Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 2405 Xiao Teng's 'ambition'!

While Fade Chen, Empress Xiyue and the others were talking, Cao Feng, who was hiding in a corner of the palace, changed his complexion several times, turned green for a while, and finally gritted his teeth fiercely, turned his head and slipped away in disgrace. Didn't say hello.

Firstly, Empress Xiyue's recovery could be said to have slapped him hard in the face, making him extremely ashamed.

Secondly, to be honest, in addition to feeling ashamed, he still feels a little scared now. To say that before that, he didn't believe that Fade Chen would be a person from Danta, but now, this idea has been wavering and hesitating in his mind...

Cao Feng knew exactly how difficult and terrifying the ancient poison of the soul was. Let alone Cao Feng's "mere" eight-star high-grade alchemist, I am afraid that even some nine-star alchemists will find it extremely difficult to do so...

But now Fade Chen solved it in a few inexplicable threes and twos!

Simply like something.

Do you think he is not afraid?

Very simple reason. The stronger, more miraculous, inexplicable, and inconceivable Chen Fei's abilities and methods are, the more likely he is from the Pill Tower... But if this is the case, Cao Feng provoked and offended Chen Fei earlier. It was a catastrophe!

Danta origin, Danta successor, what is this concept? I'm afraid that if the other party really wants to kill him, it only takes a few minutes. The two are not in the same world at all, and they are not at the same level.

The more he thought about it, the more scared Cao Feng became!

In the end, I couldn't bear the psychological pressure anymore, so I just slipped away in disgrace.

Even the impression of herself in Ya Fei's mind was completely forgotten and ignored. Although beauties are good, you still have to live to enjoy them!

Cao Feng is really afraid of Fade Chen, a freak and monster!

Therefore, he, Cao Feng, chose to give up! Goodbye, forever.

But at the same time, Xiao Teng on the other side of the palace hesitated for a moment, but still gritted his teeth and walked in front of Fade Chen, bowing and saying.

"Master Chen..."

"Xiao Teng..." Fade Chen looked at Xiao Teng in surprise, and asked softly. "What's the matter with you?"

"There is something." Xiao Teng nodded, and calmly said a sentence that seemed earth-shattering to others. "Master Chen, I don't know if I can take you as my teacher, just an introductory disciple. I want to follow you and learn alchemy."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Who is Xiao Teng?

One of those people with the most distinguished status in Shengtiandan Palace!

A majestic eight-star middle-grade emperor alchemist!

Moreover, he is also a Taishan Beidou-level existence in the minds of countless alchemists in the three hundred and sixty prefectures, the master of alchemy!

Such a character, I don't know many people will fawn on him. Not to mention Hua Chiyi, Wu Crocodile Demon Emperor and the others, but Jiang Yunjing, Empress Xiyue, the Heavenly Emperor-level fourth-layer existence, is polite and courteous in front of him, and her status and status are so honorable , but now he actually wants to worship Fade Chen as his teacher...

This sounds really scary!


Not only them, but even Fade himself was stunned when he heard it. Then he looked surprised and weird, and looked at Xiao Teng. "You want to worship me as a teacher? Don't you think my age is not suitable?"

"There is nothing inappropriate. The way of alchemy is like the sea, vast and boundless, and those who have mastered it are teachers...I can tell that your alchemy strength is far stronger than mine. So..."

After speaking, Xiao Teng bowed deeply to Fade Chen and said sincerely.

"In any case, Master Chen, please do it!"

"Xiao Teng!"

But at this moment, Jiang Yun glared at Xiao Teng in shock but suddenly roared. "Isn't it enough for you three surnames to be slaves?"

As soon as this remark came out, Fade Chen was startled, and his eyes flickered to look at Jiang Yun in shock.

The others were also stunned, looking at each other, their eyes flickering, as if recalling something, their eyes were a little weird.

But Xiao Teng ignored all of this, looked down at the ground calmly, and waited for Fade Chen's answer.

"Hey..." At this moment, Empress Xiyue sighed softly and said to Xiao Teng. "Eldest brother, do you know how disappointed the master under the nine springs will be by such a random change of family?"

As soon as this remark came out, Fade Chen was also taken aback.

"You three are brothers and sisters?"

"Hmm..." Xiao Teng nodded slightly and said calmly. "At the beginning, I, Yun Jing, and Xiyue were all in the same sect, but later I betrayed the Huanghuang Day Sect and became the disciple of the old palace master of Shengtian Pill Palace."

"Do you still have the face to say it? Do you know that if you hadn't betrayed the sect back then, the current position of suzerain of the Huanghuang Dayi Sect would be yours?!"

Jiang Yun was completely enraged, staring at Xiao Teng and shouting.

To be honest, when the three of them were still in the same school, their relationship was really good, Xiao Teng took great care of him, and in his mind Xiao Teng has always been someone he admires and respects...

But all of this collapsed overnight!

Completely became ruins.

On a certain day many years ago, Xiao Teng betrayed the Huanghuang Great Sun Sect without warning, and turned to the sect of the Shengtian Pill Palace, becoming the disciple of the deceased old master of the Shengtian Pill Palace. Such a move would naturally make them brilliant and make their mentor a laughing stock in the world!

Since then, the relationship between him and Xiao Teng has dropped to a freezing point, and even turned against each other...until now.

"I know, but even if you let me choose again now, my decision will still not change."

Xiao Teng looked at Jiang Yun calmly and said.

"You..." Jiang Yun was startled and furious, his face a bit ferocious.

"Hey..." But at this moment, Xiao Teng also sighed lightly and shook his head. "Yun Jing, Xiyue, do you know? I'm different from you..."

"What's the difference?"

Jiang Yun roared.

"You grew up in the Huanghuang Dayi Sect since you were young. You can say that everything is worry-free and the road to cultivation is smooth, but what about me? Maybe you have forgotten it? But I still remember it, and I remember it clearly... After worshiping the master Before I came under the door, my identity was a casual cultivator! I was a casual cultivator who crawled out from the bottom of the mountain, from the sea of ​​corpses and bones!"

Xiao Teng let out a long sigh.

Hearing this, Empress Xiyue trembled all over, and immediately shook her head, speechless.

Jiang Yunjing's face froze, he bit his lip, unable to speak.

Fade Chen also sighed, feeling rather sighed in his heart.

yes! Growing up with a golden key in his mouth is indeed different from the casual cultivator who has carried human bones and drank human blood until today!

He has also come all the way from the earth to today. To some extent, it is very similar to Xiao Teng...

So, in fact, he can understand Xiao Teng's thoughts and choices.

"The origin of casual cultivators doomed me to stay in the Huanghuang Great Sun Sect forever. To be honest, even the position of the suzerain of the Huanghuang Great Sun Sect is still far from satisfying me, so I chose to leave, that's all .”

Xiao Teng talked again, and after he finished speaking, he looked at Fade Chen again, bowed his waist, and said softly.

"Master Chen, I hope it will come true!"

Huge ambition, and a heart that longs for improvement, make him grasp even a little bit of hope with all his strength! This is also the fundamental reason why he chose to betray Huanghuang Dayizong at the beginning...and also the fundamental reason why he is now willing to abandon his identity and become a teacher of Fade Chen.

Everything, just because he wants to go up!

Want to be the master!

Want to become a fairy!

That's all!

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