Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 2149 Get drunk


After seeing clearly the few words on the Jade Talisman of Communication, Fade Chen felt a sudden tremor in his head, as if he was being shocked by an electric shock!


Immediately, his face turned pale and ferocious, followed by a terrifying murderous intent and chill coming out of his body.

Even Nan Wanghou felt all this, his face changed suddenly, and he opened his mouth quickly.

"Master, what's wrong? What happened?!"

Patriarch Cangqing's expression also changed, and he said, "Emperor Chen Dan, what's wrong?"

Fade Chen didn't speak, but his face was really gloomy and scary.

To be honest, he hadn't been this angry for a long, long time.

The dragon has reverse scales!

Everyone has their own most inviolable thing, touch is death!

Like Fade Chen, his Ni Lin is his family, his brother. Since he was still in school on Earth, until now, Hua Zhinan is the only one who has really stayed by his side and is regarded as a brother by him.

But now, he was forcibly taken away, how could Fade Chen not be angry? !


"Go back to Mingshen Mansion!"

With a stern shout, a terrifying hurricane surged out of Fade Chen's body, and endless powerful void power and space power directly appeared on him alternately, forming wings capable of tearing apart void barriers, flapping his wings and flying high! The next moment his body turned into a cold light and disappeared into the world.

Seeing this scene, Nan Wanghou was startled and suspicious, and felt his scalp tingling faintly. He didn't dare to ask any more questions, and hurriedly followed Fade Chen's leaving pace.

But in less than a moment, the look of horror and palpitation on his face could not help but revive.

Because in the process, he discovered a very frightening and frightening thing!

"I, I, I can't keep up with the master's speed? This, hiss..."

Nan Wanghou's face was full of horror, unbelievable.

Although he doesn't specialize in speed, he is still a top half-step super emperor powerhouse, but now Fade Chen has directly thrown him away. In such a short period of time, what does this mean?

Thoughts in Nan Wanghou's mind turned a thousand times, and finally, his body trembled heavily.

"Could it be, Master, he hid his strength earlier?"

Nan Wanghou's pupils trembled and he murmured.

"It's the power of space!" At this time, Patriarch Cangqing passed by him and said lightly, making Nan Wanghou tremble again, his face full of shock, empty, the power of space?

The power of space that is more powerful than the power of the void in the legend?

Patriarch Cangqing was also full of emotion at this time, and murmured: "Emperor Chen Dan is still unfathomable as always... But what is the reason for his fury this time? Forget it, don't worry about it, just follow up."


Patriarch Cang Qing transformed himself into a real body, a cyan dragon, bursting out of the sky in an instant, the sky and the earth were shattered, and the storm was rolling in. The next moment, he followed Fade Chen's leaving trajectory at the fastest speed.

Seeing this, Nan Wanghou didn't hesitate, he quickly gritted his teeth and followed.

Not long after, in the internal teleportation array in the core area of ​​Myoshen Mansion, light suddenly shot up into the sky, and figures appeared from there.


"Yan Shichong, Yan Daojun, Old Holy Master Yang Wu, come out to see me!"

The next moment, a voice full of anger but forcibly suppressed echoed over the Mingshen Mansion. There was endless anger and roaring cold, which made the named Yan Shichong, Yan Daojun, and the old Holy Master Yang Wu all covered in blood. trembling,

Then, they appeared in front of Fade Chen as quickly as possible.

As for the Old Holy Master Yang Wu, it is the name of the Old Holy Master of Bashimen, whose surname is Yang Mingwu!

And when they appeared in front of Fade Chen at the fastest speed and felt the terrifying chill and killing intent on Fade Chen's body, even the three of them, the three emperors, all had drastic changes in their expressions, trembling all over, and looked at Fade Chen's eyes were full of fear.

The next moment, they all bowed to Fade Chen and said:

"This subordinate has met the Palace Master."

"Where's my brother Hua Zhinan? What happened? Tell me!"

Fade Chen said with a grim face, coldly.

As soon as these words came out, Yan Shichong and the three of them changed their expressions immediately. They looked at each other, smiled wryly, bent down to Fade Chen again, and said in a low voice, "It's not good for my subordinate to protect Hua Xiaoyou. Please punish him, Lord Palace Master."

But it was also at this time that the void suddenly flashed and was torn apart by someone. Ji Fengyuan walked out from there, glanced at the somewhat frightening Fade Chen, smiled wryly and shook his head and said, "Fade Chen, don't blame them for this matter." , is really powerless.”


Fade Chen frowned, and asked, "Master, what happened? My brother, was he taken away?"

"... Heavenly Soul Emperor." Ji Fengyuan smiled wryly, and spat out a few words helplessly.

As soon as these words came out, Fade Chen's pupils shrank.

Heavenly Soul Emperor?

The invincible emperor of the Xiaoyao Shenzong, the Heavenly Soul Emperor?

The cunning master, the Heavenly Soul Emperor?

Chen Fei's eyes flickered violently, and his face became more and more ugly, because he remembered the secret between him and his master that Hua Tou had mentioned to him back then.


Another figure with a terrifying aura appeared, and the flames burned the sky. It was the ancestor of Jingfeng.

I saw him fluttering his wings and flying high in front of Fade Chen, then turned into a human form, and said to Fade Chen with guilt on his face: "Emperor Chen Dan is sorry, Emperor Tianhun, he is too strong, I am not an opponent, no Can protect Hua Zhinan..."

Fade Chen looked towards the ancestor of Jingfeng, and saw that while he was full of guilt, his face was also faintly and slightly abnormally dark, and the flame monster aura floating all over his body, and the supernatural power of Suzaku also gave people a feeling Not quite right.

It seemed like he was hurt a bit.

Fade Chen's eyes flickered, and he asked suddenly: "Senior Jingfeng, is your soul injured?"

Patriarch Jingfeng was startled, and shook his head guiltily: "I'm ashamed..."

"Take it, take this." Fade Chen flicked his palm, and a pill bottle appeared in front of Patriarch Jingfeng. When the latter heard Fade Chen's words, his eyes subconsciously showed joy, but then he still hesitated, hesitating: "But..."

If Hua Zhinan was protected by her, she would take this pill with peace of mind, but now Huazhi South Africa is not protected, and people are injured, and the work is not good. She really feels ashamed of receiving this pill. .

Seeing ancestor Jingfeng's hesitation, Fade Chen's eyes flickered, and then he forced a smile and said: "Senior Jingfeng, take it. I don't care about you."

Although he was furious at this time, he did not lose his mind.

Emperor Tianhun is the invincible emperor on the Ditian Ranking, and now these people are all together, and they are not opponents, so it is normal that they cannot be stopped. This is really powerless.

Upon hearing the words, Patriarch Jingfeng finally let out a long sigh and accepted the elixir.

But that Patriarch Cangqing stood up and said with flickering eyes

"Chen Dandi, should I handle this matter?"

Since the Qinglong bloodline in his body broke through to the god bloodline level, his strength has almost reached the invincible emperor level, equal to the Nine Phoenix King at his peak. Even if Emperor Tianhun's ranking in the ascending to heaven list is a few grades higher than that of Nine Phoenix King, but thinking about it, he should give him some face.

But when Fade Chen heard the words, he still frowned and remained silent.

If it is any other ordinary matter, it is indeed the best way for the current Patriarch Cangqing to come forward. As the same invincible emperor, he does not look at the face of the monk but at the face of the Buddha. There is no need for the Emperor Tianhun to smear the face of his ancestor Cangqing casually... But it is really not a big deal between Huatou and his master, the Emperor Tianhun. What an ordinary matter, but each involves the other's life and future.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement from outside. Fade Chen was startled, and turned his gaze away, only to see a guard running in in a hurry, came to Fade Chen and quickly bowed and saluted, and then said hastily.

"Palace Master, Master Hua Zhinan is back."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was stunned. Including Chen Fei, the same is true.

Hua Zhinan, are you back?


Half an hour later, on top of a tall tower in the Mingshen Mansion.

Chen Fei and Hua Zhinan sat facing each other, and there were several pots of fragrant wine in front of them.

But at this moment, the atmosphere between the two was strangely silent.

The two of them just looked at each other without speaking.

But at this time, Fade Chen couldn't bear it any longer, and asked, "Slippery, what happened? Your master, the Heavenly Soul Emperor, is out of the gate?"

"Let's not talk about this first. Drink with me!"

Hua Zhinan shook his head, his expression was a bit complicated, but then he picked up a pot of wine and poured it into his mouth! Suddenly, the flames flowed down his mouth like a torrent of sweetness, making him tremble all over.


When the wine was exhausted, the jug fell to the ground, and there was a clear and crisp sound of cracking, and the spirit of spirits immediately overflowed, adding a bit of pride.

"Good wine!"

Hua Zhinan's eyes flickered and he said loudly.

Seeing this, Fade Chen took a deep look at Fade Chen, then shook his head and sighed softly: "In that case, I will have fun with you today!"

"Bring the best wine in the mansion! Take as much as you have!" With a stern voice, Fade Chen's voice returned directly to the sky above Mingshen Mansion, circling continuously. Within a moment, Yan Shichong appeared in Fade Chen, Hua Zhinan and the two of them In front of him, with a wave of his big hand, hundreds of jugs of wine appeared in the air, shining like stars.

The next moment, Yan Shichong didn't choose to stay, but left directly.

"Drink! Drink!"

Fade Chen flicked his palm, and in the void, a jug of wine appeared directly in his hand. With a click, the jug shattered, and the wine in it roared into Fade Chen's body like an oasis, like a wild dragon.

At that moment, Fade Chen trembled all over, and his face turned slightly red.

"Good wine!" Fade Chen narrowed his eyes and laughed loudly.

Obviously, what Yan Shichong sent them was really good wine, even with his emperor-level existence, when they drank a pot of wine at this time, there was some reaction, a little drunk.

Of course, this is what Chen Fei did on purpose. After many years, he hasn't had a drink with his brother for a long time.

And drinking, how can you not be drunk?

And both of them seem to want to get drunk!

In this way, the two of them drank a lot of wine, and almost got drunk in the end, lying softly on the high platform, looking up at the stars.

But at this time, Hua Zhinan finally suddenly sighed softly, and murmured with misty eyes.

"Da Fei, do you know? In fact, I am very grateful to my master, because if it weren't for him, I would have died a long time ago..."

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