Bright City, the top of the Dragon King Chamber of Commerce building.

Chen Fei sat on the edge with his feet slanted, stepping on the clouds under his feet, the wind was rolling, and there were a few crooked empty bottles of fine wine beside him, holding the battle invitation just sent by Nangong Meng, and said with a soft smile :

"Bai Muxin, it seems that you Tianling clan are quite confident."

In front of him was a square red crystal. Bai Muxin was suppressed by Fade Chen and sealed in it, with a look of fear on his face, but he still held on to his internal strife, and said coldly: "

"This is not self-confidence, but absolute strength!"

"Fade Chen, do you really think it's that simple for our Heavenly Spirit Clan to take root and occupy Xuanqing Heaven for tens of thousands of years? If you stop now, there is still room for maneuver, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Fade Chen didn't care, and smiled softly.

"You..." Bai Mu was anxious, but he couldn't continue. Fade Chen didn't take his threat seriously at all, and it was pointless to talk about it any further. Moreover, it was more like a clown, more like a joke.

Seeing this, Fade Chen chuckled, and said softly, "Then do you think I have the guts to come to you Heavenly Spirit Clan just because of impulsiveness, not because I'm not sure?"

As he said that, Chen Feiyang opened the battle post in his hand, and in an instant, a thriving and terrifying murderous intent seemed to pour out like mountains and seas.


On that scroll, there was a large character written with a stylus and a silver hook, kill! The word 'kill', every stroke and every stroke, is like a sharp sword, if it has substance, it is full of coldness, conveying a strong killing intent.

If ordinary people see this word, they must already be terrified. Even the eyes will go blind.

But in Chen Fei's eyes, this level is just ordinary, and it can be regarded as nothing.

But even so, this killing word is a naked provocation!

There is absolutely no doubt about this.

Staring calmly at the killing word on the post, Fade Chen squinted his eyes, and said lightly: "To tell the truth, Bai Muxin, this Ernandi is much more courageous than you. It is courage to dare to fight, send this killing word, It's arrogance. It's just that both courage and arrogance need strength to support it, but I don't know whether his strength is enough for Emperor Enan?"

"It's enough to kill you!" Bai Muxin said bitterly. Face trembling, and ferocious.

"Really?" Fade Chen couldn't deny it, and smiled lightly.

The scene was silent,

But after a while, Bai Muxin couldn't help it anymore, and said in a low voice: "Chen Xuanwu, is there really no room for maneuver in this matter? If you are willing to sit down and talk, what you want is our Tianling It's just the remains of the clan emperor..."

However, before the words finished, Fade Chen interrupted him lightly.


Fade Chen lowered his eyes slightly, and said lightly: "Let's not talk about debts and repayment. It's just a matter of course. Just delaying for so long, it's not something that can be solved by just one or two corpses. And..."

After a pause, a half-smile appeared on Fade Chen's face, and he said lightly, "Bai Muxin, do you really think that I, Fade Chen, saved people only because of those one or two corpses?"

"Then what are you doing for it?" Bai Muxin was taken aback.

Fade Chen didn't answer, but smiled slightly with his eyes narrowed.

His previous plan was to use the Heavenly Spirit Race as a sharpening stone to help him practice and experience, but he never thought that the plan could not keep up with the changes. The current him now has taken too many strides and increased his strength too much. A mere Sky Spirit Clan can no longer satisfy his 'appetite'.

Well, everything should be over.

Fade Chen murmured in his heart, stood up, looked to the northwest, and his eyes were full of brilliance.

There, it is the direction where Xuanqingtian's famous ancient sacred mountain - Nine Dragons Divine Mountain is located.


But at this moment, Fade Chen suddenly seemed to have noticed something, he let out a sigh, and looked towards the void: "Come out."

The voice fell, and a light and shadow, emerging from nothing, appeared from the void.

If you look carefully, if it's not Xuanqing Tiandi Jiang Hao, who is it?

"It's you...what's your business?" Fade Chen was taken aback after seeing the man's face clearly, then asked with a smile.

But Jiang Hao did not answer his question immediately, but frowned, staring at the square red crystal in front of Fade Chen for a long time, and asked suddenly: "You sealed Bai Muxin here? "

"Yeah..." Fade Chen nodded, and asked back, "But does this have anything to do with you?"

"Why doesn't it matter?" Jiang Hao said indifferently to Fade Chen, "Chen Xuanwu, you have to figure it out, this is Xuan Qingtian, not your Happy Heaven!"

"So what?" Fade Chen turned his head and looked at Jiang Hao with a half-smile, but his eyes were a bit cold: "When Emperor Jialuo went to our Xiaoyaotian, where were you people from Xuanqing Palace?"

"Don't say it's just you people in the Xuanqing Palace who want face, want face, we Xiaoyao Shenzong, don't you want it?"

After every word, at the end, Fade Chen's eyes were already cold.

And that Jiang Hao was already silent.

After a long time, he spoke again, and said coldly, "Ka Luodi is dead..."

"not enough!"

Fade Chen spoke without hesitation, and said indifferently: "A rubbish half-step super emperor, only one dead, how can it be enough?"

"Then what do you want to do?" Jiang Hao asked angrily, his face turning livid.

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Okay, since it's not obvious, I'll just tell you directly." Fade Chen lowered his eyes slightly, and said lightly, "I want to stamp out the Heavenly Spirit Clan and remove them from the Nine Palaces!"

As soon as these words came out, both Jiang Hao and Bai Muxin, who was in the seal, were all startled. Because they all know it! Know! With the character of Chen Xuanwu in front of him, and his decisiveness and straightforwardness, he can definitely do it!

"You..." Jiang Hao was also out of breath at this time, unable to speak.

Fade Chen's attitude was too domineering and forceful, and he didn't give him any room for discussion or conversation... Perhaps, this lunatic never thought of reconciliation at all.

Instead, he really only wants to exterminate the Tianling clan and get rid of it!

Thinking of this, Jiang Hao was silent for a while, and finally sighed softly in his heart, not to dwell on this topic anymore.

"What about Ning Daochen?"

"The Star Sect has no grievances or enmities with you, what is it for you to kill Ning Daochen?!"

Jiang Hao asked again coldly.

"Is there a reason to kill someone?"

"If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If people offend me, hehe..."

But Fade Chen also asked him back, with a cold face, and said lightly:

"Jiang Hao, I know you are here for some people, and I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Go back and tell them. If you are not convinced, half a month later, come over at the top of Jiulongshen Mountain, and I, Chen Fei, will take it all together. That's right."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Hao's expression changed immediately.

"Are you crazy?"

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

After two questions in a row, Jiang Hao said to Fade Chen coldly: "Xing You is the ancestor of the Star Sect, the second strongest person in the Emperor Realm, and a half-step super emperor! And the Star Sect is our Xuanqing Tianxuan." Under the Qing Palace, among the top three behemoths in the superpowers' comprehensive strength. If they are involved in this matter, no matter how evil or genius you Chen Xuanwu are, you will definitely lose!"

Undoubtedly defeated?

Fade Chen couldn't deny it and smiled, but didn't answer.

And that Jiang Hao also turned blue and purple for a long time, and suddenly said coldly: "Chen Xuanwu, Star Sect must ask you to bow your head and admit defeat. Otherwise, they will not let this matter go away."

"I'll wait." Fade Chen replied simply.

"You... good!" Jiang Hao was extremely angry, but in the end he didn't say anything, he just took a deep look at Fade Chen for the last time, then turned his head and left.

From his point of view, he was actually not willing to have such a trouble with the freak Chen Xuanwu.

Otherwise, he would not have come here in person today.

But Fade Chen's attitude was indeed too domineering. He is merciless and shows no mercy at all. The death of a Ning Daochen is nothing, but he killed someone without even apologizing. How can the super power of the Xingchen Zong endure this humiliation and swallow this bad breath?

Jiang Hao could only shake his head and sigh.

But even so, to be honest, he can actually understand Fade Chen's attitude. The Star School wanted face, so Chen Xuanwu didn't want face? Besides, he doesn't believe that someone with Chen Fei's temperament would kill Ning Daochen, who he has never met before, for no reason... So, most of the time, some people are overthinking their capabilities and looking for their own death!

I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, and I have to seek death. What do you think can be done?

"It's just that today's spirit clan plus Xingchenzong, Chen Xuanwu, can really solve it by himself?"

"Although the backers behind him are strong, most of them are people from the Nine Overlords, and their identities are a little sensitive. If they come, it is impossible for our Xuanqing Palace to sit idly by..."

Jiang Hao murmured quietly in his heart as he left.

Their Xuanqing Palace is not like the Xiaoyao Shenzong, the internal power is held in one line, so the upper and lower levels are very united. Such as Jiangzuo old virtuous king, Lan Haidan emperor Hu Yanbo, the patriarch of the four gods and beasts, and Danwu sword emperor Li Baiyun were all born in the nine overlord forces, and their positions were more inclined to the nine overlord forces. If they come, they are deceiving people! It is impossible for Xuanqing Palace to sit idly by.

But if there were no such people to support Chen Xuanwu, the rest would at most be Nan Huanhou, the old Holy Master of Bashimen, the two great ancestors of the Chiye Dynasty——Yan Shichong, Yan Daojun, the four of them.

But to be honest, among these four people, Nan Wanghou is the real half-step super emperor. The remaining three people are all worse, at most they are just ruling the roost among ordinary emperors. At this level, the three together can barely be considered a half-step Super Great Emperor's combat power...

Although this kind of combination is not considered weak, it is still far inferior to the combination of the Sky Spirit Clan and the Star Sect. As the top three superpowers in Xuanqingtian's comprehensive strength, there are at least three half-step super emperors in the Star Sect, and there is also one super emperor. There are more other ordinary emperors, more than five. Plus the Sky Spirit Race...the two are not in the same order of magnitude at all.

Besides, with the background, energy, and 'home field advantage' of the Tianling Clan and the Star Sect, how could it be possible not to find some helpers?

Therefore, if Chen Xuanwu really hoped to call someone to come, he might end up harming himself...

For a moment, thousands of thoughts flashed through Jiang Hao's mind, and finally they all turned into a sigh, and murmured:

"Forget it, this guy doesn't look like a mindless idiot. Perhaps, he has some hidden cards that I don't know yet? Anyway, in half a month, everything will become clear. Let's wait until then and see. ..."

At the same time, the matter of Chen Xuanwu and Emperor Enan of the Spiritual Clan making an appointment to fight on the top of the Nine Dragons God Mountain, as time passed, it became more and more popular in the world, and the world shook.

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