just like what I said before, you don't need to be so hostile to me..." After a long silence, the old man said lightly.

However, when Fade Chen heard the words, he interrupted him directly, his cruel eyes filled with a smile and said: "I think you should always give me an explanation, otherwise I am never afraid of getting into trouble. You can't do anything to me now, but Let's see in a few years, maybe, I should hope that your old man is still alive at that time, ha ha."

"Are you threatening me?" The gray-robed old man with crutches frowned deeply again, and said in a slightly unfriendly tone. And this time, he seemed to finally feel a faint pressure!

Gu Wu, who is in his early twenties, might be really...

"Yes, I am indeed threatening you. Otherwise, do you want to throw me into the sea and feed the sharks?" Fade Chen grinned and showed his teeth, as if he was saying "have you eaten?" in a casual tone.

But now he is threatening a real Guwu Xiantian strongman, and he is still in the middle stage of Guwu Xiantian!

If it gets out, it will definitely scare a lot of stupid people!

"Boy, do you believe it or not, just based on what you said now, I can let the Chen family, who has a good relationship with you, be removed from Hong Kong overnight!" Looking at Fade Chen, his tone became very cold.

"That's good. If you give me another five years, I will let you see it with your own eyes. Hong Kong's black market, I will make it famous on this earth, and it will never stand up for eternity!" Fade Chen still laughed when he heard the words. It's just that tone, but for the first time, the old man in gray robe with crutches really shuddered.

Let, let the Hong Kong black market be removed from this earth?

Is this kid a lunatic! ?

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