Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 3672 No flaws!

In the void, the power of space surged crazily, forming countless twisted spaces that overlapped and interacted as far as the eye could see, making people feel extremely shocked. At this time, the Sikong Sword God had completely disappeared.

Hidden in the countless twisted spaces,

Silently waiting for the opportunity to take action.

When seeing this scene, Chen Fei remained motionless on the spot, his face was particularly calm, as if he didn't care at all. Although strictly speaking, Sikong Sword God's attainments in space are indeed higher than his...


After all, Chen Fei is not the only one with the power of this space.

On the contrary, in fact, what he is really good at and proficient in is not this, but the immortal immortal body, the power of chaos, the book of reincarnation, the power of origin of yin and yang, and the power of origin of soul!

Compared with these things, it is just the power of space, nothing. Even a little too weak.

However, although he didn't care much about it, Ji Fengyuan, who had already retreated outside the battlefield, was a little shocked and sighed at Sikong Sword God's attainments in the way of space!

"It seems that Sikong Sword God's attainments in the Way of Space have indeed surpassed the Dzogchen realm of the Space God-casting Technique. Otherwise, he shouldn't be so powerful..."

Ji Fengyuan's eyes flashed fiercely and he murmured.

He is now also the Great Perfection Master of the Space God-casting Technique. In terms of potential talent, he is almost at the level of an ordinary Immortal Immortal Body. However, the Sikong Sword God's attainments in the Way of Space are obviously much higher than this.

So now he is almost certain that this Sikong Sword God should have surpassed the limit of the Space God Forging Technique, and he should have started to practice the text of the Space Book, right?

Otherwise, his attainments in the way of space should not be so powerful.

Neither he nor Chen Fei can reach this height yet...

But even so, there was still no worry on his face at this time. In my heart, I didn't feel any nervousness at all. Because of course he knows that in terms of attainments in the way of space, the two of them are indeed inferior to Sikong Sword God now.

But if we talk about overall strength...

It’s hard for him to say,

But Chen Fei is definitely stronger than Sikong Sword God. There is absolutely no doubt about this! After all, in his opinion, strictly speaking, this method of space is probably just one of Chen Fei's weakest abilities now, right?

However, just being the weakest one is already so terrifying. What if it is the strongest ability? And what about the ultimate fusion of all powers? It's simply impossible to imagine how strong it is.

At the same time, Ji Fengyuan's thoughts also appeared in Sikong Sword God.

"How, how is it possible... there is no flaw in his body?!" Hidden in countless twisted spaces, staring at Chen Fei, waiting for the chance to make a move, Sikong Sword God was already a little anxious at this time. stand up.

Because he actually developed,

In his eyes, Chen Fei actually had no flaws at all. What is this concept?

You must know that he has an absolute advantage now!

He is the hunter, but where is Chen Fei? It's just prey in his eyes.

This is true whether it is the mentality or the actual situation. But, but, when a 'mere' prey faces the eager gaze of a hunter, there will inevitably be flaws, and even fear, fear, but what about now?

He couldn't see this at all in Chen Fei...

on the contrary,

Chen Fei hadn't even started to panic yet, but now he himself was starting to feel a little unsteady.

"Damn...why is this happening?!"

Sikong Sword God gritted his teeth, and there were even some drops of sweat on his forehead.

This is something he has never experienced before, and the most important thing is that his mentality should not be so bad at all. Normally, as a hunter, he would have the patience to lurk in secret in order to find and wait for a good enough opportunity to take action.

But now!

His mentality was inexplicably damaged.

what is this? !


Sikong Sword God clenched his fists tightly, and his eyeballs began to become slightly bloodshot, making his entire face appear slightly scarlet and ferocious. He looked very ugly.

"Is it because of him? There is an indescribable pressure on him..."

Sikong Sword God stared at Chen Fei and murmured.

He didn't notice it at first...

But now, he gradually discovered it.

There was a kind of pressure on Chen Fei that he couldn't explain at all!

This kind of pressure does not seem like strength, nor does it seem like the manifestation of some kind of law... but like it is acting directly on his soul! He was feeling a huge pressure from the inside out.

And this seems to be an important reason why his current mentality is inexplicably unbalanced.

It seems that he is a hunter now,

Chen Fei is the prey!

But under this mysterious and powerful pressure, the positions between the two of them seemed to have been reversed. He even has some doubts now, whether his hiding has been clearly seen by Chen Fei a long time ago.

If not, that pressure shouldn't be able to make him feel so uncomfortable now.

"It seems that I have to show some real skills to do it..."

Sikong Sword God gritted his teeth and murmured in a low voice.

Then he saw that the power of space in his body started to riot.


The powerful flow of space power instantly covered the entire twisted space, where all concepts and laws except space seemed to disappear instantly. It has lost its sense of existence, as if it no longer exists.

Everything was frozen.

At the same time, whether it was Chen Fei or Ji Fengyuan's spiritual power, Sikong Sword God, who could barely catch a trace, completely disappeared at this time. It was as if the world had evaporated.

And after seeing this scene,

Although Chen Fei's expression did not change, he was still a little surprised at this time.

"What an amazing attainment in the way of space!"

In fact, strictly speaking, his attainments in space are not weak! Even excluding those other potential talents, only the potential talents of the Way of Space are left, and I am afraid that the lowest level is Immortal Immortal level.

However, for the Sikong Sword God in front of him,

But it's still a little weak.

If he read correctly, Sikong Sword God's attainments in the Way of Space should be at least the fourth or even fifth step in the Immortal Level. This is already equivalent to the existence of a king among the immortal immortals.

Because of this, it is only natural that the opponent can use the power of space to forcibly escape into the void and merge into the endless space, thereby avoiding the detection of his spiritual power.

However, he was only slightly surprised by this.

Other than that, there's not much other feeling.

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