Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 2812 Improvement, Void Sky Sword Formation!

In the Wusheng Sword Tower, deep in the ocean of sword energy, the sword energy is rolling, the river is vast, sometimes it rolls up violent waves, sometimes it appears a vortex of death, and there is a deafening roar, which keeps ringing,

Eventually, they spread to every corner of the entire depths of the sword energy ocean, arousing countless sound waves that were endless and mighty, as if they would never stop.

And in the midst of the endless turbulent waves and deafening sound waves, a huge sword array was constantly circling, with endless sword light gushing out! Revealing extremely terrifying fluctuations.

Above the sword array, a figure sits quietly cross-legged

Look carefully, it's Chen Fei!

Since that battle, he has been practicing here for hundreds of years. During these hundreds of years, he had felt countless times that he was about to cross that threshold and successfully enter the fourth level of the Yiliu Juetian Sword Formation...

However, for some reason, they all failed in the end! The success fell short.

And these countless failures also made Chen Fei extremely depressed!

If it were someone else here, if that person's mind was a little less firm, I'm afraid he would have given up long ago. But he didn't do that, but still persisted very persistently!

Looking for opportunities to break the situation!

"After absorbing and refining enough sword soul origins, the sword power in my body is now strong enough, and has even reached a critical point! In this case, if I can't break through to the Yiliu Juetian Sword as soon as possible, If it takes too long to reach the fourth level of the formation, I'm afraid my kendo foundation will have problems..."

If the Yanliu Juetian Sword Formation is compared to a container,

The power of kendo is water,

When the water is full, it overflows. This is a very simple truth.

In fact, once it reaches its limit, it may even explode. This will lead to serious consequences!

"What's the problem?"

Chen Fei frowned and tried hard to think about what the problem was.

However, as for the answer to this question, Chen Fei, who was still feeling the stones on the road of swordsmanship, obviously still had no clue.

Not sure what to do...

In this way, another few decades have passed.

The kendo power accumulated in Chen Fei's body finally gradually reached the critical point.


Roar! Roar! Roar……

Within Chen Fei's body, the majestic kendo power that was almost out of control kept turning and roaring, and even gave a feeling of swelling to the point of bursting! This is obviously a very dangerous signal. It also made Chen Fei a little anxious, and his brows were completely furrowed.

He has no doubt that if this continues, the kendo power in his body that is already at the critical point will be completely out of control!

At that point, he has only two options!

One, throw away the kendo power that you have worked so hard to accumulate and start all over again.

Thus going through the process of going from the third level to the fourth level of the Biliu Juetian Sword Formation again!

Second, carry on until the end and resign yourself to fate!

But to be honest, Chen Fei knew very well that in this situation, the success rate of the second option was extremely low! It can even be ignored completely.

"Do you really have to start all over again?"

"What exactly is the problem? Logically speaking, I should be able to easily break through the shackles and break through to the fourth level of the Yi Liu Jue Tian Sword Formation..."

Chen Fei's eyes flickered and his face turned blue and purple.

A rather depressed mood arose in his heart.

Dissipate the power of the sword and start all over again. Although this will not affect his strength, it will make all his hard work over the past hundreds of years turn into nothing! It became a futile effort.

This is obviously something he is unwilling to accept...

Therefore, after a brief struggle in Chen Fei's heart, he chose the completely opposite decision!

"That's all, let's give it a try! Even if I fail, my body should be able to bear it..."

Chen Fei took a deep breath,

Then he completely let go of the control of the kendo power in his body that was going to be violent!


In an instant, a terrifying wave emerged from Chen Fei's body, and the void trembled. In an instant, the huge sword array surrounding Chen Fei began to roll!

The huge amount of kendo power that Chen Fei had accumulated for a long time was now like a celestial river. It exploded with mighty energy and flowed into every angle of Chen Fei's body!

Suddenly, Chen Fei's face suddenly became a little distorted.

Severe pain hits at this moment!

Deep into the bone marrow!

However, Chen Fei still supported it with all his strength! Never give up.

At the same time, when the long-accumulated dike breaking and violent sword power completely filled every space in Chen Fei's body, Chen Fei's spiritual platform suddenly trembled, and he suddenly felt that the world seemed to be quiet at this time. down.

It can be called.

In Chen Fei's body, the power seeds belonging to the Yiliu Juetian Sword Formation began to split in fear, and rays of light emerged from them, converging in the same direction. In the end, they turned out to be a side shining with terrifying sword energy. The golden light scroll!

Above the scroll, there are ancient gleaming small characters.

On the top of his head, six big characters were written clearly.

Annihilation sword body.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh...

The next moment, before Chen Fei could react, the gleaming little characters seemed to be alive, flying happily into Chen Fei's spiritual platform and the divine sea.

At the same time, Chen Fei also closed his eyes tightly, comprehending the message.

Until a long time later, Chen Fei opened his eyes,

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two sharp sword rays shot out,

It actually shot through the void!

It also tore out two extremely terrifying void abyss... extending far, far, far away. There seems to be no end.

At the same time, Chen Fei laughed and murmured. "So that's it. If you want to successfully cultivate to the fourth level of the Niliu Juetian Sword Formation, you must first cultivate the Niliu Juetian Sword Body!"

At the fourth level of the Yanliu Juetian Sword Formation, it is no longer a simple sword formation, but requires the integration of human swords and the integration of human formations!

In other words, at this level, the requirements for the physical body of the cultivator are extremely high! And it is also necessary to build a perfect and harmonious bridge, so that the power of the sword array can be integrated into the physical body to the maximum extent, transforming the body into a sword and using people to form the array!

And this is the real secret of the Yiliu Juetian Sword Formation!

As for the Annihilation Sword, it is this 'perfectly harmonious bridge'! Once the Annihilation Extinction Sword Body is completed, it will become the top-notch innate divine body! It is also equivalent to an alternative physical body refining magical power.

Therefore, when it comes to this step, many people will actually give up directly.


Because something like a top innate divine body cannot be cultivated in a short time.

Moreover, the top innate divine bodies here also have attribute and category restrictions.

The Annihilation Sword Body is an innate divine body that is at the top of swordsmanship.

And it is based on the power of annihilation and annihilation,

This comes from the same source as the core power of the Yiliu Juetian Sword Formation and complements each other!

This is the most ideal situation. none of them.

On the other hand, in this case, if another type of top innate divine body is used, although it may or may not be possible, it will definitely not be as perfect or as powerful as the former!

But if this is the case, to be honest, for many people who pursue perfection, this has lost its meaning.

Not the strongest or the most perfect,

Then why do you practice cultivation?

But this problem is not a big problem for Chen Fei.

"Perhaps I can try to improve the Yiliu Juetian Sword Formation..."

Chen Fei's eyes flickered and he murmured.

Improved sword array,

For his current level of strength, it is difficult to say, but it is actually not difficult.

If you say it’s not difficult, it’s actually very difficult!

Because if you just change it casually, it's very simple. He can just use his brain a little bit... However, if his goal is to change the Yanliu Juetian Sword Formation to be more powerful, more powerful, and more suitable for himself, this will be difficult. Got it!

At the very least, this is definitely a big project!

It can't be taken down in a short time.

But even so, Chen Fei was still ready to give it a try.

"The core of the Yanliu Juetian Sword Formation is the power of Yanliu's extermination, but this is not what I am good at. If I want to change it, I will naturally change it to something I am good at..."

After the words fell, the Void Qilin Beast bloodline in Chen Fei's body began to circulate.




The power of the void and the power of space came from the void one after another, replacing the core position of the Niliu's extermination power in the Niliu Juetian Sword Formation!


In an instant, the void sank, and the world fell into absolute silence.

I saw that the Yin Liu Jue Tian Sword Formation that was originally hovering under Chen Fei had transformed into a sword rune imprinted on the void.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz…

At the same time, sword lights appeared one after another!

Soon, nine void and space sword lights appeared beside Chen Fei.

Nine rays of sword light, obviously, this is the first level of the Yan Liu Jue Tian Sword Formation... No, now it should not be called the Yi Liu Jue Tian Sword Formation, but should be called the Void Jue Tian Sword Formation! Or the Space Absolute Heaven Sword Formation!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz…

Next, the sword light grew rapidly! Reached ninety-nine and eighty-one.

This is the second level of the sword formation!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz…

Once again, the number of sword rays skyrocketed! It reached seven hundred and twenty.

At this time, the sword array level has reached the third level...

At the same time, Chen Fei raised his eyebrows and said in surprise. "It went so smoothly? Moreover, the power of the sword array now should be at least two or three times stronger than before... It seems that this is indeed the most correct method!"

Simply comparing rank and quality, the power of annihilation is actually not inferior to the power of void, or even not inferior to the power of space.

However, Chen Fei is not good at this kind of power.

Secondly, the various powers in Chen Fei's body have actually been integrated into one for a long time, and they have increased each other's strength.

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that it is two or three times stronger than before.

"The next step is to attack the fourth realm of the sword formation..."

The next moment, Chen Fei narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath, and began to attack the fourth realm of the sword formation!

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