Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 2169 Scary Blood Demon Lizard!

Whoosh! At this time, Shang Zhan finally arrived and appeared next to Fade Chen. Just as he was about to ask something, he saw his pupils shrank, staring at the scene in the cave, his eyes trembling: "This, this is not what it was half a year ago..."

"Well..." Fade Chen nodded, and said with steadfast eyes: "The situation has changed. The strength of this blood monster lizard is extraordinary. If we want to snatch it by force, it is almost impossible... However, if we can compete with that sword-power bull monster The murderers join hands, perhaps, there is a 30% chance of a comeback."

"Join together?"

Shang Zhan was startled, not knowing why: "How to join forces?"

"Wait..." Fade Chen spit out a word slowly, turned his head to stare at the battlefield, and said softly: "If there is no accident, the beast with the strength of the bull demon and sword is about to die. Opportunity. Get ready and leave your most powerful attack to him..."

"Okay!" Shang Zhan's face was full of dignity, and finally he nodded slowly.

At the same time, the battle between the blood demon lizard and the bull demon sword beast has escalated again!

It has to be said that the strength of the blood demon lizard is indeed too powerful.

Especially its pair of eyes, the red, dark, and emotionless pupils passed by, seemed to have mysterious power, which made the blood on the bull monster's sword power beast roll and explode again and again! Make it hurt more and more, endless loop...

And this is where the blood sword power is weird, dangerous, and terrifying. Manipulate the blood and directly attack the inside of the enemy's body, which cannot be resisted.

Gradually, the situation of the bull demon sword beast became more and more difficult, and the injuries on his body became more and more serious. It feels as if they are about to die, but the more this is the case, the more clearly Chen Fei and Shang Zhan feel that,

An insane sense of suffocating crisis slowly leaked out from the body of the bull demon sword power beast, becoming more and more obvious!

"It should be coming..."

Chen Fei's eyes flickered, staring at the battlefield, his muscles were tense, his sword was screaming, he was silent, and he was ready to strike at any time!

At this moment, before the words fell, suddenly, a sudden change occurred!

Roar! I saw the blood-soaked beast with the sword power of the bull demon fiercely roaring up to the sky. Immediately, the aura of heaven and earth thundered, and billowing frost sword energy rushed out of his body. Frost everything!

At the same time, his hooves lifted heavily, and then fell down in the void. Suddenly, the whole world seemed to be shaken by a devastating earthquake!

Rumble rumble rumble...

The endless mountains, the magma in the cave, the earth, and the stone pillars were all destroyed or frozen into ice crystals!

Afterwards, amidst the fluctuations, strands of terrifying ice and snow power erupted like a ring, but in the end they formed a whole and became a destroyed ball of ice and snow. The speed was extremely fast, heading towards the front The blood demon lizard rushes away!

The latter suddenly seemed to feel the threat, and screamed sharply.


The billowing sea of ​​blood-colored swords blocked the blood monster lizard, but in the end, it was broken by the destroyed ice and snow ball, and all collapsed and destroyed. This blow hit the blood demon lizard fiercely, causing it to let out a cry of grief! Ye Qi flew out and hit the wall at the end of the cave,

Immediately, there was an earth-shattering rumbling rumble, and there were patches of karst caves that collapsed and turned into ashes, or frosted into dust.

Even the magma that was extremely hot before was completely extinguished at this time, turning into gray and black...

Seeing this scene, even Fade Chen couldn't help but froze his pupils, feeling lingering fear in his heart.

Previously, the bull demon and sword beast had also used this trick to deal with him. Fortunately, he didn't choose to be brave at that time, otherwise, the consequences would be really serious!

That Shang Zhan was also pale at this time. Of course, he had seen this move before, and he was also impressed. It's just that now it seems that the power of the bull demon's sword power and fierce beast's unique move is far more terrifying than what he thought before!

So, fortunately!

Fortunately, Chen Fei appeared at that time, otherwise, he would have been dead by now.

Roar! Roar! Roar……

Rumble rumble rumble! ! !

At this time, another sudden change occurred.

The ruins at the end of the cave suddenly burst out with shocking waves, roaring and howling with great anger.


Shocking explosion!

The bloody figure rushed out from the ruins, rocks flew around, and the sky and the earth shook violently.

The next moment, the blood-colored figure rushed towards the beast with the sword power of the bull demon in a frenzy. Immediately, the strange blood light lingered in the void, covering it, bang! The latter, on the body of the beast with the sword power of the bull demon, a terrifying blood flower bloomed directly, and the blood was completely detonated!

"Aw..." At this moment, the bloody figure, that is, the blood demon lizard was soaked in blood, and most of his body disappeared into nothingness. The power of frost made him tremble all over, and he was in great pain. He roared and suffered great damage.

However, it seemed that because of this, he was completely enraged at this time!

"Boom." Immediately afterwards, the blood demon lizard stepped on the ground, and the fierce blood sword rushed straight into the sky, sweeping away everything! Submerged and swept away to the monster with the sword power of the bull demon. Seeing this scene, Shang Zhan's pupils froze, his eyes flashed, and he asked:

"Do it?"

"Wait a little longer..." However, Fade Chen chose to shake his head. His eyes flickered, and he continued to observe.

Soon, under the crazy revenge attack of the blood demon lizard, the beast's sword power gradually weakened, and its vitality became weaker and weaker.

In the end, the blood demon lizard launched the final extinction attack, draining the last trace of blood pressure from the body of the bull demon sword force beast, and completely detonated it! At the same time, his ferocious tail descended from the sky, like a world-destroying gun, tearing the huge body of the monster with the power of the bull demon and sword from the beginning to the end...


Seeing this scene, Shang Zhan's pupils shrank heavily. At this time, the beast with the sword power of the bull demon has been killed by the blood demon lizard. If he doesn't do it again, won't it be too late?

However, when he looked anxiously at his side and at Fade Chen, the latter remained silent, staring straight ahead...

Although Shang Zhan was extremely anxious in his heart, seeing Fade Chen like this, he had no choice but to wait anxiously as if his heart was being burned.

At the same time, when the gigantic body of the beast with the sword power of the bull demon was completely torn apart, the blood demon lizard that was so flaming before suddenly languished, and stood still for a long time. Suddenly shaking his seriously injured body, he crawled towards the many corpses of the felled bull demon sword force beast...

Then, he actually swallowed the body of the beast with the bull demon sword power piece by piece! ! !

Seeing this, Shang Zhan's pupils suddenly shrank, this...

At the same time, Chen Fei suddenly raised his palm, his eyes flashed brightly, and shouted: "Get ready...to do it!"


A series of terrifying void sword power gushed out of his body, and Fade Chen raised his hand without any hesitation to strike a sword.

"Seven Swords of the Void Gods!" The seven Void Sword Demon Gods unleashed infinite power, their sword qi criss-crossed and destroyed, and the majestic energy erupted.

At that moment, endless power, endless void sword power, trembling crazily!

"Sword cut!"


In an instant, the business war only felt like the sword was destroying the sky, and the sky was falling apart. Endless power blasted out with the power of this sword, forming an extinct sword light. At that moment, even a lizard as strong as a blood demon screamed and roared in panic. Because it can feel the power of this sword, it's too terrifying!





Endless power fell endlessly on the blood demon lizard like a galaxy hanging upside down.

In an instant, the space between heaven and earth became a stage for raging sword power. It's a mess.

At the same time, the business war finally reacted with hindsight, and all the sword power was detonated and displayed.

"Xuanlong Nine Slashes!"

Holding a long sword, Shang Zhan slashed nine times in a row, arousing endless and terrifying dark sword power like a savage dragon, which shocked the blood demon lizard,

He even tried his best to counterattack, suppress, and attached some blood power in his body...

Immediately, Shang Zhan's face turned red, and with a puff, he spat out blood! But at the same time, a terrifying sharp shock wave sword intent also radiated out, drowning the blood monster lizard!

"Did you make it?"

After a full blow, Shang Zhan stared at the center of the berserk smoke, his eyes trembling, full of hope.

But this hope didn't 'hold on' for a second, a shocking roar that shook the bottom of my heart suddenly rose up, breaking it!

Roar! The blood demon lizard rushed out from the joint blow of these two horrors, roaring wildly, its whole body was miserable, but it was also filled with a frightening and suffocating air!

Suddenly, Shang Zhan's pupils shrank and his face changed drastically.

This beast is still alive? !

This is bad! ! !

ps: I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Have a happy family and earn a lot of money. Balloon has been too busy these two days. Before the holidays, it is the busiest time for Balloon to go to work, and it is very late when I get home, so I am helpless and sorry for the late update.

In addition, the balloon should still owe four chapters, so remember it first, and I will make up for it after the National Day. From the next few days to the 7th of the National Day, I will be more and more busy, because it is time to make money, there is no way... everyone understands.

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