Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 2668 Nine-star low-grade, silver-patterned five-yuan exquisite pill!

"Hello, two guests, are you buying elixirs or refining elixirs? In our Batian Merchant Alliance, we not only have extremely top elixir refining places, but also a variety of low-level, mid-level, high-level, and top-level elixirs. You can also buy materials, finished pills, and even Nine Star Emperor Pills..."

As soon as Chen Fei and Xiao Teng stepped into the area of ​​the Batian Merchant Alliance Palace that deals with the elixir business, they were immediately greeted by a graceful female cultivator with a smile on her face.

"Selling elixirs."

Chen Fei said calmly.

Suddenly, a look of astonishment appeared on the graceful female cultivator's face: "Selling elixirs?"

With the strength of their Batian Merchant Alliance, it is almost rare to see anyone selling elixirs.

When it comes to elixirs that are of too low a level, they don't even bother to ask for them.

If the quantity is small, there is no interest.

Most of the high-level elixirs are from the hands of famous alchemists and masters. People who need them come to ask for them in person... And famous alchemists and masters? To be honest, from her perspective, maybe Xiao Teng is a bit like him. Chen Fei looks too young and doesn't look like him at all.

But she still nodded and made a gesture of invitation to Chen Fei and Xiao Teng: "You two, please come with me."

"No need to bother, just take us to the inner hall."

At this moment, Xiao Teng suddenly said.

"Inner Temple?"

As soon as Xiao Teng said this, the graceful female cultivator suddenly looked shocked and turned to look at them in surprise. Then his face became even more respectful, he nodded and said, "Okay, you two, please come with me..."

"Are you familiar with this place? What is the inner hall?"

Chen Fei asked curiously while walking forward with the female cultivator.

"Master, I used to come here often to sell elixirs, and over time, I became familiar with it. As for the inner hall, look over there..."

Xiao Teng pointed to an area on the left.

There, there are many small stalls similar to trading platforms, from left to right, there are many and densely packed. And the stalls have different colors and smiles.

Some of them are bronze in color, look the simplest, and are small. There are also silver-white ones, which are slightly better than the former.

It seems to be of the highest quality, and the highest place is the golden area, which is almost ten or a hundred times the size of the previous area. But at the same time, the golden area is also the least numerous.

"The location we are in now is collectively called the outer hall. The outer hall has three levels of area divisions, namely small, medium, and large, also known as bronze, silver, and gold. They are divided into bronze, silver, and gold... …And the merchants at these stalls are not from the Batian Merchant Alliance, but are rented to outsiders.”

Xiao Teng said.

"Rented?" Chen Fei was slightly surprised.

Immediately he looked around the audience and said with a smile. "No wonder I said it's so lively. There are so many people."

"This guest is right."

At the same time, the female cultivator also nodded and spoke slowly. "The outer palace area is rented to outsiders by our Batian Merchant Alliance. After all, there are some things that we don't want or want. Instead of keeping them and shelving them, it's better to give them to people who need them more. And this will also make our Merchant Alliance's palace more beautiful." It seems more popular and lively.”

"It's a good idea."

Chen Fei agreed with this approach.

The core point of business is popularity. Once you become popular, you don't have to worry about running out of business.

"As for the inner hall, it is the core area exclusive to our Batian Merchant Alliance. There, only treasures with a certain value are eligible to be bought and sold..." Speaking of this, the female cultivator wanted to speak. He stopped looking at Chen Fei and Xiao Teng.

To put it bluntly, she was afraid that what Chen Fei and Xiao Teng wanted to sell was not of high quality.

And the inner hall of their Batian Merchant Alliance is not a place that can be entered if one wants to.

"Don't worry...if you have this, you should be qualified enough, right?"

As if aware of the female cultivator's worries and doubts, Xiao Teng took out a token and smiled.

"Gold level VIP token?"

The female cultivator was startled, then relaxed, and apologized to Xiao Teng and Chen Fei with full faces. "I'm sorry, two guests. I didn't mean to question you, but... Anyway, I'm sorry. I apologize to you here."

"Lead the way."

Chen Fei said with a slight smile. It's just a small thing, nothing to worry about.

"Thank you guest..."

The female cultivator nodded, quickly led Chen Fei and Xiao Teng through the outer hall area, and boarded the teleportation array twice in a row before arriving at a magnificent and spacious palace.

In the palace, Ling Ran had more than a dozen purple and gold super-large stalls arranged in an orderly manner. In each stall, there are several monks standing or sitting, as if waiting for guests to arrive.

However, there seemed to be very few customers in the inner hall at this time, so most of the stalls were idle.

When they saw Chen Fei and Xiao Teng arriving, a beautiful female cultivator with extraordinary appearance, figure, and temperament immediately greeted them with a smile on her face: "Hello, two guests, do you need anything?"

At the same time, the female cultivator from the outer palace who had brought Chen Fei and Xiao Teng had quietly retreated and left.

"Selling elixirs."

Chen Fei said calmly and threw out a pill bottle.


The beautiful female cultivator was immediately taken aback. She quickly asked to catch the pill bottle thrown by Chen Fei and made a gesture of invitation: "You two, please come with me. This way please."

Soon, they stopped at a large purple-gold stall closest to the entrance gate of the inner hall.

"Xiao Qing, go and invite Master Liu."

As soon as she entered the stall, the beautiful female cultivator immediately whispered to her companions.

"Master Liu? It's..." The companion was slightly surprised and immediately stood up and left. After a while, an old foreign man with shaggy hair and a slightly arrogant expression walked slowly over and said calmly: "What's the matter?"

"Master Liu, these two guests are here to sell elixirs. I would like to ask you to identify them."

The beautiful female cultivator said respectfully to the other party.

After a pause, she solemnly introduced to Chen Fei and Xiao Teng: "Two guests, this is one of the masters of alchemy in our Batian Business Alliance, Master Liu Yuan, a low-grade nine-star. After Master Liu's appraisal is completed, Regarding the price of the elixirs here, our Batian Merchant Alliance will definitely give the two guests a satisfactory amount."


"Is this what it is?!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, a sound of gasping for air suddenly came from the front.

The beautiful female cultivator was stunned for a moment, then raised her head and looked forward.

I saw the old foreigner who had a slightly arrogant expression on his face staring at the elixir bottle in his hand with trembling hands, his face changed, and at the same time he trembled and said in shock: "Silver, silver-patterned nine-star low-grade Saint Emperor elixir!? "

As soon as these words came out, the entire inner palace was in a state of shock!

A series of surprised and uncertain eyes looked at Chen Fei and Xiao Teng in shock!

Silver-patterned nine-star low-grade Saint Emperor Pill? !

I’m willing to sell it! ?

That’s not to say that the effect of the silver-patterned nine-star low-grade Saint Emperor Pill is really great!

In fact, the efficacy of the silver-patterned nine-star low-grade Saint Emperor Pill is roughly equal to or less than that of the nine-star mid-grade ordinary Emperor Pill.

The efficacy of the nine-star mid-grade Saint Emperor Pill is less than that of the gold-patterned nine-star low-grade Saint Emperor Pill.

The efficacy of the low-grade Saint Emperor Pill with nine stars in gold patterns is less than or equal to that of the middle-grade Saint Emperor Pill with nine stars in silver patterns.

And so on.

However, the greater and greater value of the Saint Emperor Pill above the silver pattern lies in its symbolic meaning!

It lies in the research value!

Just imagine someone who can refine the silver-patterned nine-star low-grade Holy Emperor elixir. What kind of terrifying alchemy master is that?

At least above the top nine-star middle-grade Holy Emperor Alchemist!

It is from the hands of a famous alchemist and giant, and for the sake of the alchemist, there will be added value on it.

This is also the so-called symbolic meaning.

After all, what is the concept of a top nine-star mid-level Holy Emperor Alchemist?

In terms of status alone, he is at least as good as the peak Saint Emperor-level seventh-level powerhouse, right?

Possibly even higher...

As for research value, it's simpler.

Any Holy Emperor alchemist who has reached a certain level of alchemy skills can find points and traces that allow them to learn from this silver-patterned nine-star low-grade Holy Emperor elixir.

This alone is of infinite value. If combined with the former, it will be even more expensive! It’s even more expensive!

"Two, two, do you really want to sell this silver-patterned nine-star low-grade Saint Emperor Pill? How about selling it to me? Five million and a half Emperor Immortal Crystals? No, no, no... ten million!"

At this time, Liu Yuan, the nine-star low-grade holy emperor alchemist, went crazy with excitement!

This is the silver-patterned nine-star low-grade Saint Emperor Pill!

If he really gets it, he might be able to learn a lot from it and take it a step further! Therefore, he is not willing to miss this great opportunity!

"Master Liu Yuan..."

But as soon as he said this, the people from the Batian Merchant Alliance on the side all looked embarrassed.

Isn't this robbing them of their own things?

"Cough, cough, cough..." Master Liu Yuan finally came back to his senses, coughed a few times, and relaxed his mood a few times, but he still couldn't hide his excitement and continued.

"You two? What is the function of this silver-patterned nine-star low-grade Saint Emperor elixir? Can you introduce it?"

"This pill is called Five Yuan Linglong Pill. It has a great healing effect. It can revive people's lives and heal their bones. At the same time, it can also help people break through the realm of cultivation... The approximate effect can make a monk at the peak of the third level of the Holy Emperor level , there is a 70% chance of breaking through to the fourth heaven."

Chen Fei said slowly.

He refined a lot of these Five Yuan Linglong Pills at once. It was originally intended to be used by the people of Mingshen Mansion, but although this thing is effective, it still has many side effects. After all, medicine is three parts poison.

So he thought about it and distributed the elixirs with restrictions.

It is only used by those who have exhausted their potential and have reached the end of their cultivation.

In this way, he would keep a lot of these Five Yuan Linglong Pills in his hands.

I just happened to sell it now to get some money.


At the same time, as soon as he said this, many people's faces were shocked and they gasped again.

At the same time, he couldn't help but sigh: "It is indeed a silver-patterned nine-star low-grade holy emperor elixir. The effect is indeed too powerful..."

But living to death and healing bones, this effect is already unbelievable!

And this so-called Five-Element Exquisite Pill can actually have a 70% chance of helping a peak Saint Emperor-level third-level heaven expert to break through to the next realm, the Holy Emperor-level fourth level heaven. This will be a problem for many people who are stuck in this realm for life. See For people who have no hope, this is a magical elixir that they dream of!

There is no need to go through life and death, you have to experience despair, and you have to work hard for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. With just one pill, you can break through to the fourth level of the Saint Emperor Realm! Become a little master in the Ten Thousand Islands Domain. Such an elixir is simply hard to find.

Suddenly, the eyes of many people looking at Chen Fei changed, with a look of greed.

The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade!

But they only dare to keep such stupid thoughts in their heads. Action? That's impossible... I know with my butt that someone who can easily take out the silver-patterned nine-star low-grade Holy Emperor elixir and sell it is definitely not easy to mess with! At least they can't afford it.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

"Haha, the Five-Element Exquisite Pill? There is a 70% chance of helping the Holy Emperor-level Third Heaven Peak to break through to the next realm? Interesting, I, Mr. Ghost Spirit, want this pill."

A slightly excited and playful voice sounded.

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