Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 1934 Half, half-step Dan Emperor? !


Fade Chen, who had collected the pill, appeared again in front of the bewildered Ran Qingzhu, and threw the pill bottle to her: "This pill is called Void Beast Pill, although there is only one, but it is A silver streak elixir, the level is also six-star low-grade, it should be enough to compensate you for the previous loss, right?"

Void Myriad Beast Pill is made from the raw material of Void Sky and the blood of Void Qilin Beast. It has a terrifying effect of strengthening Void energy.

Once you take this Void Myriad Beast Pill, your strength can at least skyrocket to the peak level of the Holy Lord in a short period of time.

And this kind of ability is already quite frightening and terrifying for a six-star low-grade holy elixir pill.

What's more, there is another point, this elixir is a six-star low-grade silver-streaked grade!


"Silver, silver streaks?!"

Hearing this, Ran Qingzhu's eyes suddenly shrank, and her pretty face was full of disbelief.

Six-star low-grade silver-streaked elixir, what kind of concept is this? ! I'm afraid that even a six-star mid-rank, or even a six-star top-rank holy alchemist, wouldn't be able to refine it, right? !

"You, don't you..."

Ran Qingzhu suddenly raised her head, wanting to 'question' Fade Chen.

But following her, he was stunned for a while, and then sat on the ground limply.

Because, at this time, Fade Chen had already left.

He left without a sound.

All that was left was the pill bottle containing the Void Beast Pill, suspended in mid-air and shining brightly.

But that brilliance, Ran Qingzhu felt very dazzling.

"Hey, little Qingzhu, that should be the Thunder Tribulation of Dancheng just now, right? It seems that you have practiced a good pot of medicine again, is it this..."

At this moment, a friendly voice came with a smile, and in front of Ran Qingzhu, a blue void light door opened, and an old man with a stooped figure walked out of it, pointing one hand at the floating in mid-air The pill bottle stretched out.

The old man is none other than the Blue Sea Pill Emperor——Hu Yanbo.

"Hey, how does this feel..."

It's just that Huyanbo just stretched out his hand, and sniffed his nose a little, as if he felt something was wrong, his brows sank slightly, and he opened the bottle of the elixir, suddenly a very violent void energy came from there. emerged from.

Immediately, Huyanbo also narrowed his eyes slightly, and a faint gleam appeared in his cloudy eyes.

"Six-star inferior..."

"Four silver patterns?!"

Upon hearing this, Ran Qingzhu trembled again, and said in a daze, "It's really a silver-patterned six-star low-grade holy pill?!"

If her master calls Yanbo, she naturally doubts more than you?


However, a person who is about her age actually refined a six-star low-grade silver-streaked elixir, is this a joke? How is this possible? !

In an instant, Ran Qingzhu's originally proud heart seemed to be bombarded by a 10,000-ton sledgehammer! In an instant it was shattered.

"Little Qingzhu, did something happen earlier?"

Seeing this, Hu Yanbo obviously guessed something, and asked softly. Obviously, he knew very well that it was impossible for his apprentice Ran Qingzhu to refine this furnace of six-star low-grade four-stripe silver-striped pill, and even ordinary-level ones were somewhat unable to do it.

According to his judgment, although he doesn't know what this elixir is, the difficulty of refining it should be regarded as the top level among the six-star low-grade... What is the top-level six-star low-grade silver-patterned elixir? People make a move? !

Hearing this, Ran Qingzhu couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said:

"Master, do you still remember the person who peeked at our alchemy from a distance in the past six months?"

"Sneak peek at our alchemy?"

Hu Yanbo was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses and said, "You mean that kid, what happened to him?"

"This furnace pill was made by him, I saw it with my own eyes!"

Ran Qingzhu said with complicated eyes.


As soon as this remark came out, even Hu Yanbo's face changed suddenly, and he shook his head instantly: "This is impossible!"

After the words fell, he seemed to be unable to bear it, and hurriedly continued: "

"Little Qingzhu, do you know the difficulty of this furnace pill? If I'm not mistaken, even if it's the top and most difficult level of the six-star low-rank. Only a top-ranking star alchemist can refine stably. If it is silver streaks like now, at least, I mean at least, at least half-step alchemy!"

"How old is that kid? Maybe he's younger than you, how is that possible? Impossible! It can't be him!"

Half, half step Alchemy? !

She didn't hear Hu Yanbo's other words clearly, but Ran Qingzhu heard these four words clearly.

Half-step alchemy, half-step alchemy... Ran Qingzhu kept repeating this word in his heart, and finally couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and laughed at himself: "Master, do you think I was too confident before? How could I It's really a joke to satirize a half-step alchemy emperor who doesn't know how to make alchemy."

She saw Fade Chen refining this furnace of silver-pattern-level six-star low-grade Void Beast Pill, so naturally she would not doubt it.

This is a half-step alchemy. What kind of concept is this? I'm afraid even if all the alchemists in Xiaoyao Shenzong add up, they can't find five... It's ridiculous that she satirized Fade Chen for not knowing alchemy, and a half-step alchemy emperor for not knowing alchemy. The biggest joke below.

But after hearing what Ran Qingzhu said, Huyanbo's expression changed drastically, he was uncertain for a few times, and finally took a deep breath and said slowly.

"Qingzhu, he really made it?"

"I saw it with my own eyes." Ran Qingzhu also took a deep breath, and said with a wry smile: "Master, you don't know, because I..."

Ran Qingzhu honestly told everything that happened before. Including when she became angry from embarrassment at first, and made troubles, until Fade Chen didn't bother to argue with her at first, and then he was irritated, and she was completely speechless with a batch of pills.

After the words fell, she was silent for a long time, as if she was still reminiscing about the aftertaste of the past.

And Hu Yanbo also became silent.

There was a long, long silence.

After a long time, he took a deep breath and said, "You mean, that kid who is about your age is a half-step Alchemy Emperor?!"

As soon as this remark came out, even Hu Yanbo, who was a real alchemy-level figure, couldn't help taking a deep breath, extremely shocked and unable to calm down. After all, how old is Ran Qingzhu? Less than two hundred.

If that kid is really about the same age as his disciple Ran Qingzhu, but is a half-step Alchemy Emperor, let alone him, even the Heavenly Emperor Patriarch of their Xiaoyao Shenzong will be dumbfounded for a long time when he finds out... …

Although he, Hu Yanbo, is the Alchemy Emperor, the true seven-star lower-rank Alchemy Emperor, but how old was he when he became a half-step Alchemy Emperor? Five thousand? Or seven thousand? !

In this way, the two were silent for a long time, then Huyanbo suddenly sighed softly, shook his head and said, "I never thought that I, Huyanbo, would see such an exaggerated monster in my lifetime... a half-step Dandi who is less than two hundred years old, don't It is said that it is our Jiugong Tianyu. Even in Beimo, or even in the wild three hundred and sixty states, we have never heard of such a monster being born. But fortunately, you happened to try him out, otherwise, I will remain in the dark forever.”

To be honest, the shock in Hu Yanbo's heart at this time is actually much more than what it appears on the surface. In fact, when Fade Chen sneaked up on them for alchemy, he overestimated whether Fade Chen would also be a relatively talented alchemist, such as a five-star middle-grade, or even a five-star top-grade. Otherwise, those things he taught Ran Qingzhu, in fact The lower-level sage alchemists actually don't understand.

It's just that he never expected that Fade Chen would be a super alchemy monster who started half a step up to Alchemy.

Compared with this, the halo and title on this disciple who is known as the number one genius of Xiaoyao Shenzong is as ridiculous as a clown.

Most importantly, the more advanced an alchemist is, the more he understands one thing, the silver grain pill, this is a hurdle! To be able to do the six-star low-grade silver grain pill like that kid, maybe many half-step alchemy emperors are actually unable to do it, because they are not prepared.

That's why he said it was a start...

But no matter what you say, even if you put aside the most astonishing point of age, that kid's exaggerated strength in alchemy is already qualified to gain a foothold in the world of alchemists in the entire Jiugong Tianyu.

After all, how many emperor-level alchemists are there in the entire Jiugong Tianyu? There are only three of them in Xiaoyao Shenzong. Under the emperor-level alchemist, there is a half-step alchemy emperor...

Ran Qingzhu was also dizzy for a while, not knowing what to do.

"Master, what do you think I should do?"

Ran Qingzhu asked Hu Yanbo, with a pitiful face.

As a member of the circle of alchemists, she knows better than outsiders what is the distinction between high and low in the circle of alchemists. This is the case in the entire circle of alchemists, who value top and bottom. If Fade Chen is really a half-step Alchemy Emperor, her actions and words to Fade Chen earlier would be really disrespectful.

In this regard, even her master Hu Yanbo couldn't help her.

Because the first person who was wrong was always herself.

"Don't worry, he just left after refining alchemy, which means he didn't have the same knowledge as you. But you, in recent years, you have no opponents in alchemy in this Xiaoyao Shenzong, and your temper is a little arrogant. Outsiders It’s not unreasonable to say that there are people beyond the sky and beyond.”

Hu Yanbo sighed.

"Yes, I know I was wrong, Master." Ran Qingzhu was convinced, and even nodded a little ashamedly.

If in the past, Hu Yanbo and her had such a long talk, she would not have been touched at all, and she would even have a small complaint in her heart. She is the most powerful alchemist among the young generation of Xiaoyao Shenzong, and she has no opponents, so why can't she be more proud?

But today, after meeting the monster Fade Chen, she suffered a 'fatal blow' all of a sudden! The mentality is completely broken.

People like Chen Fei who are so terrifying that they are called monsters by his alchemist-level masters are all so low-key and unknown. In the eyes of the other party, Ran Qingzhu's little alchemy skills are probably no different from that of a three-year-old child, so she really has no right to be proud.

But at this moment, Na Huyanbo suddenly smiled and said:

"Although you were wrong about this matter first, my apprentice, Huyanbo, is still not so easy to bully..."

"Half-step Alchemy Emperor, hehe..."

Na Huyanbo smiled, his eyes were full of gratitude and eagerness, he turned and walked towards the alchemy place.

Seeing this scene, Ran Qingzhu trembled all over: "Master, you..."

"Let's watch from the side..."

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