Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 240 Night Talk

Chapter 240 Night Talk

"Hi sir!"

Luo Yuanzhi Chief Luo is obviously very excited and happy today. Because Fade Chen actually found that his fingers were trembling slightly, this was the... first time since he knew each other!

He was wearing a dark green special military uniform on his upper body, and several rusty medals from the past on his chest. He couldn't help but stare at him, and then he lost his mind, as if he vaguely saw the chaotic era of war, countless martyrs, heroes, Fight for the liberation of the new era and the resurrection of the people!

And just when everyone was silent and absent-minded, Luo Yuanzhi had already slowly walked in front of Mr. Xu, stood up suddenly and waved his hands, saluting: "Hello, Chief!"

"You brat, come here as soon as you come, what are you doing..." Mr. Xu's conditioned expression sharpened, but then he was slightly stunned, and then he waved his hands with a dumb smile, and his eyes showed nostalgia for the past. With a complex look, he shook his head and smiled.

"Old chief, we haven't seen each other for more than ten years. Are you okay?" Luo Yuanzhi walked up to Mr. Xu as if no one else was there, as if he had served as the opponent's trusted soldier and guarded him during those years.

"Yeah, it's really fast. It's been more than ten years. There don't seem to be many of your little recruits back then."

Mr. Xu sighed and murmured, and suddenly laughed and said, "I couldn't hold it anymore... But, thanks to Xiao Chen's enthusiastic help, my old bones came back to life again. He is my my savior."

Luo Yuanzhi had already noticed Fade Chen when he entered the banquet hall just now. Normally, he would be the first to go up to say hello, but now it is obvious that the old man is his full attention at the moment, so when he hears Fade Chen now After the words of the old man and the old chief, he was startled...

"Fade Chen, thank you very much." Then he bowed slightly to Fade Chen. In his opinion, Fade Chen is the old man's savior, so naturally he owes him Luo Yuanzhi, who called him the old chief's trusted soldier?

"No, Chief Luo, you will lose your life if you do this. Grandpa Xu is a hero of our country, and I am duty-bound." Seeing this, Fade Chen immediately supported the other party, and said seriously.

Obviously, he really thought so in his heart, thinking that the old man is a national hero and a national hero, so when the other party needs his own efforts, he is duty-bound, and naturally there is no need to thank him.

"Okay, okay, you two, don't be so mother-in-law, sit down. Hey, by the way, Xiao Luo, have you cured your stomach problem, can you still drink now?" Mr. Xu has been in the army all his life, so naturally he can't see him I'm used to this kind of mother-in-law, mother-in-law, you thank me for giving way. Simply waved his hand.

However, after he finished saying this, he immediately remembered that Luo Yuanzhi, his old subordinate, seemed to have had stomach problems in recent years and could not drink.

"Don't worry, old chief, it's a small matter. You and Mr. Xun are here in person. What if I don't accompany you to have a good drink?" Luo Yuanzhi smiled respectfully at Dr. Xun Lun Xun while talking. They are old acquaintances.

"You're sick..." However, Mr. Xun Lun frowned slightly when he heard the words.

He knew well that Luo Yuanzhi's stomach trouble was a little troublesome. It was because he was too old, his body function was declining, and he had old problems left over from the chaotic war, so it was difficult to cure, and even he was not sure.

After all, although Luo Yuanzhi is younger than Mr. Xu and him, he should be in his nineties at least now, nearly a hundred. If it weren't for his own strength as a peak soldier king, he would probably have I can't hold it anymore, I can't live now.

"Why don't you drink it to your heart's content? We are not what we used to be now. Your boy's health is important. Eh, yes..." The old man frowned subconsciously when he heard the words, but then he seemed to remember something, and his eyes couldn't help it. He looked towards Fade Chen.

"Grandpa Xu, don't worry, if you want to drink, you can drink whatever you want. Chief Luo's stomach problem is just a small problem. I will prescribe a few medicines for him and drink it often. It's fine." Seeing that old man Xu looked at himself, Chen Fei naturally understood what the other party wanted to hear, and immediately said with a smile.

"Really!?" Chief Luo was shocked when he heard this. You must know that his old problem has been haunting him for decades, and he is an 'alcoholic'... Even if it is not for drinking or not, it is of course the best to be cured!

"Mr. Chen said it is true, so it must be true. Xiao Luo, it seems that your old problem can be solved, congratulations." The most surprising thing is that Xun Lao immediately smiled and said without the slightest doubt.

You must know that he is the head of the famous medical hall in China, and there is no doubt that Taishan Beidou exists in the domestic Chinese medicine field, but now, Luo Yuanzhi's disease, which even he is helpless, is like an ordinary stomach problem in Chen Fei's mouth. It can be cured, and he doesn't have any doubts, any rebuttals, what does it mean?

It means that in his mind, Fade Chen's medical skills have definitely far surpassed Xun Lun's. The so-called master is a teacher, so he, Xun Lun, has been convinced.

And all the people present were obviously smart people. After understanding this truth, they all looked at Fade Chen with a hint of admiration and awe.

Just imagine that even Xun Lao, the head of the Huaxia Medical Sacred Hall, feels ashamed of being inferior to the other party in his medical skills. What does this mean? Obviously, there is no need to use any nonsense to embellish it. Xu Ji, the grandson of the old man, secretly glanced at Fade Chen, with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

"Ah, oh, I... thank you Mr. Xun. Fade Chen, I can really do this problem, no, bah bah bah! I'll leave my old problem to you!" Looking at Fade Chen with an excited face, he said.

"Don't worry, Chief Luo, your illness is fine." Fade Chen said loudly after hearing the words.

"That's good, that's good, it looks like we're going to get drunk tonight. Old Xun, why don't you have two drinks tonight? Don't give me any warnings..." The old man laughed loudly.

It had been a long, long time since he had been able to drink so refreshingly, and it was those familiar people back then, those people who accompanied him in the battle-torn fortress, it didn't matter if they tied their heads to their belts, and drank together. How could he not be so excited, not so happy?

"Don't quit, don't quit, drink..." Hearing these words, Xun Lao shook his head with a wry smile, but he still didn't refuse.

"But old Chief, your body..." Chief Luo suddenly remembered this matter now, and couldn't help asking.

However, before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Mr. Xu impatiently, and said: "I said, are you confused? Xiao Chen even saved my life, just drink some wine What, isn't it a piece of cake?"

"Uh, that's right, I'm just getting old and confused. Hahaha!" Chief Luo smiled awkwardly when he heard this, and then he laughed loudly, and the real dinner began.

Even though there are not many people here tonight, only seven or eight people, this can definitely be regarded as the top configuration in China and even in the world. The old man, Mr. Xun, Chief Luo... No matter who they are, they will be the ones who can shake the earthquake three times, especially the old man Xu, who is one of the only towering tree veterans left in the country.

As for such characters, it is estimated that the whole of China will not be able to find four or five more. What this means, needless to say!

So from this point of view, Zhuo Qun, the mayor of Beishan City, Huang Tao, the mayor, and even Xu Ji, an authoritative expert from the Union Medical College Hospital with such a background, are not so conspicuous in comparison. Except for us Chen Fei and Young Master Chen.

Regardless of his age, he can definitely be regarded as the person who will be "running neck and neck" with those three, and even the old man Xu at the wine table tonight. Because he is in a good mood, he can let go.

And because everyone has completely lost the fear of not drinking, so tonight is definitely extra refreshing and happy, even Fade Chen is a little bit drunk, let alone other people. In this way, the meal tonight will not end until at least ten o'clock.

"Xiao Chen, come with me for a walk?" After the banquet was over, the old man said suddenly.


Fade Chen was startled when he heard the words, then nodded with a smile and said: "Okay." After speaking, the two left the Peony Hotel with a smile before everyone else.

"Mr. Xun, do you want to send some people to secretly protect the old chief?" Seeing this scene, Luo Yuanzhi couldn't help asking. You must know that the old chief, Mr. Xu, has an unusual identity.

"Okay, don't be so nervous. You personally invited Dr. Chen to the organization, don't you know his strength?" Elder Xun waved his hand with a smile, and then sped up slightly: "But for safety's sake, I secretly Follow along. You can go back first."

Xun Lao was talking, and suddenly his figure disappeared in front of everyone. Huang Tao couldn't help but stare dumbfounded for a while.

"He, this, that, why did he disappear?" Huang Tao, who was slightly drunk, couldn't help but tremble all over his body.

"Old Xun is the old man's personal guard. You should know about ancient warriors, right? His old man is a very powerful ancient warrior, so it's not surprising." Beside him, Zhuo Qun, who was also slightly drunk, burped his wine .

"So that's how it is..." Huang Tao came back to his senses, shook his head slightly and nodded again.

At the same time, the old man and Fade Chen have walked some distance away.

They strolled under the dense forest shade of the famous ecological park in Haijiang District, feeling the slightly humid night breeze. The old man suddenly asked, "Xiao Chen, what are your plans for the future? Do you want to go to the capital?"

"Plan? Go to the capital?"

Fade Chen was stunned when he heard the words, then shook his head with a smile and said, "Grandpa Xu, to tell you the truth, I don't really want to go to the capital because I'm too young to be suitable."

"Too young?"

Mr. Xu was obviously stunned when he heard Fade Chen's words, and then he shook his head dumbly without any surprise, and said with a smile: "I knew you would reject me. But forget it, the place in the capital is indeed too troublesome, can you It's fine to get involved in that kind of vortex. But Xiao Luo, please pay more attention to him, that kid Luo Zun is quite troublesome and difficult to deal with."

"Grandpa Xu, you also know Luo Zun?" Fade Chen was startled when he heard this, but he didn't expect the other party to know Luo Zun.

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