Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 2157 One Sword!

"Has Yin Wu thought about it too?" People's eyes were fixed again, and they felt a sense of urgency in their hearts. Up to now, it is already the third person who knows the secret of this ladder, but they are still at a loss, completely unaware, and are far behind.

And what does it mean to be behind? ?

It means losing the opportunity, and it also means being ashamed.

Jian Lingtian hesitated for a moment, but still asked loudly: "Fairy Yin Wu, what is the secret of this ladder, are you revealing something?"

Compared with Wang Xiao's questioning of Fade Chen with an unquestionable attitude before, Jian Lingtian's inquiry at this time is a little less questioning and a little more asking for advice. Moreover, Wang Xiao transmitted the sound in private, and Jian Lingtian asked in public, so it gave Yin Wu more face...

In such a comparison, Jian Lingtian should be regarded as much 'smarter' than Wang Xiao. The same inquiring about the secrets of the ladder, but his way, softer and more receptive, is the art of words.

At least, if Wang Xiao could ask him this way before, Fade Chen actually wouldn't mind sharing the answer.

Of course, maybe this also has something to do with Wang Xiao's goal being Fade Chen and Jian Lingtian's goal being Yin Wu. Compared with Yin Wu, the peerless beauty of Ice and Snow Sword Palace, Chen Fei, I am afraid that anyone present would feel that they are not at the same level at all, right?

And people of different levels naturally have different attitudes towards what they need to use...

To put it more bluntly, it is talking nonsense when seeing people talking about people. Follow the trend.

After hearing Jian Lingtian's words, Yin Wu stopped, glanced at her, and said two words lightly: "The way of the sword."


People were startled.

Immediately, Jian Lingtian's eyes flashed brightly, he suddenly realized, and said: "I understand. This ladder can only be climbed with the power of swordsmanship. Besides, the stronger the other types of power, the greater the obstacles you will encounter. ..."

As soon as the words fell, his figure flashed, and the power of the sword burst out all over his body. With a step, he appeared directly a thousand steps above the ladder in an instant. Next, three thousand, five thousand, ten thousand...

Soon, his figure also became smaller and smaller, gradually turning into a small black spot, and he kept climbing towards the sky.

At the same time, Ouyang Junlin, who was suppressed by more than 1,000 steps, and Ouyang Junlin, who was suppressed by less than 800 steps, stood up slowly at this time, as if he lost the terrifying suppressing power all of a sudden. Disappeared on them.

Obviously, after listening to Jian Lingtian's judgment and putting away other types of power, leaving only the power of swordsmanship, the remaining suppressive power on them is more than a thousand times weaker than before...

Seeing this scene, the others became commotion again.

"It looks good. The secret of the ladder is here. Here, on the ladder, only the power of the sword can be used, otherwise, it will be suppressed by the rules of the sword! The stronger the other types of power used, hinder, suppress The power will become stronger and more terrifying!"

"Hey, this is actually a very natural thing. Jianliu Jianjun has cultivated swords all his life, and all his strength, research, understanding, etc., are all in the word of the sword, and since he is the one who chooses the beginner disciples, naturally he will only be with the sword. It's about strength and nothing else."

"But if the power of the sword is left, my strength will drop a lot..."


There is no one who is qualified to enter this trial field. Besides, what Jian Lingtian said is so obvious, there will be no one who doesn't understand.

However, among the 107 trainees present, most of them also practiced swordsmanship. There are very few pure sword cultivators. If they could only use the power of swordsmanship in this proving ground, their strength and competitiveness would undoubtedly drop and be weakened a lot!

But at this time, there is no time to give them time, opportunity, and consideration so much.

Many people gritted their teeth and rushed directly to the ladder.

Although now, the ranking of this ladder has no meaning for them to compete. Definitely behind. But being able to climb up the ladder one step faster and occupy a higher and better ranking is still better than taking a step slower and falling behind.

Soon, with the sound of the whizzing and rolling sound, everyone boarded the ladder.

At this time, the advance troops, Jin Sheng, Chen Fei, Yin Wu, etc., had even reached the top of the ladder and reached the final stage.

The entire ladder has a total of one hundred and one hundred thousand one thousand one hundred and eleven steps. At this time, Jin Sheng, Chen Fei and the others have all reached the one hundred and eleven thousand steps, leaving only the last one hundred and eleven, or even dozens of steps.

However, here, the test seems to have just begun.

"So much pressure..."

At the last eighty steps, Fade Chen stood there, frowning tightly, feeling the pressure making his internal organs tumbling. And in front of him, at the last fifty steps, Jin Sheng also stopped, his face was a little ugly, and his body was trembling.

In addition, Yin Wu, who was third on the ladder at this time, overtook them and reached the last ten or so steps.

It's just the distance of the last ten or so steps, and Yin Wu passed the first test in this proving ground...

"Is it the advantage of being born with ice and snow sword heart? Hmph..." Jin Sheng stared at Yin Wu who had surpassed him by more than 30 steps, and couldn't help but snorted coldly, his face was not very good-looking.

Part of his power cannot be used on this ladder, it is restricted.

On the other hand, Yin Wu, who was born with a sword heart of ice and snow, and a natural swordsman, has all the advantages, one goes up and down, and he is indeed stronger than Jin Sheng!

But even so, it was quite unpleasant and humiliating to Jin Sheng.

As the famous top talent in the Jinyan family, Jin Shengta, how could he allow others to ride on his head?

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh...

At the same time, more people also caught up. Even surpassed Fade Chen.

"Is there no way to move forward here? It seems that your strength is nothing more than this. Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

Whoosh! A figure passed by Fade Chen and climbed to a higher level of stairs. At the same time, a playful sneer sounded out.

Chen Fei's eyes flashed, and he looked in the direction of the voice, only to see that the figure was not Qin Baiyi from the Shadow Demon Clan, but who was it?

Although the Shadow Demons are not good at swordsmanship, they can inherit the talent of being robbed and plundering their bodies to a certain extent, and use them for their own use.

And the original owner of the body that was taken away, Qin Baiyi, the sword son of Jingyun Sword Sect, is a god of swordsmanship, with a heartless sword body, just like the innate ice and snow sword heart Yin Wu, who has an absolute advantage on this ladder, naturally there is no disadvantage, and it is easy Fade Chen surpassed.

As for this, Fade Chen naturally had no choice but to be helpless.

In terms of sword power alone, his strength is indeed not great, and it is normal that he cannot compare with those in front of him.

And this, in fact, is also his purpose of entering this soul sword domain map.

Strengthen the power of the sword, thereby strengthening the overall strength. After all, a person's overall strength can only be reflected by the combined strength of all parts.

Now that his physical body refinement has reached a bottleneck, the pseudo white tiger divine body must have the star core and the ten thousand year war beast grass to advance and become the real innate divine body.

Although the star core can be replaced by the emperor-level corpse of the Tianling clan, there is nothing to replace the Wannian War Beast Grass, so it can only be left here.

Spiritual mind, primordial spirit, and soul together, his current situation is more passive than active, so it is not realistic to count on this.

He has just broken through to the pseudo-emperor level with the help of the Holy Ancient Breaking Boundary Pill for his aura cultivation base, so don't even think about it in a short time.

The blood of the Void Qilin Beast, the power of the Void, and the flaws and problems that Fade Chen had in front of him are even bigger, and there is no way around it.

Therefore, on the whole, at present, the most promising thing for Fade Chen to strengthen his strength is the power of swordsmanship...

Just as Fade Chen was figuring out these thoughts in his mind, suddenly, there was a sound of rolling through the air, and the sword energy thundered, and there was a whoosh! An extremely powerful and dangerous icy-cold sword power appeared beside Fade Chen.

Immediately, Fade Chen's eyes were fixed, and he raised his head to look sideways. On the same ladder, not far away, he saw a pair of cold, sharp eyes staring directly at him indifferently!

Wang Xiao!

"We met again." At the same time, seeing Fade Chen looking at him, Wang Xiao smiled coldly with aloofness, and then showed murderous intent, and a terrible coldness burst out in his eyes!

"Death!" Wang Xiao slashed with a wave of his hand, and the sword qi flew out violently, intending to crush Fade Chen on the spot.

Immediately, Fade Chen only felt a wild and violent sword power that seemed to come from the ancient times, falling on his body in horror. There was a popping sound, and Fade Chen spit out a mouthful of blood, his body trembled violently, and he was about to be rolled off the ladder...

But in the end, his footsteps still stopped, without moving at all... he stabilized.

"not dead?"

A gloomy look appeared on Wang Xiao's face, and he frowned, but then he still didn't choose to make a second sword, but turned his head and continued climbing. Go to a higher number of steps.

Now everyone is blocked on the ladder, and no one has cleared the level. It is equivalent to zero at the starting line. He, Wang Xiao, can also have time to compete for the first or second place.

And this is the most important thing right now! none of them.

Relatively speaking, in Wang Xiao's eyes, Fade Chen is just an ant who doesn't know how to flatter and seeks his own death. He can be destroyed easily and is not worth mentioning. If he wants to kill Fade Chen, he can do it at any time, and there are plenty of opportunities, so there is no need to rush at this moment.

"Wang Xiao..." At the same time, seeing the back of Wang Xiao turning away to climb the ladder, the corner of Fade Chen's mouth overflowed with blood, staining the clothes on his chest red, and his eyes gleamed coldly, full of coldness and indifference.

A disagreement, this Wang Xiao actually wants to kill him?

If he hadn't reacted quickly and forced some blood power to resist, his current situation would have been even worse...

And judging from Wang Xiao's eyes before and his attitude of turning around and leaving now, the other party didn't care about him at all.

Wang Xiao wanted to kill him only because of the previous sarcasm, which didn't agree with what he said. In his opinion, Fade Chen should of course tell him the secret of climbing the ladder. If he doesn't tell him, he will die!

In Wang Xiao's eyes, Fade Chen's life was obviously irrelevant. Easy to kill.

"Hehe... Fade Chen remembers this sword..." After that, Fade Chen had a sneer on his face. Looking at the back of Wang Xiao who continued to climb higher ladders, he also had a bit of murderous intent. Is Wang Xiao the king of the world? He didn't care about the well-known evildoers, but now, he cares.

It won't take long for the previous sword, he, Fade Chen, will pay it back ten times!

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