Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 2762 The Immortal King and the Ten Evils!

"I know the Tianyu Divine Bird, but what are these ten evils? Can you explain them in detail?" Chen Fei asked with a frown.

"You don't know... that's right. The Ten Evils are a saying from the ancient times. Your era is too far away from the ancient times, so it's normal not to know. Even I discovered a tomb from the ancient times by chance. I learned what the Ten Evils said."

Tiange Sword Emperor shook his head, his eyes flickered, and he spoke. "Arranged according to the trajectory of time, the historical eras of the world of cultivation are the original ancient era, then the ancient era, the ancient era where I am, and your current era."

"How do you know that we call your era the ancient era?"

Chen Fei suddenly interrupted, a little curious.

Tiange Sword Emperor glanced at Chen Fei and said slowly. "Actually, you are not the first contemporary person to see me...but you should be the fifth or sixth."

After a pause, Tiange Sword Emperor smiled bitterly. "However, although their strength is not bad, their foundations are too bad! Some of them I really don't like, and the rest, even if I barely take them away, they can't withstand the power of my soul. It causes the physical body to collapse directly, so..."

As soon as he said this, Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, then shrugged and said with a smile. "Go on."


Tiange Sword Emperor nodded and continued. "In ancient times, holy beasts and wild beasts dominated the world, and all other races were just foils! Among all the holy beasts and wild beast races, the ten strongest races are called the 'Ten Fierce'!"


Chen Fei couldn't help but take a breath and said in shock. "In other words, the Tianyu Divine Bird was once the first race in the ancient times?"

"Not bad!" Tiange Sword Emperor nodded, with a trace of fear in his eyes, and said slowly. "It is said that the Tianyu Divine Bird Clan in its most heyday gave birth to a powerful being named 'Zhuxian King'! Although in the current history of existence, the name of Zhuxian King is not famous, and no one even knows about him. , However, the ancient books in the ancient tomb that I discovered by chance said that King Zhu Xian is an existence comparable to the Emperor!"

"Compared to the Emperor?!"

Chen Fei's expression changed again, his face full of shock.

Who is the Emperor? Throughout the ages, the most powerful man under the starry sky in the entire world of cultivation! It is also the most powerful monument that towers over all living beings! And this Immortal Killing King can be compared with the Tai Huang. What is the concept? Anyway, it is indeed extremely, extremely scary...

"What else? Besides the Tianyu Divine Bird, what are the other ten evils?" Chen Fei asked again.

These ancient messages are not even included in the memory of Mingshen. You can imagine how valuable they are! He also wants to understand everything! After all, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle!

"I don't know the specifics. The ancient book from the ancient times that I got did not completely record all the ten evil spirits...either it was erased by someone, or maybe it was the person from the ancient times who wrote the ancient book. Even he I don’t even know what all the ten evil spirits are!”

Tiange Sword Emperor shook his head.


Hearing this, a trace of regret flashed across Chen Fei's face.

It’s really a bit uncomfortable not being able to get a full picture of the ‘Ten Evils’.

But at this moment, Emperor Tiange Sword suddenly said. "However, there is information about another ten evil races in the ancient book."

"What race?" Chen Fei asked.

"Supreme True Dragon Clan!" Tiange Sword Emperor said with twinkling eyes.

"The supreme true dragon clan of the Peerless Ten Thousand Dragons Nest?" Chen Fei said in surprise.

The most powerful supreme true dragon clan at that time was the only one from Peerless Ten Thousand Dragons Nest, right?

"No..." Unexpectedly, Tiange Sword Emperor shook his head.

"No?" Chen Fei was stunned for a moment and said in surprise. "Is it possible that there is a dragon force more powerful than the Peerless Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest?"

"It doesn't exist now, but it existed in ancient times!"

Tiange Sword Emperor's eyes flickered and he spoke slowly. "According to that ancient book, the dragon clan in the ancient times had their own world, known as the True Dragon Realm! At the same time, the True Dragon Realm was also one of the strongest forces in the world of cultivation in the ancient times! Far better than today's peerless Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest."

"The King of the Dragon Clan at that time, the Supreme True Dragon Clan of the True Dragon Realm, was one of the ten evils! However, the ranking of the Supreme True Dragon Clan of the True Dragon Realm among the ten evils was quite low... Press The statement in that ancient book should be at least after May 6th!"

Chen Fei was silent for a while, then his eyes flashed. "In other words, the ten evils are at least a race of super beasts. Are there even beings that are above super beasts?"

Although this statement is indeed a bit scary and frightening, if you look carefully, it is natural.

The ancient era and the ancient era are recognized as the strongest eras in the entire cultivation world!

In the world of cultivation in those two eras, a hundred flowers bloomed and a hundred schools of thought contended. There were countless evildoers, geniuses, and countless strong men!

In comparison, it is not surprising that the forces and races that can sit on the top ten most powerful thrones in ancient times are super beast races, or even existences that are superior to super beasts...

"Why did the True Dragon Realm disappear? According to you, this True Dragon Realm should be the invincible overlord who unified all the dragon forces in the ancient times, right? How could it disappear?"

Chen Fei asked again.

The contemporary Peerless Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest looks powerful, but in fact, it is 'just' the most powerful among the many powerful forces of the Dragon Clan. This level is naturally incomparable to the True Dragon Realm, which once unified all the dragon clans in the ancient era!

Therefore, how could such terrorist forces just say nothing and not even know about the inherited memories of top powerhouses such as Mingshen?

"True Dragon Realm?" Tiange Sword Emperor's face suddenly became a little strange, and he was silent for a while before speaking slowly. "According to the ancient book, it seems that the True Dragon Realm was conquered by King Zhu Xian on his own, turning it into food for the Tianyu Divine Bird Clan and enslaving the race. Therefore, the Tianyu Divine Bird is known as the Dragon-Eating Bird , it spread like wildfire and is known all over the world!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fei was stunned on the spot.


Then the corners of his eyes twitched, he sucked in cold air, was stunned, and fell into a deathly silence.

"No wonder this Immortal Killing King can be compared with the Emperor... He is a real boss!"

Chen Fei sighed in his heart, and he was also a little excited. He single-handedly conquered the entire True Dragon Realm, and even turned the Ten Thousand Dragons into the rations of the Tianyu Divine Birds, and became a slave race of the Tianyu Divine Birds. What is this concept?

Just thinking about it makes my head tingle!

This is no longer a question of being tyrannical or not, but a question of being too tame! I just know it’s inhumane.

So far, he doesn’t know the achievements and achievements that made the Emperor the most unparalleled person in ancient and modern times. However, the terrifying achievements of the Immortal King are indeed worthy of being one of the most powerful monuments in ancient and modern times. !

It made him shocked, sighing, and yearning...

At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder, was it possible for him in the future to become a supreme being like the Immortal Killing King, indomitable and invincible in the world?


Yes, definitely!

Chen Fei's eyes flickered and he clenched his fists tightly.

Those things that are far away and out of reach have been put aside for the time being, and now it is time to return to the present and reality.

When he thought of this, Chen Fei looked at Tiange Sword Emperor and said slowly. "Now tell me about yourself. You said before that you are stronger now than you were back then. Is that true?"

"Yeah, it's true."

Tiange Sword Emperor nodded and said slowly. "My cultivation level at that time had already reached the stage of entering the second level of the Supreme. That is, I had not yet passed any of the three minor difficulties of the Supreme."

There are three levels of training in the supreme realm, namely: the first stage of Yin and Yang, the second stage of the supreme minor trilemma, and the third stage of transformation from mortal to immortal!

Among these three major stages, there are also specific subdivisions.

They are:

The two gods of Yin and Yang: Yin lamp and Yang crown!

The three supreme difficulties are: spiritual energy, physical body, and soul.

Transformation from the mortal world to immortality: soul-casting sacrifice, condensing the immortal body and gathering immortal energy.

As for what Tiange Sword Emperor said when he first entered the second realm of the Supreme, he had already condensed into the 'yin lamp and yang crown', but he had not passed through any of the difficult stages of 'spiritual energy difficulty, physical body difficulty, and soul difficulty'.

Of course, Chen Fei still knew about these.

"What now?" Chen Fei asked again.

"Now..." Tiange Sword Emperor paused and said. "Not long ago, I just passed through a soul crisis."

"Have you just passed the soul difficulty?" Chen Fei was stunned when he heard this.

The Supreme Trilemma is in no particular order.

In other words, you can decide which difficulty you want to overcome first!

But anyone would choose to start with Reiki Difficulty first, because Reiki Difficulty is the least difficult and least dangerous among the three difficulties! It’s also the ‘easiest’ one!

The physical body is more difficult than the aura.

Difficulty in the soul is the most difficult! It is also the difficulty that blocks the most people and kills the most people... But once the soul difficulty is successfully overcome, the other dilemmas are not difficult at all.

In other words, as long as Tiange Sword Emperor can steadily practice step by step, he will almost 100% easily enter the third realm of the Supreme! Become a half-step immortal being...

If this spreads out, I don’t know how many supreme beings will be jealous of him and go crazy with jealousy...

"I know..." At this moment, Chen Fei suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his heart and looked at Tiange Sword Emperor and said. "Did the Nine Infant Soul Tree help you?"

"Not bad..." Tiange Sword Emperor nodded and sighed. "Although it restricts my freedom, it also helps me a lot! The reason why I was able to be the first to overcome the difficulty of my soul is due to it."

Chen Fei was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said to the Song Sword Emperor that day. "I know you are very dissatisfied now, but I can give you a chance to be free."

"What opportunity?" Tiange Sword Emperor's pupils shrank and he was a little excited. Staring at Chen Fei.

"Serve me seriously for ten thousand years. After ten thousand years, I won't stop you from wherever you want to go. The soul in your body is forbidden, and I will erase it for you when the time comes. How about it?" Chen Fei calmly said said.

"Ten thousand years? Are you sure?" Tiange Sword Emperor looked at Chen Fei in surprise.

It’s not that ten thousand years is too long, it’s that ten thousand years is too short.

From ancient times to the present, it has been at least tens of millions of years in history. Even though he was asleep for most of this period, ten thousand years is really very short for him!

He never expected that Chen Fei only wanted his enslaved time of He Tiange for ten thousand years... Is this a scam or just self-confidence?

Thoughts kept swirling in his mind, but finally Tiange Sword Emperor sighed and nodded slowly. "Whether you are lying to me or not, within ten thousand years, I will help you seriously... However, I am trapped here by the Nine Infant Soul Tree. How can you let me leave here?"

"this is very simple."

Chen Fei smiled, then flashed and appeared in front of the light ball where the mother tree of the Nine Infant Soul Tree was, and said with a smile. "I know you're here, want to talk to me?"


The ball of light where the mother tree of the Nine Infant Soul Tree was located suddenly began to boil like a burning flame. Countless soul powers turned into majestic void flames, burning fiercely. At the same time, a humanoid face appeared in it, looking at Fade Chen indifferently, and said lightly.

"What do you want to talk about?"

All things have animism. Obviously, this Nine Infant Soul Tree has already channeled spirits and has a thinking ability that is not inferior to that of intelligent races.

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