Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 2631 Conversation

Mingshen Mansion, the first void hall.

The deputy master of the Night Temple, Chen Bojiao, a sixth-level saint-emperor level expert, was sitting in the main hall rather restlessly.

Beside him, Chen Fei held a cup of steaming tea with a calm face, took a sip, and then said lightly.

"What would you like to talk with me?"

Chen Bojiao's eyes flickered for a few times and he said slowly. "Of course it's about the Ice Saint Sword Pearl."

"Ice Saint Sword Pearl? Haha..." Chen Fei couldn't help but smile, looked at the somewhat restless Chen Bojiao with a half-smile, and said lightly. "Aren't you afraid of ending up like those in the Spring and Autumn Holy Academy?"

Chen Bojiao's pupils froze, but he still shook his head and said.

"You wouldn't do that."

After a pause, he said calmly. "And you don't have the confidence for the time being. At the same time, you have angered our Night Temple and the Spring and Autumn Holy Court. Even if you have the three-star top-grade imperial weapon, the Eight Gate Ancient Divine Stake, it will not help."

He saw it very clearly.

Although it is true that Chen Fei holds the three-star top-grade imperial weapon Eight Ancient Divine Stake in his hand, these Eight Ancient Divine Stake are not truly omnipotent!

The reason why it is said that the powerful Saint Emperor is afraid of the three-star top-grade imperial weapon,

That's because most of the powerful Saint Emperors have their own mortal enemies! There are different pressures.

Otherwise, if we simply compete between a three-star top-grade imperial weapon and a holy emperor, the latter will definitely win! There's no suspense about this at all.

It's just that reality is usually not that perfect.

Take the current Mingshen Mansion and Chunqiu Holy Court as examples. Even though Mingshen Mansion now has a three-star top-grade imperial weapon as its trump card, it would be easy for the Spring and Autumn Holy Academy to destroy them if they really wanted to. It's not even difficult.

But once this happens, Chunqiu Holy Court will undoubtedly be looking for trouble for itself.

Create the next powerful enemy!

After all, Mingshen Mansion is indeed very easy to destroy, but what about Chen Fei, who holds the three-star top-grade imperial weapon Eight Gate Ancient Divine Stake?

But not so easy to die.

And as long as Chen Fei, who holds the three-star top-grade imperial weapon Eight Gate Ancient Divine Stake, survives, there will definitely be endless troubles for the Spring and Autumn Holy Academy. Having trouble sleeping and eating.

Besides, there is a saying that ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’.

The Spring and Autumn Holy Court has occupied this world for countless years, and it has gained many benefits. Everyone wants to replace it!

The Rakshasa Ancient God Sect back then was considered one.

Today, their Night Temple can be considered one.

As long as Chen Fei is willing to form an alliance and join forces with them, I don't know how much pressure the Spring and Autumn Holy Academy will have!

Because this power is ‘decisive and shocking’!

Just like the nuclear bombs of all countries on the earth.

Yes and no, these are two completely different concepts. Once you have it, you can break the inherent balance!

But the opposite is also true.

Their Night Temple also possesses a decisive power of 'nuclear bomb' level. The overall strength of Mingshen Mansion is far weaker than that of Spring and Autumn Holy Temple. If they are pushed away from the Night Temple, or even pushed to the opposite side,

The end will definitely be very miserable!

So Chen Bojiao didn't believe that Chen Fei could be so 'stupid'! It is impossible to be stupid enough to dig your own grave and seek your own death.

And the facts proved that Chen Bojiao's guess was correct.

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei shrugged and simply did not continue the topic. Just ignored it.

Because he knew that what Chen Bojiao said was indeed correct.

The Spring and Autumn Holy Courtyard and the Black Night Temple alone are not a big problem, but if they are both offended to death at once, they are really digging their own graves and seeking their own death!

After all, if we don’t talk about the shocking ‘nuclear bomb power’ of the Eight Ancient Divine Stake,

Whether compared with the Temple of Night or the Holy Academy of Spring and Autumn, Mingshen Palace was far inferior to them in all other aspects except for its genius. At least a huge difference!

But even so, Chen Fei still laughed and said with a half-smile.

"If I remember correctly, the Temple of Night and the Holy Court of Spring and Autumn have long been on the same side... So, even if I really kill you, for you, a sixth-level Saint Emperor, the Temple of Night will choose to be on the same side. The mortal enemy of the year? Not necessarily, right?"

As soon as he said this, Chen Bojiao's face froze, and he smiled bitterly.

"Sorry, I said the wrong thing."

Chen Fei smiled and didn't press forward.

Seeing this, Chen Bojiao couldn't help but speak again and said. "Palace Master Chen, since we all have a grudge against the Spring and Autumn Holy Academy, why don't we get along well with each other and work together to suppress it?"

After a pause, he continued to speak. "I believe you know something about our Black Night Temple. The foundation of our Black Night Temple's sect is six blood-refined Yin Sha Yakshas that are comparable to the peak combat power of the Sixth Level of the Holy Emperor! And these six blood-refined Yin Sha Once Yaksha joins forces, even the powerful Holy Emperor Yuanhe of the Spring and Autumn Holy Academy will be able to fight!

"At the same time, once these seven elemental sword beads are gathered together, it will be even more powerful! By then, the Spring and Autumn Holy Temple will not have the courage to attack your Mingshen Mansion again. Because our Night Temple alone is enough to make them turn against the rat. .”

Chen Bojiao looked at Chen Fei seriously and continued. "In exchange, our Black Night Temple can provide a massive amount of training resources. As for the specific amount, I can guarantee that it will not be inferior to that of the Xuanji Empire, which is more than three times the ransom!"

As soon as he said this, Chen Fei raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but ask.

"how do you know?"

Of course Chen Bojiao knew what Chen Fei was asking. He narrowed his eyes and stroked his beard. "Although it's a little offensive to say this, the area controlled by your Ming Shen Mansion is really too small. It's less than one percent of my subordinates in the Night Temple, let alone compared with the Spring and Autumn Holy Temple. The land area is small. , where do you get resource points? It’s almost equivalent to poor resources... Therefore, even if it seems that your Mingshen Mansion has many geniuses and sufficient foundation, if you lack training resources, no matter how many geniuses you have, they will only be delayed in the end. , just wasted."

"This can be seen from the fact that you did not choose to kill the Xuanji Empire's Blood War Legion before, but took this opportunity to ask for ransom from them."

"Now your Mingshen Mansion is very short of cultivation resources because its territory is too small!"

After hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but sigh in his heart. These old guys really have eyes like a torch and a heart like a mirror.

Anyone can guess the root of the problem.

In a few words, it goes straight to the core of the problem.

It is true that their Mingshen Mansion is really short of cultivation resources now!

And this is also imminent,

It is an urgent matter that must be solved immediately!

The strength and prosperity of a party's power depends almost entirely on the size of its territory! The larger the land area, the more resource points there are, and the larger the population base that can produce geniuses. vice versa.

The smaller the land area, the fewer resource points. At the same time, they are getting poorer.

But the cultivation path of any person, creature, or divine beast must be indispensable for cultivation resources!

Once out of gear, it means stopping or even going backwards.

But the stronger the potential and talent, and the higher the level of cultivation, the more the training resources required will skyrocket and multiply!

Even in the later stages, this situation will completely evolve into ‘astronomical figures’.

That kind of consumption can make people despair just thinking about it.

It is precisely because of this that, in fact, many second-rate, third-rate, and insignificant forces will appear in the same state.

That is to use all the resources of a sect as a whole to support one person, or a few people, to practice.

Although this seems unfair, it is also a helpless move.

After all, not every sect is unrivaled in power and can defeat invincible opponents in the world, thereby becoming extremely rich and having so many cultivation resources that they can’t even use them all!

Nowadays, their Mingshen Mansion is also facing the same thorny problem.

In terms of the background and reserves of genius disciples, Mingshen Mansion is at least tens of thousands of miles ahead of Spring and Autumn Holy Temple and Black Night Temple.

But when it comes to family wealth and the abundance of cultivation resources, the reality is exactly the opposite!

Whether it is the Temple of Night or the Holy Court of Spring and Autumn, they are tens of thousands of blocks away from their Mingshen Mansion!

And this contrast has directly led to the fact that their Mingshen Mansion is really running out of cultivation resources now!

Almost exhausted.

Moreover, this situation will "gradually gain strength" with the newly added Nightmare Tribe,

And after the soul power of the Void Swallowing Dragon Clan is gradually unlocked, it becomes more serious!

Whether it is the former or the latter, for the current Mingshen Mansion, they are like bottomless pits! The consumption is so high that there is no end in sight.

But even so, this difficult problem still needs to be faced and ways to be solved.

Otherwise, it is impossible to give it up directly because of this, right?

Chen Fei's eyes flickered and he began to fall into silence.

Seeing this scene, Chen Bojiao was relieved.

At the same time, a look of contentment and a smile appeared on his face.

Because he knew that Chen Fei's mentality was beginning to loosen.

But in just a moment, Chen Fei suddenly raised his head, curled his mouth, and said to Chen Bojiao with a half-smile. "How about we think about it in another direction. How about your Dark Night Temple giving me the remaining six sword beads, and I, the Ming God Palace, can resist the pressure from the Spring and Autumn Holy Academy?"

As soon as he said this, Chen Bojiao's expression froze, and his smile almost stuck there.

He never expected that Chen Fei would say such words,

Give him the remaining six sword beads?

is it possible? ! ! !

Chen Bojiao's face gradually darkened, he stared at Chen Fei and said coldly.

"Palace Master Chen, this joke is not funny."

"Do you think I'm kidding?" Chen Fei asked back, then narrowed his eyes and said slowly. "Then let me tell you now, I am serious! I want your Black Night Temple to give me the remaining six sword beads..."


Before he finished speaking, Chen Bojiao suddenly stood up, stared at Chen Fei with a cold face and said. "It's not enough to speculate. Palace Master Chen, it seems I have to leave first..."

After the words fell, Chen Bojiao stepped out.

He walked directly towards the gate of the First Void Hall.

Seeing this, Chen Fei did not stop him, he just took a sip from the tea cup with a calm face, and then said as if talking to himself.

"As the saying goes, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers... The Spring and Autumn Holy Court can tolerate the first Night Temple, but can it tolerate the second Mingshen Palace?"

"Everyone knows the principle of guarding against the slightest possibility. Once something bad appears, it must be stopped in time, otherwise, there will be endless troubles! If the Spring and Autumn Holy Court can achieve what it does today, it shouldn't be a fool! You must understand this truth... "

When Chen Fei muttered to himself,

Chen Bojiao's departure had already stopped, and he was motionless, almost frozen.

At this time, he frowned, his face was thoughtful, and he was thinking for a while.

However, just a moment later, his whole body trembled suddenly, his pupils froze, and then a look of surprise and uncertainty quickly passed over his face.

At the same time, Chen Fei chuckled and asked with a faint smile on Chen Bojiao's back.

"Senior, if you were the decision-maker of the Spring and Autumn Holy Academy, would you first take this opportunity to solve the big problem of the Night Temple, or would you put the cart before the horse and target the 'irrelevant' Mingshen Palace first?

As soon as these words came out, Chen Bojiao's pupils condensed heavily.

His expression also changed several times again,

Sometimes green and sometimes purple.

But in the end, Chen Bojiao could only sigh softly, squeezed out a smile, and smiled at Chen Fei reluctantly:

"Palace Master Chen, I think we can have another talk..."

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