Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 3466 The Ancient Heavenly Dragon King vs. Ye Chaogu!



But at this moment, after hearing the words, the Ancient Heavenly Dragon King's face suddenly became slightly condensed and his eyes narrowed slightly.

The next moment, his eyes suddenly became as sharp, deep and profound as an eagle's. Locking on the body of Tongxuan Zhenren Ye Chaogu, he said slowly:

"In that case, let me see your methods and abilities!"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Chaogu, the master of Tongxuan, was startled.

Then his face immediately became gloomy! Because at this time, the ancient Dragon King's repeated rebuttals and forcefulness really made him feel uncomfortable.


"Do you really think that you are still the invincible king of dragons back then?!"

Master Tongxuan Ye Chaogu snorted in his heart,

Then his face darkened and he said coldly to the Ancient Heavenly Dragon King. "I have long heard that your Infinite Dragon King, the Ancient Heavenly Dragon King, is unparalleled in the ancient times and is powerful in the world. Since I have this opportunity today, Ye also wants to ask for advice!"

"As long as you have the ability, you will definitely play my trump card..."

"Everything you want to feel and see, I will naturally make it happen for you!"

Facing Tongxuan Zhenren Ye Chaogu's war-filled and taunting words, the Ancient Heavenly Dragon King smiled indifferently, not avoiding the fight at all. Instead, he just said it!

As one of the kings of the ancient times, he has gone through countless ups and downs in his life and encountered many powerful enemies. He has never avoided battle. Compared with those people, Ye Chaogu was not even qualified to look up to him.

This kind of person is even more unlikely to be qualified to let him, the Ancient Heavenly Dragon King, avoid fighting!

"very good!"

"In that case, please give me some advice!"

Tongxuan Zhenren Ye Chaogu's face had a faint hint of forlornness, and his cold glow was revealed.

When his voice fell, Ye Chaogu raised his palm slightly,

call out!

Immediately, a gleaming flame bronze mirror rushed out of the body, and immortal fairy light suddenly bloomed in the void. There were thousands of auspicious colors, and the silver dragon twisted and hung upside down in the ninth heaven.

During this process, the bronze mirror shone brightly, forming a variety of fairy fires, which seemed to contain thousands of shapes and colors, and looked particularly strange and beautiful!

However, under this strange beauty, everyone was completely numb and frightened.

Because they are all in the countless seemingly gentle fairy fires,

I felt extremely intense terror and suffocating pressure,

And the terrifying and extremely high temperatures beyond imagination!

At this moment, everyone's pupils were shrinking and their faces were horrified, looking at the splendid flaming bronze mirror in Ye Chaogu's hand.

They could feel that once the power inside, those blazing fairy fires, attacked and suppressed, the area with a radius of millions or tens of millions of miles would be turned into a sea of ​​fire in an instant. All living creatures within it will be annihilated.


At the same time, Ye Chaogu, the real person of Tongxuan, also smiled coldly, and soon saw him looking at the expressionless Ancient Heavenly Dragon King from a distance, and said proudly.

"Tianlong King, my Eternal Immortal Fire is made up of tens of thousands of different types of Immortal Fire. And if this Eternal Immortal Fire Mirror is my real name, Immortal Treasure, now, I would like to ask you, Heavenly Dragon King, for some advice. One or two."


"Rumble, rumble, rumble..."

As Ye Chaogu's words fell,

The countless fairy fires in the bronze mirror were completely boiling at this time.

In the fairy fire, every time the flames rise, every time the high temperature spreads and sweeps, the space in all directions will continue to die, melt, and collapse! Even in this area, countless dark, chaotic, and violent twisted void ancient roads were burned out of thin air.

This is something that the previous Immortal Lord of Shenlou, Lord Dao of the Giant Valve, Dragon Eagle King Yanjiu and others could not do at all! You can also imagine how terrifying and terrifying this power is!

This is simply making people’s scalp numb and terrifying!

And at the same time,

That Tongxuan master Ye Chaogu also took action!


I saw him smiling coldly at the Ancient Heavenly Dragon King, then flicking his finger,

call out! Immediately, the whole body of the Eternal Heavenly Fire Mirror suddenly trembled, and then transformed into a colorful fairy fire, flying out and heading straight towards the Ancient Heavenly Dragon King!

When seeing this scene, the Ancient Heavenly Dragon King suddenly narrowed his eyes.

This is a subconscious action,

But it can also be proved that at this time, he indeed felt a lot of pressure from Ye Chaogu's methods! But the next moment, the solemn look on the face of the Ancient Heavenly Dragon King disappeared completely.

I saw him take a deep look at the colorful fairy fire,

Then I saw him raising his hand and coming out,


There was a burst of thunder in the void, and the power of the terrifying dragon kept rolling, extremely violent!

Among this terrifying power, a terrifying and ferocious dragon-shaped black claw quickly appeared! At the same time, it rises against the wind, the surrounding void flows, and the power of the void explodes, exuding a heart-stopping aura.

Then, it headed straight towards the fairy fire, brazenly attacking it!


This power is also very terrifying, almost covering the sky and the sun, and its power is so terrifying that it makes people feel suffocated from the bottom of their hearts! However, when it collided with the colorful fairy fire...

This pitch-black claw,

But it actually immediately began to melt and dissipate almost visibly to the naked eye!

The colorful fairy fire was like an omnipotent black hole, able to swallow everything. In a very short period of time, it ignited the dark claws from beginning to end. It was completely swallowed up!

And after seeing this scene,

Although the Ancient Heavenly Dragon King had long been mentally prepared,

But he still couldn't help but his face darkened.

A hint of helplessness and indifference could be seen deep in his eyes.

Sure enough... this Immortal Immortal Realm is not those other low-level realms after all.

With his current level of cultivation, it would be okay to kill an early-stage Immortal Immortal of the same level, but it would still be a bit too much for him to face off against a peak Immortal Immortal in the middle stage like he is now. The difficulty is too high.

"The Ancient Heavenly Dragon King... lost?!"


After seeing this scene, a slight uproar broke out between heaven and earth.

There was a look of horror on people's faces.

They didn't expect that in this battle, the superior and inferior would be distinguished so quickly!

Nor did he expect that the Ancient Heavenly Dragon King could kill the giant sword master and the dragon eagle king Yanjiu, the two powerful early immortal immortals, with such ease and ease.

Actually, he is still fighting with Tongxuan Zhenren Ye Chaogu, a veteran immortal immortal in the middle stage,

Is there such an obvious difference in strength? !

"Sure enough... even today's Ancient Heavenly Dragon King is still unable to compare with the powerful people in the middle stage of the Immortal True Immortal Stage!"

Immortal Lord Ji Long murmured.

At the same time, Ye Chaogu also smiled proudly,

At the same time, he looked at the expressionless Ancient Heavenly Dragon King and said indifferently. "Dragon King, now it's time to return the time gem to me, right? I have no intention of being your enemy, but please, don't make it difficult for me."

And after hearing this,

The Ancient Heavenly Dragon King narrowed his eyes...

Then he saw a trace of frightening indifference appear on his face!

"Don't you want to see my true power? If that's the case, then I'll make it happen for you..."


After the words fell, the Ancient Heavenly Dragon King made a sound. Then, he saw that his whole body immediately erupted with billions of distorted and extremely dark lights of the power of the void!

And at the same time, the void twisted, the earth trembled, and a loud noise swallowed the sky and the earth! Rumble, rumble, rumble! A terrifying and unparalleled power that is indescribable in its horror also spurted out like black holy light, drowning it...

When the black holy light dissipated, although the ancient Dragon King's body shape and appearance had not changed much, the danger released from his body was at least several times greater than before!

"This, is this the Infinite Heavenly Dragon Transformation?!"

Ye Chaogu's pupils condensed and his face darkened.

His expression immediately became a little unsightly!

He had always only heard of the horror of the Infinite Heavenly Dragon Transformation,

But now after seeing it with his own eyes, he had to be extremely afraid! With the ancient Heavenly Dragon King's previous strength, if it were enhanced several times, I'm afraid it would not be inferior to him!

This to him,

Of course it's not a good thing.

However, having said that, Ye Chaogu is not someone to be trifled with. As a powerful person in the middle stage of the Immortal Immortal Stage and one of the most powerful people in the Earthly Immortal Realm, he has never been defeated in a hundred battles over the years. Who has he been afraid of? !

Not to mention that the time gem is very important to him,

There is no way he would give up easily!

As for the current battle, since he has appeared in person, it is impossible to give in easily.

Otherwise, once this matter gets out, some people might say that he, Ye Chaogu, who is at the peak of the middle stage of the Immortal Immortal Stage, is actually afraid of the ancient Heavenly Dragon King who is in the 'merely' middle stage of the Immortal stage? Isn't this simply ridiculous!

For him, this is just a big deal in his face!

When he thought of this, Tongxuan Master Ye Chaogu narrowed his eyes slightly, and after taking another deep look at the Ancient Dragon King, he immediately saw him purse his lips, his face turned cold, and he said coldly.

"You, the Heavenly Dragon King, insist on going against me, Ye Chaogu... Anyway, you can only offend me!"

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