Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 3683 You seem a little afraid of him?

"Blow up the Xianyuan battlefield..."

Zhenyuan's face darkened and he stared at Chen Fei. "You want to stop me?"

"No..." Chen Fei shook his head, looked at Zhen Jian, his eyes flickered. "I just want you to maximize the size and intensity of the explosion."

"Expand the size and intensity of the explosion as much as possible?!"

Zhen Huan was stunned for a moment, looked at Chen Fei in surprise, and said. "What exactly are you planning to do? I'm not afraid to tell you that this plan is related to whether I can be resurrected as soon as possible. If you want to destroy it... I can't compromise."

"Don't worry. From now on, this should be considered a win-win situation. Just don't be scared in the end. Besides, you should also understand that if I really want to stop you, I don't need to go to such great lengths to deceive you." you."

Chen Fei didn't intend to explain anything.

He just said it lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Na Zhenyuan was startled at first, and then fell silent. Yes, if Chen Fei really wanted to stop him, there was really no need to go to such trouble. All you need to do is kill him...

When he thought of this, although Na Zhenyuan was full of doubts, he still did not refute. He didn't ask any further questions.

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your default."

When seeing this scene, Chen Fei's eyes flashed and he said softly,

Then he looked at Hua Zhinan, who had a complicated face.

His eyes flickered.

"Come here, I have something to ask you."

As soon as these words came out, Hua Zhinan was startled, but he still came closer immediately.

"What's the situation between you and him now?" After Hua Zhinan approached, Chen Fei pointed at Hua Zhinan, then pointed at the real beast, and asked straight to the point.

Upon hearing this, Na Zhenhuan's expression suddenly changed slightly.

Hua Zhinan was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said softly.

"He didn't threaten me. I chose this path voluntarily."

After a pause, he flashed his eyes again, smiled, and said. "After I said goodbye to you, I went to the Earthly Immortal Realm. I stumbled and walked all the way. Finally, I was chased to the Immortal Ruins. I was desperate and had no choice but to brave my way in..."

Speaking of this, Hua Zhinan looked at Zhenjian and smiled lightly.

"Later, I was caught by him in the Immortal Ruins!"

"Then what?"

Chen Fei said with twinkling eyes.

"At that time, he gave me two options. One was to die, and the other was to let me be its parasitic container and help him come back to life! In exchange, he promised to help me evolve into a true beast..."

Hua Zhinan said softly.

"Evolve into a true beast?"

Chen Fei was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but look at Zhenjian.

There was a questioning look in his eyes.

The latter sighed and said slowly. "It's just a possibility. When I saw him, he was originally the corpse king. It is possible that he can evolve into the true beast of our clan. I just helped him push it a step... But, to be honest, It’s hard!”

"How difficult is it?"

Chen Fei frowned slightly.

"It's almost as difficult as it is for you to become an immortal immortal body."

Zhen Jian glanced at Chen Fei and said with twinkling eyes. "Although our True Jade clan is not the strongest of the supreme immortal beasts, we are still ranked among the best in the fairy world! Under normal circumstances, if the Corpse King of the Corpse Dao wants to evolve into our clan's True Jade Beast, it would take hundreds of millions of dollars. There is not even a ten thousandth chance...but, just like you, he is also a little special."

"Under the nourishment of the original corpse energy of my corpse soul, his life level has begun to transform towards a higher level, but this is just the beginning. In the end, I don't know whether he can succeed. To be honest, I don't know. It all depends on his own ability and luck!"

After hearing this, Chen Fei fell silent.

He understood that the other party really didn't cheat on him, but...


"Chen Fei, you don't have to worry too much about me. This is my own path. You can't do it for me. I just need to do it with all my strength! Even if I fail in the end, at least I won't regret it. !”

At this moment, Hua Zhinan suddenly spoke and said with a smile.

In fact, although Zhenyuan has not told him clearly about what he is talking about now, he has still reminded him more or less, so he has actually been aware of this for a long time. I also understand how difficult the road ahead for him will be!

But he has no regrets,

I don’t want to give up either!

Because, as he said, everyone has his own path, and the path he chose is exactly the same. Whether he fails or succeeds, this is his choice! Even if you fail, you will never regret it!

After seeing this scene and hearing this, Chen Fei opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing.

He just silently patted Hua Zhinan on the shoulder...

With his tacit understanding and understanding of Hua Zhinan, he naturally understood that this guy was actually somewhat similar to his personality. Once you make a decision, you will definitely not give up until you reach the Yellow River. The road goes dark!

In this case, there was no need for him to persuade.

Just give silent blessings and help silently!

"However, there is a way that can really help him a little."

However, at this moment, Na Zhenhuan suddenly said.

"any solution?"

Chen Fei asked quickly.

"Soul power!"

Zhen Jian stared at Chen Fei with his eyes twinkling. "Although I don't know what your background is, your soul power is very strong! Although my Zhenjian clan has corpse energy and death power, the core is still the immortal soul! The soul is immortal and eternal. Immortal!"

"So, if you can help him increase the strength of his soul as much as possible, or even increase the level of his soul, there will be more hope that he can successfully evolve into the True Jade of our clan. Soul power is also important to us, the True Jade clan, The essential!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fei's eyes immediately flickered.

"Soul power?"

Then, Chen Fei directly stretched out his hand, spread his fingers, and an almost transparent halo appeared on the tip of his thumb, and then he pressed it down heavily on the center of Hua Zhinan's eyebrows.

Immediately, Zhen Jian started to tremble all over again, and his scalp became numb.

"Get up, originate the power of the soul?!"

He stared intently at the almost transparent halo on Chen Fei's thumb.

My mind is in chaos.

He murmured somewhat horrifiedly.


At this moment, Chen Fei suddenly glowed with brilliance, and wisps of soul power continued to pour out. The almost transparent halo that passed through his thumb continued to sink into Hua Zhinan's eyebrows. Like an omnipotent god.

At the same time, heavenly spirits, immortal energy, and spiritual energy came from all directions, forming a chain of intertwined laws, which was brilliant and brilliant, surrounding Chen Fei and Hua Zhinan in all directions.

This went on for a long time...

Only then did the strange phenomena of heaven and earth gradually dissipate.

Chen Fei withdrew his finger,

Then he looked at Hua Zhinan weakly and said. "Integrate this power into the core of your soul. Before it completely dissipates, it should be able to help your soul evolve to a certain extent."

After thinking about it carefully, he finally gave Hua Zhinan the text of the Bai Shou Reincarnation Sutra. It's not that he can't bear to part with it, but he knows that now Hua Zhinan and this real beast should be considered two people whose lives are almost the same.

Moreover, Hua Zhinan will be at an absolute disadvantage.

Under such circumstances, it would be harmful rather than beneficial to forcefully hand over the text of Bai Shou Samsara Zuo Wang Sutra to him. It will only harm him.

As for the seven-color innate soul... this is the introductory technique of the Book of Reincarnation.

A long time ago, before Hua Zhinan said goodbye to him, he had already shared it. I'm afraid, this is also the reason why Zhenjian said that Hua Zhinan is a little "special", right?

"Are you OK?"

Hearing the weakness in Chen Fei's tone, Hua Zhinan asked quickly.

"It's okay. It's just too much consumption all at once. It'll be fine after you rest."

Chen Fei shook his head,

By this time, he had regained his composure.

Hearing this, Hua Zhinan opened his mouth, but in the end he could only squeeze out two words.

"Da Fei, thank you very much..."

"We don't talk about this between us."

Chen Fei shook his head, then looked at Zhen Jian and said slowly. "How long until your plan starts?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhenyuan was startled for a moment, and then looked directly at Hua Zhinan.

"It will probably take less than two years..."

Hua Zhinan said.

"Two years?"

Chen Fei's eyes flashed, and then he disappeared in a flash.

"Then see you in two years."

Seeing this scene, Hua Zhinan opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end it turned into a sigh. Swallowed back into the stomach.

At the same time, Na Zhen Feng Ze Shui stared at the place where Chen Fei disappeared, speechless for a long time. He didn't speak for a long time...but you could clearly see the solemn look on his face and the fear deep in his eyes.

Even a little scared.

"You seem a little afraid of him?" Hua Zhinan suddenly asked.

As soon as these words came out, Zhenyuan was startled, but he didn't refute, he just said lightly. "When you go to the fairy world and know what the power of origin is, you will know why... To be honest, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it!"

"It's incredible that such a monster can be born in this mere lower realm of cultivation!"

Hearing this, Hua Zhinan was silent for a moment.

Then I saw him burst out laughing!

The laughter was filled with excitement.

And pride.

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